MacGregor is the only voice I trust, when it comes to Ukraine.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

And will Durham be allowed to take this opportunity?


John McCain spent his 70’th birthday on the tycoons yacht…


Lindsay Graham was in Ukraine demanding tanks! With the two most liberal senators on either side. Tucker highlighted this…


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Seeing some reporting that the Germans have decided to send some panzers to the Ukies. Unbelievable.

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It worked out so well 80 years ago…

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I can hear it now from the Dems... Senator Chris Coons Re; McGonigal... "but there's no there there..."

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The article was written in 1993. Which tells you something about how long the planning for this war has been going on.

George Soros Urged Use Of Eastern European Soldiers To "Reduce The Risk Of Body-Bags For NATO Countries" In 'New World Order' Article


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There definitely seems to be some kind of counter-revolution going on with all these scandals finally being exposed. I'm sure the Deep State Empire will strike back but hopefully good and right will prevail. I'm still trying to figure out how the Biden GarageGate situation resolves. I find it hard to believe either side will want to go through lengthy impeachment hearings as it benefits neither of them really (Rome burning while Nero fiddles and all that). My guess at the moment is both sides are still trying to stitch up deals with Kamala and Kevin McCarthy on who gets to be President and VP. Then they'll push Joe over the edge.

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What does "good and right will prevail" even mean anymore?

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The opposite of what’s happening now.

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Hey FF, The multiple opposing forces (my guess) are why there's little understanding or prospective resolution in sight. My simplistic 'wheels within wheels' says nothing of fact yet provides me a little space, in which I run the varieties of 'what if'.

What I know is the dems will stop at nothing. Facts, truth, innocence/guilt or our Country's concern won't interfere with their pursuit of various intentions. Hence, Joe may be targeted for removal, for being their fall-guy, for diversion, for an heroic resurrection or etc... They'll even re-write the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to suit their agenda -ala Cackles removing 'by our Creator'; [right to] 'Life' from a Florida Abortion promo speech. No shame, no limits.

WWIII on the threshold and Joe's lies about his high-concern about confidential info surfaces? Of course, note that the 1 sided DOJ is holding the 'investigation' quite close to their chest. Meanwhile, the European group suffers and world communities face mass starvation (caused by both Covid and the war) and Nero, I mean Biden fiddles. Shiny objects (not to diminish Nat'l Security issues of Conf Files) work their magic while concerned citizens, such as you and I, can't trust the MSM nor our Gov't.

Really, lack of understanding is almost a benefit to the progressive/marxist agenda being perpetuated on us all. If not intentional, it appears effective. I will note uncertainty will feed fuel to any counter-revolutionary fires. Good, bad or indifferent we are in strange and dangerous times. Do take care! (WRH)

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Kudos Mark. *Fortunately normal for this space!

Efrem Zimbalist Jr. would be appalled with where our FBI finds itself. (I am trying to be light-hearted a little!) I do wonder how much positive construct -which I think was appropriate- that TV show provided. Not that I think it was some 'real inside view', it did represent integrity as basic in our Gov't functioning. That virtue is long become a deficit, apparently, seeing that reports such as represented by McGonigals' are somewhat commonplace. Not singling out the FBI, of course, there's plenty of other alphabet agency corruption that abounds all-around. My concern is not just where is this trend heading but also how does this get reigned in and changed back to serving our country?

I would note Col. MacGregor has been pretty accurate in his descriptions in what's gone on, what's going on and what's likely to result. His references about (& what shouldn't be of any surprise) the professional RU army coming into play with it's better trained, equipped, experienced and capable men coupled with , as you noted Mark, utilizing their full range of equipment make far better reference points from which to consider Ukraine's future.

So much of the MSM commendations to the Ukraine 'successes' that turned into traps -i.e. 'Russia is retreating!' from what are and became open killing fields for a proper-condition (frozen terrain) campaign- were served up to bolster support of a wayward agenda. Complicit in hundreds of thousands of lost Ukraine lives, the western MSM knows no shame and will not admit their joint responsibility once the dust settles. Somehow they must believe it's all gonna be just fine and will likely just produce some new 'shiny object' to distract from the truth.

It is always my hope that all readers of Mark's blog are Blessed and are successful in seeking Truth. (WRH)

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It’s been hard to watch the FBI fall from grace. Our government agencies are rotten to the core,

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agreed. Forget all the mushy stuff people are saying in these comments. I want hardcore jail time for all the perpetrators of injustice. AND NOW!

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Hello again Athena, I will offer, perhaps mostly optimistically, that much of the rottenness you perceive will be found in a minority of functionaries. Sadly, most of those appear in higher leadership positions- particularly the 'appointed & anointed ones' & mostly just submitted to the temptations of corruption their positions of power drug them into.

Not a lot to offer you, but I suggest there's room for hope. Tho' I am in no way certain it will happen or how the necessary changes might be made. My best to you Ma'am! (WRH)

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Removed (Banned)Jan 24, 2023
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I think you are absolutely right. The curtain has been pulled back.

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Before I conclude that McGonigal is guilty of anything I'm going to wait for the whole story to come out. Who knows what McGonigal was up to, but more importantly, who knows what the USA in the SDNY, or for that matter, the DoJ, is up to. One thing's for sure...there's more to this story than meets the eye. Sad.

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Check out Stephen McIntyre's twitter feed for lots of detail. This guy is dead meat.

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Holy cow. Just finished Climate audit's twitter feed. This is big time significant. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter... what were you thinking.

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Yeah, the possible Hunter connections are pretty intriguing. This is, in a sense, garden variety sleaze. But the connections, where it could lead ...

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Does this suggest the ideologues are targeting the Plutocrats in order to maintain control of the narrative?

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Too funny. He quotes you and how you call him "Zhou". That's classic. No one outside of your blog is gonna get it. Love it!

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At this point, nothing surprises me about any entity in the DC swamp. As far as I am concerned, none of the agencies have any credibility left, they all reek of corruption, duplicity and political manipulation. Chris Wray, along with the agency he directs, being a particularly offensive example.

I would suspect that Macgregor is correct and that militarily we are close to critical mass in the Ukraine. Probably not a cakewalk for the Russian’s, but I have to think that Ukraine’s military is so far outmatched that it’s going to be over fairly quickly. As you pointed out, there’s bound to be some nasty surprises as far what tools the Russian army has at its disposal, but then again the neo-cons have a history of ignoring facts and distorting reality.

Should prove interesting.

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Removed (Banned)Jan 23, 2023
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Good Q, Robert. I flashed back to when I bought my first LCD monitor (very $'dy) after years enduring analogs. I fail the Acronym test regularly... :^) ---------(WRH)

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Lowest Common Denominator, here from a character standpoint.

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Thank you, Mark, I had checked to see what LCD is but couldn't find it.

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