It makes you really wonder, just who in the hell do they think they are to determine we have too many people? I dunno about you, but I think that’s pretty much up to God.

What I think is they are possessed by satan and want to destroy anything that has to do with God or his image. If there is any culling that needs to be done, we can start with these two asshats!

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All of this unnecessary death and destruction for exactly what? To keep the DC money laundering machine going? To hide the bioweapons labs 🧪 set to obliterate mankind? To destroy beautiful, fertile farmland that feeds so many? Why, why why?

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Yes, Yes, & Yes...........

Why? John Kerry along with Bill Gates, et-al believe there are just too many people on the planet and they want to cull the herd.

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Surely Eastern Ukraine is/was ethnic Russian and/or Russian speaking or is that heresy? Why would an autonomous or semi autonomous region as a buffer be a bad thing?

Why does Zelenski hold us in?

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Zelensky isn't in control of overall policy. If the point of this war is to damage Russia, peace isn't an option.

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If I were Putin I would not want NATO on my doorstep. Ukraine should be a buffer state a bit like Turkey.

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Of course. The problem is, the Neocons are determined to do exactly that--even a rump Ukraine is a threat to Russia if NATO presence is allowed. Pausing the war simply means NATO has advanced closer to the Russian heartland. Russia needs a victory at this point, not a pause and a buffer zone that can be exploited by NATO. For Russia, NATO needs to be rolled back, not left in place.

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If I recall correctly in an interview in the last year or so, as an aside, Edward Luttwak (historian at the Hoover Institution) commented that Western Elites had not been this ‘Marie Antoinette-like’ in their view of us peasants since the time of well, Marie Antoinette. As many Ukrainians as needed will be marched in front of the Russian reaper. Will we refurbish obsolete tanks from war memorials so that Ukrainian children can gloriously die like fish in a barrel? Hopefully this obscenity burns through the wall of lies before they do the same with your children and grandchildren. MacGregor has commented on overmatch in combat. Churchill noted this because of his experience with overmatch/slaughter in the war in Sudan. Overmatch leads to slaughter. The Russians are reaching the point where they see the obscenity in this war, likely down to the regular man at the front. They will view us as villains and know they are fighting a just war if we fight them directly. If the goal is to defame the USA and make us a pariah the Neocon War Pigs are succeeding brilliantly. Who are they really working for?

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Victoria Nuland and Pedo Joe are using Ukrainians as pawns...and watching them die.

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To satisfy the neocon and neoliberal lust for money, power and revenge.

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Fat General Milley and Austin are salivating.

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They are simply war mongers, not neocons. They do what the neocon/neoliberals tell them to do. Austin is a Mugabe wannabe and Miley seems comfortable now that he’s out of the closet and unleashed his wokeness. /sarc

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Austin might be more like Idi Amin wannabe.

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I was trying to remember Idi Amin, but couldn’t conjure up the name and yes, it applies.

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Armed Forces of Ukraine = AFU

AFU = All Fouled Up

At least, let us pray their death came quickly.

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Ukraine is throwing away an entire generation of its men. For what??

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It will be a "Lost Generation" just like after World War 1.

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Does anyone else feel as powerless as I do in the face of such rampant chaotic evil?

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Yes, I am so ashamed of our elites and their “fundamental” transformation of this country into world-wide pariah state. How long before they turn their lust for power into a blood bath of Americans who dissent from this madness?

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If they have no regard for Ukrainian lives, why would we think they would have regard for ours?

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They don’t and they have made that clear through their rhetoric and their actions.

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What I have read about and seen online of the TOS-1 is frightening in their effectiveness.

The suggestion that the Ukkies are drugged up has merit, the slaughter sounds too surreal for sanity.

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It takes two to tango. Is it too cynical to ask why the heck ordinary Ukrainian soldiers are letting themselves be used in this way? I get it that there are security troops at hand to try and keep them in line, but there can't be that many.

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On the one hand many Ukrainians are victims, too--victims of the US sponsored coup. Also, even so, Zelensky ran as a "peace with Russia candidate". On the other hand, there are lots of social pathologies at work that go way back. In the big scheme, societies largely get what they implicitly ask for. Those chickens are coming home to roost domestically, too.


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It’s amazing what a regime of terror, propaganda, and drugs (!) can do. It’s very difficult for those of us living in a (relatively) sane social environment to imagine.

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And don’t discount blind, ideological hatred as a motivating factor. Just the other day a video appeared of a young Russian being eaten alive by a shark in the Red Sea. Ukrainians on social media positively rejoiced! Russians are regularly referred to as “Orcs” in the common parlance of Ukrainians. This is the proper context for Miss Lindsey’s despicable quip to Ukrainian officials about dead Russians as dollars well-spent. Of course this sentiment is deeply cynical and ironic considering Ukrainian casualties generally and yesterday’s slaughter specifically.

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Yep. Remember too the reaction when the Ukrainians blew up part of the Kerch bridge.

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I have never seen Russian sources use the language they have used about today in any other day of the war, including Bakhmut... RIP to the dead, May the devil come for the heads of those who sent them to their deaths...

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Sounds like 3 more weeks to show results for the Ukrainians before the Nato summit.

Offensive is already 2 weeks old, without meaningful results.

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Big Serge ☦️🇺🇸🇷🇺




Synthesizing all the reports from today, I think June 17, 2023 will be in the history books as a very black day for the Ukrainian armed forces.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023
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“Ever hear of the Katyn Forest Massacre, where the Russian army executed all the Polish officers (20K), that were supposed to be Russian allies against Germany (in '39-'40)? ”

Wrong. Ever hear of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact? The Soviets were practically allies of the Germans at that point.

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Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Author

Actually it was more complicated than that. Until shortly before WW2 Poland was on good terms with the Third Reich--the falling out came, if memory serves, because Hitler made demands about marching across Poland towards Russia. Stalin and his inner circle for their part were under no illusions about Hitler's intentions--it was only a matter of time, they knew, before Hitler launched against the USSR. Stalin's excellent Western sources would have told him all about the US/UK financial and political support for Hitler. There were two factors involved in the M-R Pact. The USSR essentially took back the territory that Poland had seized after the Polish-Soviet war of 1920-21--in which ethnic Poles were a minority. Those territories also provided an extra buffer zone against the German attack that they knew was coming. Not an apologia for Stalin.

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Point well taken.

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First, a quibble: weren't the adversaries in the Battle of Leningrad the German and the Soviet armies?

More importantly, and perhaps you will agree, after living through a deadly German siege which lasted over two and a half years and resulted in millions of Russian military and civilian casualties, how can we blame Russia today for caring deeply about its security? How can we blame Russia today (a mere 79 years later) for caring about the risk of another attack by another expansionist Western power?

How can the neocons not understand this?

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Um, the massacred Polish officers were not "supposed-to-be-allies." They were POWs.

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