I think they brought Jack Smith in from The Hague, Netherlands on purpose because he wasn't working in the US. Who would have been controlling him over there? There has to be some aspect of that that resulted in him being inserted into the case.

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All roads lead to London but sometimes they go through a village in the mountains of Switzerland…

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Yes, possible. Probably CIA.

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"The timing was coordinated. State and federal prosecutors met in the White House to refine their cases. Why are people not up in arms over these revelations? "

I get the timing close to the election cycle... state DOJ's meeting at the White House to coordinate? I've only heard of Fani doing this and only as a result of her shenanigans getting MSM notice. Most of my information coms from blogs like yours or from Substacks. I don't subscribe to the MSM. However, my wife does and only absorbs information from the MSM. If the MSM isn't going to share it then over half the country isn't gonna know about it.

As far as never Trumper's being targetted... 2 come to mind.

1) Our favorite Frumster re: Bluto Barr https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/04/bill-barr-2024-trump-biden/678229/

2) And cocaine Mitch https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mitch-mcconnell-immunity-former-presidents-face-the-nation-interview-04-28-2024/

What about the Scarborough's and Jeffrey Goldberg's of the world?

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All of the establishment GOPers seem to have had an immense need to be loved by the MSM and official Washington - or is it a fear of it? Notice, it is not the new political figures such as MTG, or Lauren Boebert, or Anna Paulina Luna, who are cowed so much in what they say and who they support; it is the folks with decades in the system. The members of that "social class." For them they are putting their entire careers and all of their power and social contacts at stake the moment they appear to be in any way be sympathetic of or supportive to Trump. He has after all been the personified threat to their entire system and world. How ironic that he might end up being their savior - are they smart enough to realize it? Self preservation is a strong incentive.

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":Notice, it is not the new political figures such as MTG, or Lauren Boebert, or Anna Paulina Luna, who are cowed so much in what they say and who they support"

The unfortunate problem for MTG, Boebert and the like lies in not what they have to say but rather in HOW they say it. Their is an art to sharing your thoughts/messages and part of their challenge is the MSM's interpretation of HOW they shape their thoughts.

I was coached long ago to pause, reflect, count to 10 etc. before responding verbally. These and others could use some coaching on this.

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There is a time for finesse and a time to say it loud and proud to instigate radical change. We don’t live in finesse times.

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The Most Feared and Least Known Political Operative in America

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Fascinating woman with a fascinating history. Equally fascinating that no one outside of Florida or Republican politics has ever heard of her.

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It’s just now dawning on them? Pretty dense for the supposed smart set. Wasn’t going to happen to them? That’s how Marxist revolutions roll. Jacobins eat their own. Back in March of 2017 is when I, a mere telephone man at the time, understood the future implications for the country with the revelation that the orange man’s lines had been tapped along with the infamous “two hop rule” during his previous campaign. Unfortunately for us mere mortals, it may be too little, too late. We shall see, I guess.

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Apparently these people don't read history. But they may have the ear of SCOTUS justices. For that matter, the justices may have real cause for concern themselves.

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The Supreme Court is staring a totalitarian, lawless, censorious, structurally fascist political movement in the face. All of the demons of the 20th century are creeping back and taking hold in our country. They are duty-bound to face this and do what they can to act against it. As for those who cooperated per Molly Ball in Time magazine about the manipulation of the election: the fundamental ignorance about the existence and nature of the totalitarian left is inexcusable at this point in history. To quote Bill Ayers in the New York Times/Pravda on the Hudson from 9/11/2001, in an interview conducted prior to but printed on that day ‘I don’t regret setting bombs’ and ‘I feel we didn’t do enough.’ So of course he became a professor of education at U of Illinois in Chicago. Amazon was selling t-shirts with a guillotine with ‘Yes we can’ printed on it a few years ago. The left will pull the never Trumpers heads out of the sand and put them right into the guillotine. They are hedging. If Trump loses the left is coming for them and why not? What is the limiting principle? If Trump wins they want to be able to say they were on his side. Self-preservation either way. But the left is the abyss. Trump? I suspect he will want law-breakers prosecuted and leave everyone else alone. We shall see.

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Lots of non J6 gop being targeted by lawfare:

- Giuliani

- Eastman

- Navarro

- Lake


I guess it finally got bad enough the never Trumpers are waking to the fact they will be targeted, it’s just a matter of when.

I was surprised at Barr’s endorsement, this post is a good explanation. Which does he have more fear of lawfare? Ruby Ridge or his actions under Trump?

I wish the gop had defended the J6 useful idiots earlier, but baby steps on any progress on pushing back on the lawfare.

Captures a lot of my feelings on the gop:


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Hasn't been politically "safe" to defend J6ers.

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Revolutions always eat their own.

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Big money people may also be concerned. As Kimball notes, it's not about Trump any more. Trump may be the only one who can save these people--some who deserve saving, others not so much.

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I wonder what the straw was that broke the camels back was?

If it’s big money, my guess the lawsuit on evaluations. It basically criminalizes every property developer in nyc.

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I wonder which list Bill Barr, Protector of Pedophiles, belongs on.

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“This is what happens in Third World countries, which routinely confiscate assets of and imprison, the opposition. “

Case in point: Peter Navarro - now in prison for defying a congressional subpoena; something that Obama AG Eric Holder also did yet he faced no similar repercussions.

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And we're still waiting for Hillary to hand over her laptop and phones.

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Don’t hold your breath; the system of “justice” only goes in one direction: in their favor.

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