Oh, golly. At least the protests hit MSM so usually when that happens, kind of like the J6 Commission, well, another red herring?

Over the past few days there was a little bit of news about the University of Rhode Island's CIC (if you will), Marc Parlange (yes, a name is interesting as Fauci) who decided it was in the best interest of the University to strip General Michael Flynn and former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of the honorary degrees the University issued both men respectively. Why? Well, perhaps it all has a little bit to do with Bishop Tobin and which side of the tracks Catholics are on these days.

That being said, speaking of which side of the tracks Catholics are on these days, General Flynn has filed a restraining order against Madame Speaker Nazi P. Lousy several times, each time denied by Deep State authorities.

Over the past few days major developments having to do with protests, Pro-Life March, and the expose of Bergoglio's complicity in Big Pharma profiteering lend consideration to an article just issued by General Flynn titled "Biden Might Get Hundreds Of Millions Killed Over Ukraine."

While our woke media trivializes what should be news to distract the hoi polloi to succumb to mass psychosis mask mandates, somehow by the Grace of God His Truth always surfaces. Kind of like a Jack in the box!


And, additionally, from the UK, Vicar Bergoglio and the NWO are exposed before our eyes, that is, for those who can see.

UK CANCELS ALL COVID MANDATES (Globalist Pope Exposed) - YouTube


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Phooey on protests. Hit them where it hurts: national strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, sabotage.

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It's the gallows for all of them if they fail. We have passed the point where this is just some kind of misguided policy, these are criminals who feel themselves entitled to flout the law in all it's forms and they are defrauding us all as they do it. Through one lens they are powerful international "equities" who inspire awe, through another lens they are shabby confidence men, all bluster and apparent confidence. Once the marks catch on, it's curtains.

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Let's use a firing squad to execute 'em, I'll volunteer for that duty. I have a 30 06 Remington 700, plenty of ammo, I qualified as an expert marksman in the USAF, just line the lawbreakers up against any wall, much more convenient than the gallows.

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Lethal injection. Punishment should fit the crime.

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It is good to see the protests in that it indicates a large number of people value what freedoms they have left. On the downside it is not just the German politicians who are apparently stooges of the WEF. There is Austria:


And Italy:


This despite large protests for months in both places. Whatever happened to popular representation (often known as "Democracy")? And then when we throw in France and Le Petite Dictateur Macron, we can ask what happened to "Liberte, Egalite, and Fraternite"? And whatever happened to looking to Science instead of Political Science?

I can't help wondering why in the UK, Austria, Italy, Australia, etc., "Conservative" parties are carrying out all the authoritarianism? Were they all a ruse to fool future serfs? It's only the "far right" parties that are speaking out. And then I wonder about OUR version of a "Conservative" party after hearing about Laura Loomer's experience at the NRCC.

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Jan 24, 2022Edited
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"What’s left and right in the US is not the same elsewhere generally." Yes.

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Jan 23, 2022
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Alternate take: if they can scare you into silence with Panopticon paranoia, they win.

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Jan 24, 2022
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Not too many real live GOP members, most are of the GUP persuasion, GUP being the Globalists United Party, symbolized by a school of little purple fishes . . . GUPpies.

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Jan 24, 2022
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There ought to be a show called "Double Standards" on one of the leftist legacy media networks, and of course sponsored by PFIZER like all of the rest of their programs are!

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The Doctors and others at the Defeat The Mandates Rally are risking their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor in an effort to prevent the dystopian future elites have in mind.

In doing so, the Doctors and others are acting in the finest traditions of the founders and every American who has sworn to "...defend the Constitution..."

I wish I could have been there too.

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