I'll let this Hans Mahncke Oct 21, 2021 tweet speak for itself (twitter.com/HansMahncke/status/1451390496178384896):

"Watch the media and Big Tech resurrect Trump just in time for primary season."

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Deep State meaning those truly loyal. Blinker, Nuland, Jake the snake, Garland, Wray, and the disaster cabinet. Others in the Deep State not so much. No… things are going according to plan. Zhou will survive. Albeit damaged.

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I wonder in the previous post if we had two paid posters / trolls / influencers, to trash Trump on his Covid response, and push DeSantis.

I note the $500 million war chest per Sundance DeSantis has.

Something just felt off when I responded to them, and their interaction. And I did not recognize them.

Or am I just being paranoid.

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I don't think those were trolls or anything of that sort.

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Taiwan Says Its Military Won't Let The US Blow Up Semiconductor Factories


What's wrong with those people? Don't they hanker for an Apocalyptic moment?

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Reminds me of Nordstrom

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LOL you mean the looting?

Oh, I guess you meant Nord Stream I and II. Yeah it does.

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Easy to confuse the two! Both were demolished and destroyed by wanton criminal acts

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There are few things in the modern world as incredibly toxic as a semiconductor plant. Dropping explosives on one is a guaranteed environmental disaster to rival Bhopal.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Hi Shy Boy - in the biz for >25 yrs. The intensity of the enviro-damage you foresee from a bombed semiconductor "fab" plant is much lower than you imagine, in part because of Bhopal. Many things are organized to self-close/seal/arrest go-to-a-dormant-state upon a breach. The upside of safety concerns around materials handling/storage errors and accidents is great safety technologies that help for def con 0 scenarios. Good news?

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Thanks Bruce! You'll pardon my skepticism. I live near enough one such fab, and I can see the big tanks of... stuff. Maybe that's not the super poisonous stuff? Just coolant, I hope? Anyway, I'm sure you can appreciate the big difference between "oops it broke" type incidents and aerial bombardment. And of course "our guys" would use very precision ordnance in such an operation, right? We're not monsters... right?

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You are of course right to be skeptical; no semi fab has ever been involved in warfare. The general advice in such a situation would be to put distance between you and a damaged fab

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Yeah. I can just imagine how this common-sense advice might come across to the besieged residents of a smallish and very densely populated island.

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Very true.

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A few hundred thousand Ukrainian lives, an Advance Chip Factory... it appears our US willingness to risk everyone else's lives and stuff has no shame or boundaries...

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If the Democrats want to dump Biden, it isn't hard to do- just quit coercing other candidates to sit out. Biden couldn't have won the nomination in 2020 without the Democrats forcing every other viable candidate out of the race.

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True. That fits in with Morris' argument, except for substituting "Deep State" for Dems. But given what we know about the CIA officials soliciting signatures for the Russian disinfo ploy, the difference isn't that great.

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Presidential politics. How nice. Do we have a country? Lets discuss yesterdays CNN. Meanwhile the news that nobody is discussing is that our border is just opening up with restrictions removed, as if it hasn't been open, and Washington corruption is now on a scale never before imagined. No matter. Take it all in stride. Trump is the only one talking about doing something on these issues. But he is unpopular. He has to make an appeal to the American public, and even then he won't be allowed to win. Never mind. We will be in much worse shape a year from now, but lets get an early start on the politics. Actualities don't count.

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Happy Yard Work Mark... I'm sharing the Springtime Yard-Fare. I actually enjoy mowing and working in the dirt - however it's my wife that has the green thumb, I'm just good at Compost spreading, roto-tilling and clean-up.

It seems the 2024 presidential race may be off and running, but is not generating much serious, wide acceptance as of yet. Yes, CNN hosting 45 was an interesting move - they are seeking some semblance of relevance after all. The incumbent - who simply represents a group of misfits - apparently expects the same forces and foul-play to bring him into reelection. If the 15 or 20 million Mail-In citizens show up to vote again he may be right I fear. I will note that the CNN post-debacle debate debacle had some interesting high points. While not watching either part of the festivities, the few clips I saw of actual conservative &/or republican comments were not only allowed, but seemed of good content. Imagine that, I thought, CNN providing/allowing such dialogue.

Mostly I am appreciative of this blog/forum. Perhaps many lean right who participate, but I've found really reasonable and fair discussions. Without having to put a "Liberal-Spew" filter into reading here. Thanks again Mark. To you and all your readership, I wish you a Blessed day and hope for a great weekend! (WrH)

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2024 could be the year many Dems sit this one out. Ttsskk 81M votes my arse.

