Yesterday in Catching Up With Covid I briefly recapped the FDA’s 16-3 refusal to authorize the Pfizer boost injections for anyone except those over 65. I drew particular attention to two factors in the decision: 1) the relative lack of risk for younger people (and, really, in the real world for Covid purposes “young” probably runs up to 40 or 50 years old), and 2) a palpable concern about “side effects” from the gene therapy injections—which include death:
But to boost arguments against boosters being recommended for the general population, an FDA slide said the risk of COVID-19 for a or healthy 30-year-old is just 0.0004 percent, or 1 in 250,000. Some recommended a booster for older individuals but several experts said they want more data about whether the booster shots can contributed to myocarditis.
This morning Karl Denninger also discussed the FDA decision. He also stressed the lack of any real threat to ‘young’ people as well as linking his reflections to another matter that we discussed recently: the fact that the CDC stopped collected data on ‘breakthrough’ cases (infections of the fully vaxxed) all the way back in May. The result, as intended, was that policy decisions were being made without essential data. The reaction to the FDA advisory board was a real tell regarding the collapsing Covid Panic narrative. Lacking credible US data regarding breakthrough cases, the board decided to substitute the fairly thorough data compiled by the health systems in the UK and Israel. And with that the jig was up. Quoting KD:
The FDA committee rejected "booster" Covid shots for anyone not over 65 or at severe, high risk. Listening to just part of the people who presented their cases on the negative side was ridiculously chilling; the data made clear that in young, non-morbid people the jabs are more-dangerous than the disease, which means the EUA in non-morbid young people was never appropriate in the first place and should have been withdrawn as soon as that was detected. But the real stunner came when the FDA admitted it was originally going to use only the US "breakthrough" case rate as given by the CDC. In May of this year the CDC deliberately stopped tracking infections that did not lead to hospitalization among the vaccinated, thus making the jabs look far more effective than they are, an intentional act that was intended to and did destroy data integrity. The FDA changed their instructions to the panel and allowed consideration of the UK and Israeli data, and that was the end of that since both showed that the jabs were and are increasingly worthless with time and, much worse, that boosters didn't work in Israel; what looked like improvement when they initiated the program quickly reversed with a few short weeks.
That was easy. Just inject some really basic data—readily available unless it’s suppressed—and, poof!
KD goes on to discuss the case of the radio station in Detroit that invited listeners to send in their stories about unvaxxed people dying from Covid. Instead, as you’ve probably heard, what they got was an earful and more about vax related deaths and injuries—at last count they had gotten 218K responses, almost all related to side effects. Which makes you wonder: What in the world were the people at the radio station thinking? Could they really have been so out of touch with what’s been going on in the real world?
Thomas Lifson covered that aspect at American Thinker this morning, very fully. Excerpt:
There seems to be a yawning chasm between what is believed by media people and what their viewers/readers/listeners care about when it comes to Covid vaccines. The nonstop barrage of propaganda telling us to get vaxed seems to have convinced many media people that the public has bought into Joe Biden’s efforts to demonize those who choose to avoid the experimental gene therapies. (The fact that all 3 major vaccines have just been rebranded with new names suggests that the pharmaceutical companies are detecting a certain level of resistance, but the media are slower to catch on.)
On September 10, the local Detroit TV station WXYZ used its Facebook page to ask families for stories about unvaccinated loved ones lost to COVID “for a story we’re working on.” Pretty clearly, the expectation was that they could present tragic stories of those foolish people who ignored the wisdom of Joe Biden (and the medical, media, and corporate establishments) and suffered the tragic consequences.
But that’s not what they got -- and they got a LOT, 218,000 comments as this is being written. And the overwhelming majority were stories of adverse reactions to the vaccines, including claimed reports of deaths.
The American public is catching on. The pushback is starting.
What is curious to me is if we assume there is some type of loosely or tightly affiliated cabal calling the shots, call em Klaus, Black rock and the boys, then we could imagine that this cabal either did or did not want the FDA to approve the booster plan. If the cabal did want the FDA to approve then we will have to interpret the FDA's refusal as either a mutiny of some type or a sign that the cabal doesn't have as much control over events as it would like us to think it has and or the FDA committee was never under the cabal's control. If the cabal did not want the FDA to approve then we will have to interpret the FDA's refusal as an instance of the FDA "following orders" and ask ourselves in what way would pittung the FDA against the White House serve the canal's interest? And notice that Fauci appears to be on team White House and the FDA committee appears to be lining up on the opposite side of the ball so to speak.
More from that KD post, on Lefties' BS analogies:
< They speak of *pertussis*, which I've talked about before. You see, something very odd happened. We replaced the DTP vaccine introduced in the 1940s, and which was credited with reducing the rate to *1,010* cases across the nation in 1976, with DTaP -- an *acellular* vaccine that is *non-sterilizing*, in the 1990s.
What happened since?
In 2004, nearly *25,000* Pertussis cases were reported.
Pertussis is endemic in the United States. That is, it circulates all the time. A sterilizing vaccine prevents you from both getting sick, and passing it on to others. But a *non-sterilizing* vaccine does not prevent getting the disease, or passing it on....
(Quoting from , pub. May 2019):
"The temporal association of the switch from wP to aP vaccines with the resurgence of pertussis, combined with our expanding understanding of differences in aP and wP-induced immunity, is consistent with the hypothesis, that the observed resurgence is the result of the *switch from wP to aP* vaccines.
Comparative studies demonstrated, that both wP and aP vaccines induce strong IgG responses against pertussis antigens.
aP vaccines, which are formulated with a single adjuvant and a limited set of antigens, stimulate a different and more restricted immune response profile, compared to wP vaccines or natural infection.
Both wP vaccines and infection present a broad array of antigens and potential adjuvants."
We don't have an analog to "wP" vaccines for Covid-19. There are *no sterilizing*, broad immunogenic Covid-19 vaccines.
Such a vaccine for a coronavirus has never been developed and worked, in man or beast. Every trial has resulted in severe disease enhancement or outright failure -- and sometimes death, of every animal in which the preparation was tested.
But we do have an *aP* analog, don't we? Actually, we have a bunch of them, with three in common use in the US right now.
And what happened with pertussis, when we started using them? The disease wildly expanded among the population....
In short, the vaccines we're using today cause VACCINATED PERSONS to screw both the unvaccinated, and those who have waning immunity, which incidentally is extremely *common* with narrowly-focused *non-sterilizing* vaccines (again, witness the *"aP"* versions of the pertussis vaccine, .vs. the *"wP"* versions which are durable), and that does not even account for the coronavirus mutational factor, which we've also know about for decades and, in *non-sterilized* vaccinated persons, promotes *mutational escape*, since the odds of being symptomatic go down. >