"...people who have no idea how capital formation works or why any of their perceived ‘successes’ were just them piggy-backing on trends that were already emergent in the market before they got involved."

In which I wonder what their perceived successes have been: Asset markets exploding upwards due to USD devaluation? $31 trillion in hard debt and $170 trillion in unfunded liabilities due to astonishing fiscal incontinence? A few other trends already in place that have been strengthened in recent decades are banana republic levels of corruption, 1984 levels of tyranny and lawlessness, and Idiocracy levels of mal- or uneducated citizens. Our enemies are well advised to get out of our way while we self-destruct. And yet 75% of our citizenry still vote Dem or RINO.

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"No, folks, Chuck Schumer doesn’t work for you. ... He works for globalists and foreign actors whose raison d’etre is the destruction of your life and your family’s future."

Schumer is but one of the hundreds of globalist operatives posing as a US "elected" official.

The reality is we have been sold down the river for decades by the same people, the same "elites".

I just hope I live long enough to see their tribunals and hangings.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

“I just hope I live long enough to see their tribunals and hangings.”

Funny, I just said the exact same thing to my wife. I suppose this sentiment is part of what Mark suggests is going on beneath the surface of American life. If so, I wonder if The Powers That Be have any clue about what’s coming.

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A local school district put in a mask mandate:


but it appears it got withdrawn from the districts home page. My guess it was a trial balloon they soon took back. It’s now “recommended”.

Petition against it:


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Hey wait a minute, aren't we supposed to end the Fed to bring about prosperity? And abolish the federal income tax which is illegal and unconstitutional? I can't keep up.

Ten years ago, I thought that Republicans actually wanted to win back the White House. And, if we voted in Republicans they would end the IRS abuses. Ha ha ha. This year, Democrats are voting themselves more voters, aka federal employees, to staff the IRS to go after their enemies, which enemies they happen to share with Republicans.

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My niece teaches in an upscale city in the Seattle area it was her first job straight out of college. She actually did a research paper on the district as part of her college work. She never expected to get a job their as to her it was a “teachers nirvana” never to be obtained. Well in the fall of 2019 her dream came true, she moved across the country to take the job there. The first 4 months, heaven, then Covid hit. That dream became a nightmare but she stuck it out and her contract ran out this spring. She’s going to stick it out for another year and also enroll in a masters program to show teachers how to best use technology. But her teaching days are numbered. It a shame to see so much enthusiasm to be ground into nothing by a “system”.

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So, IOW, you didn't build that, but you did tear it down.

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