Until, upon, and after a fair accounting of this divisive and corrupt era, thanks to you Mr Wauck and your internet colleagues (as in, the Duran, Tom Luongo, et alia) for your drive toward truth and transparency. The brokenness manifest by the in-your-face gaming of politics and justice puts us on a corruption-catalyzed path to national crisis. Your efforts do much to provide knowledge and clarity for your readers = every bit of sunlight will help. My sense is the length and depth of our american-pain-in-renewal will be linked to our honesty and thoroughness of judgment. Names must be named, approbation dispensed, judgment delivered if we are to heal and revitalize trust across Americans of every stripe. I think you are helping in a big way: grazie mille!

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Syria front - “traumatic brain injuries?” From missile attacks? What no shrapnel wounds or losses of limbs? This seems odd. Did the Iranian proxies attack by throwing rocks at our troops?

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Turley wrote about the Morrell appearance in Congress yesterday. taibbi wrote similar and mentioned the crickets in the MSM too.

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I would argue that what is going on is exceptional in America. The ruling class is governing with no regard for the voting public, having destroyed any system of checks and balances. The administration, the media and all branches of government are in on it, and to make matters worse they aren't very good at governing Maintaining domestic power is the name of the game, and nothing else seems to matter.

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What is uniquely American is the hypocrisy.

What happened with the deepstate, judiciary, and media collusion, seems very similar to what happened to Nixon.

US Diplomacy has a habit of acting holier than thou, lording our supposed superiority over other countries, threatening them, and lecturing them.

The same is done internally by the elites to the common people, especially Trump Voters.

The 1950’s produced the movie The Ugly American. Will we get an updated movie? What should the name be?

Some ideas:

- The Ultra Woke American

- The fanatical American

- American Karen

- The hypocritical American

- The Lecturing American

- the American Viceroy

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