A thousand miles from the topic of this post, I know, but just in case anyone here needs anymore confirmation of where the USG's priorities (and grip on reality) lie these days, a Foreign Policy piece titled "The West Is Preparing for Russia's Disintegration" begins thusly:

"Russia’s poor performance on the Ukrainian battlefield, and the growing belief that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threat shouldn’t be taken at face value, has emboldened Western analysts and Russian dissidents to publicly call for 'decolonization' of Russia itself. They are referring here to the vast Russian Federation, the successor of the Soviet Union that consists of 83 federal entities, including 21 non-Slavic republics.

"The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, an independent U.S. government agency with members from the U.S. House of Representatives, Senate, and departments of defense, state, and commerce, has declared that decolonizing Russia should be a 'moral and strategic objective.' The Free Nations of Post-Russia Forum, comprising exiled politicians and journalists from Russia, held a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels earlier this year and is advertising three events in different American cities this month. It has even released a map of a dismembered Russia, split into 41 different countries, in a post-Putin world, assuming he loses in Ukraine and is ousted."

We are in the very best of hands, don't you agree?

( Link to original accessible at instapundit.com/580350/ )

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According to AP, Biden will announce his re-election campaign as early as next week. This is surreal

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Color me unimpressed that Hunter Biden is being protected. Well no sh**. Does anyone care? I'm with CTH. It's who counts the ballots that wins.

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Supposedly Tuesday Biden will announce he’s running for re-election.


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Thanks for your posts, I am just unaware as to how women like Lisa Monaco and Victoria Nuland get to be so powerful. For most of my life it has been pounded into me that only men have power. So reading and hearing about these two requires a new way of thinking, I guess.

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