How to take this? I can only guess that Israel is trying to convince the non-US part of the world that they really are crazy. I mean, what countries are going to flock to do Israel’s bidding on this one?
Israeli defense minister: "We are ready to act against the Houthis, but we are giving the world a chance first". The Houthis announced today that they will move on to the next phase of "sinking every ship heading to Israel" if the genocide in Gaza is not stopped.
Closer to home, the Harvard - Harris poll has some really bad news for the Neocon led Zhou regime. There’s a lot that could be said about the 18-24 year old cohort, but that’s not my point. My point is simply that this is objectively bad political news for the Dems. Whether the GOPers can figure a way to eke out some political benefit is doubtful.
Megatron @Megatron_ron
Israeli propaganda does not resonate with young people in the US
Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should 'be ended and given back to the Palestinians.'
The survey, conducted this week by Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for "Israel to be ended and given back to the Palestinians.
Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations against whom Israel is currently carrying out ethnic cleansing.
Thanks to social media, young people see the horrific massacre of children in Gaza by the Israeli army, and it is very clear why they are against genocide in the 21st century.

2:21 PM · Dec 16, 2023
Earlier in a comment I suggested that the Israeli push for a wider war—with the US taking the lead, of course—could be based on fear of Trump. Trump’s comments on the Israeli war on Palestinians have been all over the map, although he basically says, ‘Let it play out’—without mentioning that it wouldn’t play at all without US money and munitions. Nevertheless, Trump, during his administration, was notably averse to starting wars. The Zhou regime, by contrast, is far and away the most Neocon in history. My earlier guess was that Israel considers that the current Neocon regime in DC may be its last best chance to establish a Greater Israel while expelling or killing the Palestinians—”Nakba 2023”, as the former head of Shin Bet has termed the current Israeli war aims.
That’s all speculative, of course—I have no sources. However, one bit of evidence to support this theory that fear of a Trump presidency is driving Neocon and Israeli actions comes from Robert Kagan’s call for a Deep State assassination of Trump, which was recently published in the WaPo. Kagan, of course, is married to Victoria Nuland, who was in contact with Russia Hoax operatives and whose role in leading the US into the Ukraine debacle is well documented. One assumes that Kagan didn’t advocate for Trump’s assassination—while his wife is employed by Zhou—without Nuland’s approval. Kagan’s way over the top hatred for Trump is well documented:
In February 2016, Kagan publicly left the Republican party (referring to himself as a "former Republican") and endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president and argued that the Republican Party's "wild obstructionism" and an insistence that "government, institutions, political traditions, party leadership and even parties themselves" were things meant to be "overthrown, evaded, ignored, insulted, laughed at" set the stage for the rise of Donald Trump. Kagan called Trump a "Frankenstein monster" and also compared him to Napoleon.[43] In May 2016, Kagan wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post regarding Trump's campaign entitled "This Is How Fascism Comes to America".[44] Kagan has said that "all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump."[45] In September 2021, Kagan wrote a related opinion essay published in The Washington Post by the title, "Our Constitutional Crisis Is Already Here".[46] He continued his criticism of Trump in November 2023 with another essay in The Washington Post titled "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending."[47]
This leads up to an article at Lifesite News today:
Will the Deep State actually assassinate Donald Trump?
One only has to look at Robert Kagan's recent unhinged rant in The Washington Post, in which he describes a Trump re-election as an America-ending apocalyptic event, to seriously wonder if the Deep State is actually considering the unthinkable.
This is actually a thoughtful article, worth your perusal. Some excerpts:
The most disturbing aspect of Kagan’s remarks is not so much his misleading characterization of what a Trump victory in 2024 would mean. It is his own response to the question, “are we going to do anything about it?” …
It seems that what he is trying to say with the words “still hoping for some intervention” is to urge the Deep State to assassinate Donald Trump.
That Kagan would make such a brazen suggestion in one of the most powerful newspapers in the country speaks volumes about where the US is at the moment. Others have only speculated on this possibility. He is basically calling for it.
Are we being programmed to accept a Trump assassination?
A possible Trump assassination has been theorized by other political observers as well. Tucker Carlson told comedian Adam Carolla in August he thinks it is a real possibility. “If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work. What’s next? Graph it out, man,” he said. “We’re speeding towards assassination, obviously… They have decided — permanent Washington, both parties have decided — that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have him.”
Tucker said that in August. In November Kagan’s piece appeared in the WaPo. Graph it out man. But the real question is, What kind of people would make such a suggestion—and for what reasons? Ironically, the biggest threat to Neocon ambitions may actually come from within their regime: Zhou’s desire for re-election could lead to a move to shut down the Israeli genocide. If polling is any indication—always debatable—the pressure could build to a critical level.
Kagan and anybody else suggesting Trump’s assassination are freaking insane. Kagan a domestic terrorist?
I have always thought that if all else fails, taking DJT permanently off the stage was not beyond the realm of possibility for the deep state. Crazy as it would be, there are an infinite number of “crazies” and “patsies” to blame it on to deflect blame from the real perpetrators. It’s been over 60 years and there’s just as much blue smoke and mirrors about JFK’s death now as there was then.
Yep, I absolutely wouldn’t put it passed them.
As you posted the other day Mark, the Houthi tripwire might be the one, just not in the way we might have expected.
Tucker is right, the next year is going to be one for the history books, so make sure your seatbelts are fastened and that your tray tables are in upright and fully locked position.