I feel compelled to correct you, Mark. I think the word is HispanicX…

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Is that the plural spelling?

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As you have mentioned many times Mark, these people live in a make believe world, and they have not figured out that the rest of the world doesn’t. Hasn’t dawned on them that the First National Bank of Climate Change Catastrophe went bankrupt a long time ago for those of us who live in the real world every day.

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Re: Glowbull warming:

Saw this article posted on patriots.win and found the reference article here:


"The summer of 1954 will be remembered for the scalding heat reaching an astounding high of 122 degrees on July 14 in Pittsburg, Kansas. The searing heat lasted for 52 days, beginning in mid-June and continuing through Aug. 7. Forty-five days the mercury indicated 100 degrees or better. Over 25 of those days, the mercury broke 105 degrees. Temperature recordings were collected from daily newspaper reports from The Pittsburg Headlight."

Also went to see if I could correlate with Weather History Archive in several nearby cities which show a high of 114-115 on 7/14/1954. Not 122 as in Pittsburg, but still - Hot!




Probably all those piston powered planes did it! doh!

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I thought newsome was going to be crowned this week.

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The NYT's scratches its head and wonders why no one believes them anymore... But climate change! The recent Algore spectacle didn't help either, where he compared climate change 'deniers' with Uvalde, TX police officers. He is a disgusting excuse for a human being.

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Removed (Banned)Jul 26, 2022
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Removed (Banned)Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022
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General Grant is not known as a military genius. I can't think of one battle of his that would make the textbooks. There were missed opportunities as with the Crater. But as Lincoln said: "He fights." At this point we do not need a gifted politician, and we have no use for a conciliator. We need someone who fights. We need Trump.

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Grant's strength was his tenacity. I've always remembered this paragraph from Bruce Catton's third book of his Army of the Potomac trilogy, A Stillness At Appomattox at the end of the Battle of the Wilderness.

"It was the same on other roads, Sedgwick's men backtracked to Chancellorsville, and as the men reached that fatal crossroads the veterans knew how the land lay and knew that if they took the left-hand fork they would be retreating and if they turned to the right they would be going on for another fight. The column turned right, and men who made the march wrote that with that turn there was a quiet relaxing of the tension and a lifting of gloom, so that men who had been slogging along quietly began to chatter as they marched. Here and there a regiment sang a little."

Like Grant, Trump's strength is his tenacity.

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