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When The Party has 4-6 weeks of "Election Day" to work their ballot voodoo, no one sits out - even those who are sure they did. That at least is what the final count ends up saying :(

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G'day A/C! My though has been similar. Basement Dwelling, getting more Trump supporters than his own at his rare live event and double/triple spaced cars in a drive-in theater being called a successful event getting 81 million votes just proves the silliness of that count. Yet, there he is... Have a great weekend! (It's almost here...) (WrH)

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Yes, I enjoy the yard work, too. I use a reel mower, do the lawn about 3x to get it all even. It's the best exercise I can get these days and I do it a couple of times a week. It helps clear the head, because you have to concentrate on the task at hand. I used to devote my entire yard to roses--60 to 70 at any given time. That was a lot of work. Now it's mostly perennial shrubs and trees and perennial undergrowth.

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Lawns provide "Instant Gratification"... I often mow 2x a week just 'cause! :^)

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You two are sick.

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Taking a small comfort where it hurts no one, and, has minor productive use. Not too bad and even w/Biden's gas prices, only takes about a gallon of my gas a week... Plus, even if no one else notices, I can have a small bit of enjoyment and mowed grass kinda smells good. - :^)

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I like the “instant gratification” of ironing. I love making a garment go from wrinkled to crisp!

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I suppose it's possible that we'll get a last-minute dark-horse Dem candidate from out in left field so to speak. But I think they'll stick with the actor they've got. His appearance as a doddering and corrupt puppet might actually be the image they want to project. They own the election infrastructure, after all, and I think they would like us all to be resigned to the idea that we're a failed and broken republic.

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Joe Biden is probably long dead. The Zhou Mark keeps talking about is a stand in body double or zombie.

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I try to not say such things here since I'm already covered in tinfoil.

But, since you said it... I sincerely think that's the most likely explanation for all the irregularities. He's a simulacrum, a literal puppet. They use an actor in a mask when they need one, but mostly they can do it all with deepfakes and similar digital trickery.

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G'day SB, I find it a bit ironic that this country went from significant successes under 45 to our abject assortment of messes since Jan, 2021. Excepting Covid, why would thinking people do this? Best at you sir! (WrH)

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Elections have consequences. They thought they had 2016 sewn up, and got caught off guard... but they damn sure won't make that mistake again.

Like some caustic Australian recently told me, if Trump gets 300 million votes then Biden will get 400 million.

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And the average Dem voter, er,

the average person harvesting ballots marked for the Dem candidate, and the average person triple-counting ballots marked for the Dem candidate, and the average person finding defective ballots marked for the Dem candidate and curing them on the spot, don't care about the appearance of the candidate. It's all just a business transaction.

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Wait till they get a load of Republican ballot harvesting this time. Fire with fire. And the courts say boo!

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It's a fine thought. But Captain K has his doubts, and I can see why:


(That one may be paywalled, I'm not sure. In brief, Dems have a head start and a clear advantage at this game, especially where they're willing to use it as a component in a bigger strategy that includes illegal components. Harvesting ballots from nursing homes is one thing. Harvesting ballots from dead people and ghosts... something else.)

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You've surely seen the 2020 stickers and yard signs that say "BYEDON"?

The people who run Biden and CNN have chosen Trump as their favored folk devil, under the theory that they can maintain the appearance that there are more people who hate him and would vote for "anyone but" than there are MAGA. Again, it's all just appearances. Dominion decides the outcome, and we know who owns them.

Come to think of it, that may be the meaning of the RFK Junior candidacy too. He can drive a minority D wedge into the vaxx atrocity issues that are Orange Man's biggest weak spot with his base.

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Let’s have CNN do a town hall for RFK Jr.

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Well, if Brandon drops out, it will be interesting to watch the DNC wipe the egg off its face when primary debates are back on the table. Not that democrats are ever embarrassed, nor their accomplices in the media. Maybe they will just install a Brandon replacement and keep the no debate dictum. Nothing is beneath them as we've witnessed since their subservience to Hillary to keep Bernie off the ticket. Speaking of Bernie...

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Brandon won’t drop. He’s riding the sinking ship till it’s gone.

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Removed (Banned)May 11, 2023
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G'evening DD,

I've experienced your expressed sentiment almost exactly - particularly regarding elections. B4 retiring into Idaho, I was a Washington State Resident. After the election-fraud got a Dem Gov installed in 2000, the state went to pure mail-in voting. No election has even been close since, exception being until recently, SW Washington and the eastern 1/2 of the state. (They're turning blue now, too).

I can't shake those words "A republic, if you can keep it". My best regards sir! (WrH)

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Vaccine smacksheen that’s old and tired now. Equal playing field for both too.

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Removed (Banned)May 11, 2023
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I think the Dems could do no worse than offer the plumb job to Zelensky, who, à la Baidan, is fresh from selling out his own country, blowing up cities, unleashing thugs via corrupt prosecutors, skimming off huge sums of tax- payer earnings, warring against Christianity, shooting drones into the air, massaging the ego-maniacs of the media and, last but not least, lying through his teeth. Our borders are wide open! Let him in!

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I bet we could get an AI-generated birth cert for Z in a jiffy.

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