At this point you could rewrite the lyrics to that Shaggy song - 'It wasn't me' ...

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One has to be an idiot to think NATO or the US destroyed that pipeline.

Europe is already in deep s**t because they lack energy supplies for the winter. And we are to believe that Europe/NATO blew up the pipeline?


And the USA, under the inept, criminally negligent energy policies of president Joke Bidet, is begging the Saudis and Venezuela (!!!!!!) to increase oil/gas production. He is intentionally and purposefully destroying the energy production capacity of the USA.

You can forget about Biden pressing US producers to increase supply to Europe; he would rather have other nations do that. He would rather have all US producers go out of business.

How can anybody not see this??

The Russians are the world's best at dis-information and political intrigue.

Why would Russia blow up its own pipeline?

Because they want to starve Europe of natural gas in hopes of forcing them to refrain from aiding Ukraine.

Because by putting out photo-shopped photos "proving" that NATO blew up the pipeline they can blame NATO and they know that there are plenty of "useful idiots" that believe everything that Russia wants them to believe. And if the photo is not photo-shopped, it's not hard to imagine that Russia could have obtained one of these drones and just placed it nearby.

By the way, why is Russia releasing, now, a "photo" - 7 years AFTER the photo was supposedly taken - of this drone????

Geez, l just can't figure that out.

Russia can now honestly claim that they "really" wanted to supply gas thru that

pipeline - they really did - but now , because it was blown up, they can't and they feel really bad about this.


Russia is selling lots of oil and gas to China and India, so Russia need not worry about revenues.

Russia has a very long record - going back to 1920 or so - of putting out very effective propaganda and just total BS to westerners and there is never a shortage of westerners who believe every bit of Russian disinformation.

Lenin had it correct when he labeled these folks as "useful idiots."

They certainly are.

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“Trust Nobody” is useful in political analysis, and is in your profile. Yet you are not walking the talk.

NATO’s members each has their own agenda.

My bet in the culprit is Polish with UK special forces training / support. US probably supplied location details. Ukraine I don’t think has the reach, but they have the motive. Poland also hates Germany, as well as Russia - see war reparations demand.

UK has a long history of dirty political operations, such as the Lusitania.

Russia actually seems to be falling behind in the misinformation ability / information war recently. It’s very hard to get real information due to all the censorship and lies from the West. If you question anything, you are a “Putin Stooge”. The accusation was slung at Gabby Giffords and Tucker Carlson.

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There were protests in Germany the weekend prior to the detonation demanding sanctions be lifted on Russian energy. They've been under strict guidelines to curb present levels of consumption (hot water being turned off in health clubs) and still storage levels aren't there to help make it through winter. Now US LNG can be sent over on cargo ships.

Russia also has a pipeline that runs through Ukraine that hasn't been disturbed. Why wouldn't they destroy that and blame it on an errant missile strike?

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What kind of low grade moron suggests the photo was faked when the incident was widely reported at the time and the object was identified as--and admitted to be--a NATO Seafox drone?


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Oct 11, 2022
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Absolutely. I get so tired of people who are stuck back in the Cold War and Evil Empire days. That was then. History is supremely relevant, but it also develops.

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Oct 11, 2022
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All the Russians had to do is turn off the spigot -- stop the flow. And, didn't they build in the first place? Guess this is part of Putin's plan to maintain full employment in Russia. Lay the line, blow it up. Rinse and repeat.

Even if the Russians decided not to supply gas at this time, it might be that things will change in the future, and they could return to supplying gas.

There is no monopoly on common sense

On either side of the political fence

We share the same biology, regardless of ideology

Believe me when I say to you

I hope the Russians (Americans) love their children too

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I spy a "sting" fan.

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Earlier in 2015, a Nord Stream 2 project agreement was signed.. I wonder if the drone sub was there for years or if it was recent to the 2015 Nord Stream 2 project. Poland has been opposed since the start.

American has been opposed to both pipelines.

I believe the West destroyed the pipelines to force Germany off the Russian supply and that Poland at least facilitated if not carried it out the destruction. Poland seems to have serious hate for all things Russian.

Lets face it, Germany would have had to cave and use that gas this winter.

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