McConnell's only achievement: getting some judges in place who actually respect the law.

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In fairness his achievements in re judicial appointments have been game changers:

1. Stonewalling Obama and the Dems for a year, thus keeping Garland off the SCOTUS amid a MSM campaign for McConnell's scalp;

2. Getting all three Trump appointees through to confirmation, which required keeping a united Senate GOP;

3. Getting a record number--not just *some*--of appellate confirmations, many of whom have turned out to be excellent choices. Again, maintaining unity.

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Yes. He actually did a great job there. Those judges stopped a lot of evil happening.

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I really don’t like McConnell, but I can’t deny these accomplishments. Give credit where credit is due.

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And so the ingrate McConnell should publically credit Trump for these judges, because without Trump we have a 7-2 Crazy Party majority (I count Roberts in the seven) of the Supreme Court. I think its Trump, not McConnell, who deserves the credit.

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Giving credit where it's due is always a good look. McConnell is entitled to his opinion of Trump, but the failure to acknowledge the very real good that Trump did for the GOP--as a political party--is ... ingrateful. Trump made some of McConnell's true successes possible. McConnell's shortsighted mistakes are on him.

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I know the conventional wisdom is growing that, in a presidential election in 2024 that is the GOP's to lose, Trump is too controversial, and that he just might be the man to lose it. As Surber says, however, "Trump is the most beloved president since Reagan. All those fake allegations, witch hunts and FBI raids only endear him to us." I don't know which reading of the tea leaves is more likely right, but I would certainly never bet against Trump, certainly not this far out. I also think we have to discount the polls and the brainy pundits on the coasts, because they simply don't know and can't fathom what millions of ordinary voters are thinking (or will be thinking) about the mess 'Joe Biden' has created. I also hate to say it, but another wild card will be the amount of election irregularities (of every kind imaginable) the Dems are able to engineer in swing districts and states.

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Other big news - Fauci to be deposed re his collusion to censor and suppress:


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He's definitely losing some of his lustre, isn't he? I suspect he's being lined up to take the fall by the pols as they realize what a catastrophe the whole Covid scam was.

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imho we MUST hold everyone involved in the Covid scam personally liable to the fullest permitted under the law -- and as citizens accept nothing less from our elected leaders; this should become the no 1 issue for the next 10+ years until this is rooted out of every institution.

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