
And yet other sources are retracting. Which narratives count? Does the JP have interviews with official personnel, government officials, commanding officers on the ground, people with names making unequivocal assertions for the record, providing numbers, places, etc.? This is all stuff that should be easy to bring forward by now. For the record, the JP employs some totally insane people whom I would never trust, any more than I would trust a Hamas official without confirmation. People like Caroline Glickman.

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So no, and you don't care for Caroline Glick? I thought her a good source, so much for that.

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I don't see how you could regard the JP piece as in any way definitive.

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I asked a question, that is all. Are there no bodies or are they just not desecrated? Just looking for the facts and truth not trying to put you on the spot, again Caroline Glick is not a good source?

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How can I possibly give a yes or no to the question, Are there no bodies or are they just not desecrated? I haven't been there. What I said was that the JP piece is not definitive. It offers no names to back up the bare assertion. Consider the assertion. If true, it amounts to confirmation that Palestinians are animals who can be killed with impunity. Don't believe me? Simplicius today quotes a member of the government saying just that: There are no innocents in Gaza. That's an incredibly serious statement which demands, in the circs, *definitive confirmation.* And JP doesn't offer that. And again, no, Caroline Glick is definitely not a good source. She's a fanatic.

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Whenever the media are in full propaganda narrative mode, as they most certainly are right now, it is good to DISTRUST & VERIFY every report. Seriously folks, war IS hell, what is worse than hell, would it be hell + hell, or hell x hell, exponential hell? The truth is sufficiently bad, embellishment and exaggeration are totally unnecessary.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

Serious question. Did you coin the phrase "atrocity porn"? I ask, because I never heard of it and I searched for the term . There are XXX-rated links that are returned. My browser suggested 'atrocity prop.' Anyway, good post. I was getting pretty angry about beheaded babies. It's a timely reminder to always question the narrative of the media, politicians and the Deep State.

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I didn't--but I should have known better. I got it from Andrei Martyanov, and I linked to the post (or maybe one of his videos?) somewhere yesterday, I think. I do try to be careful about linking, but sometimes things slip through. Even just readers searching a term, but this term seemed appropriate at the time--the idea of pushing the envelope and obsessing.

I, too, find atrocity reports very disturbing. The thing about this one was that it instantly reminded me of the fake Kuwaiti story, which got huge play--even testimony in Congress.

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Just read it. Lots of good stuff in there. The part about "hijacking our brains" with messaging is what made the term "atrocity porn" seem appropriate. There was one almost parenthetic thing she wrote which I take issue with, even though I don't in any way doubt her sincerity. I only mention it because it could easily slip by because it's favorable to Trump--and because it was previously commented upon. She says that the Abraham Accords were favorable to Palestinians. That's not actually true, although many well meaning people believe that. In fact the whole intent of the Abraham Accords was to functionally bypass the Palestinian issue--as we see from the increasingly aggressive dispossession of Palestinians on the West Bank by the "settler" movement. Crooke's presentation on this is excellent.

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Thanks. I'm looking at it now.

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The link to the Crooke, Mercouris video doesn’t work or the video has been taken down.

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Try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IKCo3MVW1o

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I checked the original and it worked for me. These things are weird sometimes.

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Found it on Rumble!

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The Spectator Index

The Spectator Index


BREAKING: White House spokesman says US officials have not seen or confirmed pictures of atrocities in Israel, saying President Biden based his comments regarding beheaded children on Israeli statements and media reports.

8:58 PM · Oct 11, 2023

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For me the giveaway that Biden was blathering nonsense was the fact that his remark about beheaded babies was immediately followed with: “there are countries in the region trying to be of some help, including Arab nations trying to be of some help.” Arab countries coming to the aid of Israel. Yeah, right. In an alternate universe, maybe.

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Or maybe that his lips were moving?

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Ritter doesn't like Netanyahu

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

😂 Come on, Scott, don’t hold back. Tell us what you really think!

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There's a famous video from around 2000 in which Netanyahu states that he knows America and America is "easy to move", meaning, manipulate to his desires.

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Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village


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This is conjecture, but I think he’s likely right on target.


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Good read. thx. Very CIA ish.

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RedState is currently using Biden’s statements about seeing the baby massacre pictures as proof that it happened. I really hate to say this, but the first thought that came to mind was the fact that Zhou is so far out of it why would whoever is actually in charge hesitate to use him to further a false narrative if it suited their purposes? What a perfect way to guarantee authenticity, the President of the United States said it’s so, therefore it must be so. Anyone else in the room have any doubts about Joe Biden’s credibility or abilities of discernment? Biden’s entire is Presidency has been marked by him being “used” and “manipulated” to further someone else’s agenda.

Having said that, the story may indeed prove to be true, but my faith and trust in the President and the government that he represents has been diminished to the point where my first inclination is to believe that he and it are lying. Truly a sad state of affairs we find ourselves facing.

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While Biden is undoubtedly brain-injured in some way, I was reminded of how DJT was convinced to blame Russia for the Skripals-Salisbury-novichok fiasco by photos of dead ducks. The unfortunate birds had, the story goes, unwittingly ate bread crumbs chucked to them by Sergei, proof that he was already fizzing with poison. But not quite ready to collapse on a park bench and disappear forever shortly after.

In the annals of righteous sarcasm this deserves a strong Top Ten placing...

<<Dismembering babies? Oh my God, how awful! That should only be done by Planned Parenthood!>>

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Yep. It's a good example of how even obviously outlandish propaganda is readily absorbed by otherwise intelligent people when they've been prepared for it. The demonizing of Russians was already proceeding apace at that time, and the Skripal episode was part of the escalation to a war mentality. I did include the PP ref because it's a good example of how we in the West use virtue signaling--only Arabs do horrid things, not us--to absolve ourselves from our faults and even to avoid thinking about them.

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Think about the entire Covid Regime, how the collective West under its Ruling Elite tried to inject the entire world with an experimental gene med. Crime of the century, as Yancy said the other day. Re Covid and criminality:

Memory-Holing the Apocalypse

Some crimes seem to be too big to talk about, let alone punish

N.S. Lyons

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LOL! I saw that! What does that tell you about Red State?

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Well, nothing very good. Unfortunately.

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Some important facts to consider.

1. On January 13, 2021, CIA officer Steve Pieczenik, who has been in charge of removing 3 U.S. presidents the CIA wanted gone, and who has installed U.S. and foreign leaders, including Vladimir Putin, informed Alex Jones that there had been a military coup against the U.S. government.


2. Q post 916 states:

We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.



3. The Gerald Ford battle group has dropped anchor. It will not assist the Israeli government.


You cannot entertain a theory that doesn't make sense if important facts are taken into account.

The only theory that does make sense is that the U.S. military, the IDF, Hamas, Iran, Russia, Syria and Saudi Arabia are all on the same side, and that they are in the process of removing the Israeli government. My guess is that the IDF will stage a real coup in the face of Netanyahu's "failure" to prevent and respond to the "attack" on the part of Hamas.

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I found the Crooke article on the the Gehlen group absolutely revelatory. It explains so much of which I was unaware about why Western "allies" turned on Russia immediately after WWII. Sure, Stalin was a monster, but I had no idea of the Ukrainian pretension of Viking heritage rather than its true Slavic ethnicity although I was aware that the Ukrainian and Russian languages are quite similar. I never quite understood why one of Putin's primary goals for the SMO was the denazification of Ukraine - now I do. And the Gehlen group's role in forming the OSS' attitude toward Russia is astounding. Thank you, Mark, for unearthing it.

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Glad you liked it. Imagine the impression that the West's adoption of the Gehlen organization gave to Russians!

Re Kievan Rus and the Vikings, here's something that many people aren't aware of. Back in the Viking age (say, 700-1000 AD) Slavic pirates were very powerful in the Baltic, along the entire southern coast of the Baltic. They both competed with the Scandi Vikings as well as cooperated. That's why you find "Slavic DNA" so heavily present in places like Norway, Sweden, and Iceland (also certain parts of England, the old Danelaw). Iceland, for example appears to be about 1/3 Slavic and 1/3 Celtic. Slavs, West Slavic tribes related to but not identical to Poles, tribes that no longer exist, were a very important element of the Vikings. My surmise is that the Vikings who founded Rus were heavily Slavic.

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I had heard that there was significant slave trade between the Vikings and Muslims but never quite understudy the geography since there was a lot of territory in between. But it makes sense when considering how fluid the people were in those areas.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

You’re right. The distances would be daunting if not for the the river system (in particular the Dnieper) that connected northern europe with the black sea and trading destinations beyond (including islamic lands). The peoples the vikings encountered (likely, terrorized!) along this trade route eventually unite under the auspices of the Kievan Rus state.

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Upon re-reading what you wrote here, Mark, I realize I misunderstood you. I’ve never run across the idea that the Vikings had been influenced by Slavs, not just the other way. Makes complete sense to me given that, as I point out in the context of the east slavs, there weren’t many hard boundaries or borders between peoples at the time. The process of “ethnogenesis” was still underway.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

I have followed you for many years, from the old site to this one, and am grateful you are willing to devote so much time and effort into searching out topics and articles of interest to share with this community and allowing us to contribute and discuss in an enlightened and civil manner. I never fail to learn something new or find a viewpoint I hadn't considered before. Thank you again!

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

“the Vikings who founded Rus were heavily Slavic.” Indeed. By the time the “varangians” (i.e., vikings) were forming the Kievan state, they were so integrated into the far more numerous slavic speaking peoples they dominated that they had became nearly indistinguishable from them. However, even then, they maintained some tenuous ties with their Scandinavian kinsman. Which, of course faded over time. Also, it’s worth noting that even talking about a homogeneous east slavic population is a tad anachronistic. The society that the varangians came to dominate and among whom they established a state was remarkably porous, ethnically speaking. East slavic was clearly the dominant language of these people, but it’s likely that, in addition to the very small norse element, there were also admixtures of neighboring balts, finns, and nomads from the steppe.

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3 possibilities:

1. Fake by Israeli intelligence / supports

2. Real

3. Deliberate fake by Hamas / Iran to discredit other Hamas atrocities that occurred in recent Hamas attack.

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I vote for No. 1. supports the intended "horrific" messaging they want shared.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023

I’m thinking #4

Fake by Western Deep state to diffuse atrocity by adding in some fake stuff. My gut feeling is the West is worried what Israel’s response will be, and the Biden Administration that it messes up their grand Iran peace deal.

Msm is already downplaying atrocities.

But #1 has a long history of being used for justification.

1. Kuwait Iraq as Mark pointed out

2. Original one of Huns in WW1

3. I think Russians were accused of various atrocities in Ukraine.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Brietbart is running a story saying that Israel has confirmed the story, but then I guess that there is a great difference between “confirmed” and “verified”.

Brother Ass is spot on in suggesting that the “Fog of War” is denser than normal in the age of social media. Couple that with a MSM that is completely irresponsible and pretty much incompetent and it makes the task of winnowing out the “truth” in any situation almost impossible. I said “almost” before anyone takes me to task and this site certainly facilitates solving the daily search.

Thanks again Mark, you help me maintain my sanity. Barely….. :-)

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That was good. Haven’t watched him in awhile.

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The truth is always the first casualty of war. Were the Hamas terrorist capable of beheading babies? Definitely, and it doesn't really matter all that much to me- what they have been proven of doing is barbaric enough that I wouldn't really put in the plus column were the baby killing story disproven, but you literally can't trust 3rd hand accounts like this any longer.

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

The pile of grievances are a mile high for both sides of the Palestinian-Israeli divide. So it makes little sense to take such a hardline partisan view of the conflict. This thing has a LONG and COMPLICATED history.

Most of us here on Mark’s blog emphatically distinguish between the American regime and the American people. Why can’t we extend the same distinction to the Palestinians? Hamas is an evil organization that holds the Gazan population captive both ideologically and literally. Hamas purposefully embeds itself among civilian structures (think hospitals, churches, mosques, etc) so that Israel’s retaliation will necessarily kill innocents. It’s sick, but in a way, Israel is doing just what Hamas wants them to do in order to perpetuate the cycle of violence and give the population a reason to see Hamas as it’s defender.

No one is innocent in this tragedy, least of all the Anglo-American powers who in so many ways caused it and help to perpetuate it.

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Fair enough. How do you feel about turning off water and electricity for a population of 2.3 million? That will surely cause deaths of innocents.

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It will and that is the intent. Israel's anger towards Hamas is intended to serve as an example to others e.g. Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc. Israel understands these factions will reinvent themselves however need to make an example.

Not saying it's "right" or "just" but it is a fact based on this kind of response. Seems intended too also buy some time to sort things out and have the people most impacted become more engaged to confront Hamas' leaders. Have no idea how many feel that way but assume it is a minority.

We're dealing with ideologies here (on both accounts). A quote summarizes this "Ideology has very little to do with consciousness - it is profoundly unconscious".

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Sounds like whataboutism.

If this is true, I’m not surprised by the Israeli reaction:


And cdr salamander has some guesses on the Israeli plan:


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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

“In the social media age the fog of war is denser than ever,” Paul Joseph Watson succinct as ever:


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I also follow George Gammon on YT for financial info, but today he posted a 15 min. off topic talk on how the disinformation police are active again with regards the "current thing". He points out several places that it makes no sense that given all the tech in use to watch the fence and shoot at anything that moves, that these folks were able to get through to do their deeds. Some were in the air, but some were also on the ground.


I also like how he refers to covid as the "cerveza sickness" since using the real name got his yt channel deleted in 2021...

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Yeah, there is an awful lot of red flags, the more I read. It seems so far fetched, and yet ...

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Probably the most disturbing red flag for me is the idiot Lindsey for SC who seems to want to tie all of this back to Iran. Was that the real driving force for this mess along with the need to create "moar" war to feed the MIC and hide the impending financial debacle? idk???

Related, did you see KD's rant about the the medicare contribution of 1.5T of the 2T deficit? I agree with him on the 1.5T out only covered by 400B in, but with Medicare paying less than commercial reimbursements, I'm not sure what really fixes it. All possible solutions I'm afraid, will incur much pain...

forgot the link: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=249846

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

Here’s one to make your head explode: PJW points to a young woman who appears in a video, beaten and bloodied, being hauled away by the terrorists. Understandably, she was presumed dead. However she has turned up alive in a hospital in Gaza.

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