Professor Richard Werner is on fire, fairly mild-mannered academic starting to say what he really thinks. Putting the blame where it should go - "Inflation was caused by central banks. Food shortages by artificial and restrictive government policies. Nice to see governments and central banks collaborate smoothly to achieve a common goal... Strange that they do this only for the Great Reset, not for the greater good."

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This just in, Macron lashing out at the Polish Prime Minister. https://m.dw.com/en/poland-summons-french-ambassador-after-macron-insults-prime-minister/a-61413101

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“On est dans la merde” as my husband says: for the past 20+ years, starting with Mitterrand and accerating with Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron, the economy, energy, the border, immigration and terrorism have been left to simmer, leading us to the edge of the abyss. Le Pen is no Trump (there is none of the energy, drive, or optimism), no matter her claims and her tacking to the center. Polls show Macron and Le Pen neck in neck…what would a Le Pen victory mean for France, for Europe, for the EU? At the same time, a vote for Macron in this family is not possible! Unto the breach, dear friends…this beautiful country has been so divided…

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The White House is freaked out that Putin's next big win could be in Paris

If Russia apologist Marine LePen wins the French elections, Washington fears she could unravel the Western NATO alliance.

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Le Pen has always been strong in the rural regions. It's Paris and other cities that she couldn't garner enough support. When she lost in 2017 she renamed her party National Assembly because National Front was so contentious. She has worked on softening her image and rhetoric these last 5 years too. Macron has been unpopular apart from with elites pretty much since the little turd marched into the Elyseè Palace 5 years ago. Curiously this poll jump for Le Pen is being linked by some to news coming out in France that French Foreign Legion soldiers are currently in Mariupol which apparently hasn't gone down well. There was also a poll that showed 52% of French people believe at least some of Putin's reasons for going into Ukraine. I remember an article on Le Pen following the 2017 loss in which two of her supporters who campaigned for her in the UK said they could take the loss because Macron's victory ensured that she would win next time. Cue dirty tricks and hit pieces by Macron's team in the next 2 weeks before the 2nd round of voting.

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Are the French 'power elite' capable of cheating in their national elections as our progressives have shown their ability to do so here in the USA where the media and courts shrug off any responsibility?

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Anyone looking for a lengthy analysis:


Among other things, the article likens a Le Pen win's impact to Trump 2016. Here's an interesting passage--is Le Pen seeking to regain the Trump mantle that Zemmour currently wears?

"The problem, as Bloomberg notes, is that foreign policy rarely wins elections in France, and an appearance of complacency fueled the perception that Macron is arrogant and out of touch - which of course is true on both counts - is opening the way for Marine Le Pen.

"Unlike the caviar-slurping Davos jet-setter, Le Pen realized long ago on that voters already struggling with high energy and food prices were more likely to care about purchasing power or lack thereof. And so, what was a 12 point gap between her and Macron has narrowed dramatically as she toured towns and villages, casting herself as the defender of the “little ones” against Macron’s reputation as the “president of the rich.” She pledged to slash gasoline prices and tax big energy companies.

"Of course, this won't be Le Pen's first attempt to dethrone Macron. Or second. On her third attempt to clinch France’s top job, Le Pen has become a familiar face. Her efforts to appear more mainstream got an unexpected boost from the candidacy of Eric Zemmour, a far-right former media pundit sanctioned three times for hate speech also known as the French Trump."

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