Totally OT...


Reading this I can't help but connect the dots from (the perhaps trivial) discontent with Disney to our national decline. I don't know about y'all, but my trust in 'America' is as broken as this fellow boomer's trust in Disney is broken.

"I say all this as a baby boomer who grew up with Disney in the 1950s and 1960s (that will give you an idea of how old I am). Disney’s current values are no longer those of its namesake founder, Walt Disney. Parents, especially those in the center and on the right, that are trying to raise their kids with the traditional values that made America great in the last century, no longer trust the House of Mouse. And until there is housecleaning, starting at the top of the C-suite, Disney will not be trusted again."

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Spot on, Cassander. It seems that the Disney company has become a real "MIckey Mouse" operation, much like our national governance.

Seriously, Disney was one of the totems of American life in the '50s and '60s and had such a great, positive impact on our society in those days. Given my suspicious nature and the outsized impact Disney had, I agree with Cosmo T Kat's comment that the "takedown" of Disney could well have been a planned operation concomitant with the larger operation of taking down the morals that undergirded our society. It is a shame that we have reached the point of having to question everything in entertainment and the media as being malevolent -but there is now a very good basis for doing so.

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I've often wondered if the new owner/executive management chose Disney for this purpose. Knowing Disney was beloved by traditional Americans for it's movies and entertainment that was family friendly (growing up Catholic my parents kept the approved movie list posted and basically only Disney qualified for under 18 content). If the intent is to capture the children and shape their minds Disney is it! Also what revenge to take on Walt Disney who was accused of antisemitism then to drive his name into the mud.

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Yep, I read that one this morning. It shows that there are more normals out there than the MSM wants you to think. Why they fear "populism".

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Latest from Larry Johnson over at Sonar21: "I fully anticipate that Russia will provide Islamic insurgents in Syria and Iraq, as well as the Houthis, with weapons that can hit US and NATO targets in Syria and the Red Sea, if Ukraine expands attacks in Russia with Western weapons. Putin and Lavrov are dead-ass serious."

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It's "bombastic" but it makes sense. The Russians may restrain themselves (for logical reasons) but as is often noted they do not bluff.

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Any truth to the petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia being a 50 year contract ending on 9th of June 2024? Or just an internet rumour?

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I've never heard of that. If such an agreement existed you can bet that the Saudis would "renegotiate" it at whatever times and under whatever terms they felt would benefit them. It is worth noting that OPEC includes many more nations than just the KSA and it meets regularly to set its production levels based on the current market pricing for oil. The other countries in OPEC would not have had such an agreement with the U.S. in any case. So the question is kind of immaterial.

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Dunno. !!

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Several interesting side points in that post, Mark. Firstly, why is India sending explosives to Israel? Modi has just lost his absolute majority and I wonder if one of the reasons is that many Indians are sick of him sitting on the fence where Brics is concerned. He seems to be doing an Erdogan by playing off both sides against each other. India, like Turkey (and Europe, for that matter) are going to have to choose whose side they are on. Secondly, what the hell are Muslim Arab states doing helping US warships with resupply? I wonder how that plays out with the Arab street? I don't think the Ike was damaged, and probably wasn't even hit. It looks like it's shaking down into full war mode for a desperate Israeli hit on Hezbollah.

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Modi pissed off the Muslims and lower caste Hindus from what i read.

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Hard to figure what he's thinking.

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Great points. I've seen some commentators scratching their heads over Modi's antics. Does it have something to do with Israeli advisers helping re Pakistan, fomenting trouble (with the US) in Baluchistan? I dunno. Seems nuts to me. OTOH, I'd really like to get the Chinese view on why they don't come to some settlement in Kashmir. I don't see what the big deal is for China, and why they can't seem to see the Indian viewpoint. If they mended fences, it would be beneficial to both sides. I really don't get that.

I'll take a somewhat contrarian view re Israel attacking Hezbollah. Serious people in Israel's NS establishment--as distinct from yahoos like Ben Gvir and Smotrich--understand what a disaster that would be. They can only do that with full--and I use that word carefully--US involvement. The US can't afford that, so I see what's going on as a major Israeli bluff. They're boxed in, and the crazy US escalation against Russia is going to make Israel's position worse. Russian exercises with Syria? How does that help the US or Israel? Does it portend significant Russian involvement? The Neocons are nuts.

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I don't know that it's a bluff. The Israeli government can't politically or economically afford to have the northern third of the country evacuated and/or under attack without a strong response. Yet there they are. As you note they really have no recourse now other than to depend on U.S. to provide for their "defense." Is Ike moving to help provide that defense and has that defense already been promised? The Israelis are not stupid and I would think they are depending on their Uncle Sam at this point.

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"The Israelis are not stupid"

Well, yes. But it depends upon what your definition of stupid is....

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Yes, I still can't believe the Israelis would be stupid enough to attack Hez, so maybe a lot of this is just the usual suspects sounding off. Maybe too the Ike is just taking the scenic route back home. Who knows?

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This is what comes from underestimating the opposition. The Iranians figured this out long ago. They understand that the US/Israeli way of war isn't designed to deal with this kind of attrition warfare. Most Israelis are still living in 1973, most Americans are stuck in Desert Storm.

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Great statement and assessment.

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Not answers, but the right questions.

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