According to Tom Luongo Kevin McCarthy does not work for Davos, he works for the Wall Street banks (Jamie Dimon), as does Jay Powell, who are rejecting and at war with Davos and the globalists (and their servant banks like SVB and Signature - BOOM!). Yellen works for Davos and thinks climate change is a grave risk to the US. Sure, Grammy. Davos controls much of the US political system (Soros DAs, Soros Sec of States in the states) but not the financial system and it is losing the war big time there (repatriated Eurodollars flooding back for real returns in USA), and since money is everything expect desperate measures. The Eurozone simply cannot afford real interest rates - it will break. And when the Ukraine debacle finally reaches its preordained conclusion of Russian victory there will be hell to pay from the Davosian perspective. I think the Chinese do not seriously intend to retake Taiwan but will "exercise their right to do so" by engaging in things like condemnations of visits and naval exercises - keep the option available so to speak.

If you agree with Luongo (his theory of Everything seems right to me) you now know why the US Virgin islands prosecutor is after JP Morgan and Jamie in connection with Epstein - it is a countermove by Davos/Soros to take him out. Long popcorn! Enjoy the show.

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While yours is certainly a defensible view, I would not underestimate Chinese national pride.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Perhaps apropos of nothing here, but if the USG really has as a goal taking on China in any serious way, i.e., building the U.S. up and pushing China down, then why has essentially every single action the USG has taken over the last heaven-knows-how-many years been one hand-delivered windfall after another straight to China?

I realize that rhetorical point, framed as a query, is pregnant with question begging, but the mystery remains that if the USG really does have as a goal taking on and beating back China, where are the actions to show it? Driving Russia into China's arms is how we take on China? Giving the CCP tons of ammunition to rile up its populace in nationalistic fervor against the U.S.? Shipping the mass of our industrial base to China? Clearly I could go on.

Can anyone help me out here - can anyone explain to me why I'm wrong that the USG's actions have been and continue to be far more those of a puppet of the CCP's will and not at all those of a serious and determined CCP opponent?

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Brad, you say that every US action has been "one hand-delivered windfall after another straight to China", but in fact the US ruling class has participated in the windfall for decades. Does that make them "puppets" or does it simply mean that they're stupid and think they can "manage" China for the long term as well as "managing" the American population. We're now seeing that they may no longer be able to manage either.

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Thanks, Mark. