Can someone give an example of what this would mean for person. Will there be higher inflation, depressionary type recession, higher prices, lower prices, etc. sorry if this is stupid question. Thanks.

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Here is an interesting article - I got to read it once but now it's behind a paywall. Argentina appears to have a dollar shortage. Not sure how this slots in with everything but I thought it significant...


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Look at the bright side-we are facing a domestic catastrophe. The dollar will gain in value-at least domestically. Our economy is in lousy shape. Bankruptcies are multiplying. The stock market is pure Ponzi, and as it is not going up it can only go down-drastically. With our current private and public debt dollars will be in demand. Powell is very concerned . The effect of this on Europe and the world-who cares! Washington is in for a dose of reality. As for the Ukraine, we will have our victory, just like Afghanistan.

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We all see the freight train heading straight at us and yet our leaders remain clueless! The smartest people in the room are dumber than a bag of rocks, you just can’t make this stuff up!!

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Reasons for de-dollarization:

1. Hatred of US / local politics

2. Property Rights

3. U.S. Inflation

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“How did you go bankrupt?"

“Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

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"Gradually, then suddenly.”

Jim Rickards in Currency Wars on what he describes as the coming abandonment of the dollar:

"When the dollar collapse comes, it will happen two ways--gradually and then suddenly. That formula, famously used by Hemingway ... is an apt description of critical state dynamics in complex systems."

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Apr 24, 2023
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Maybe she will run for president

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That's been the speculation, although she's never run for office before and may have some baggage. I'm sure she'd be over the top popular on the left.

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Perhaps she's trying to distance herself from expected disasters in the next few months?

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The ironic thing is that as Director of US Domestic Policy, these were her terrible policies!

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That's the point that Bonchie at Red State makes. Polling has consistently shown that Americans hate what are presumably HER policies--but Americans also failed to get out and vote last fall. Granted, presidential elections get turnout up, but the acceptance of the craziness by so many Americans remains terribly disappointing. So I'm not convinced that her policies would work against her if she ran. OTOH, you need a certain type of personality to run for president. Not sure she has that. She's never had to talk to the public.

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"She's never had to talk to the public."

In a way she has and it did not go well either. Her appearances on all the Nets following the debacle in Benghazi solidified her credentials as a liar. So she is well suited to be the face of the DNC.

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Yes that's my thought too

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Apr 23, 2023
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And the world, since the dollar as reserve currency has enabled the US to wreak death and destruction all over the globe.

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How likely is another country (or group of countries) to try to do what we did? Dictate to the world, have "color" revolutions, shut some countries out via sanctions, place military bases in various countries, etc.? I wonder, because - until the Lord returns - there will be wars and rumors of wars, and famines, and earthquakes, and plagues, and floods, and fires, and many evils done by people. Will the world really be any better off? Somehow I strongly doubt that. Just someone else will be top dog.

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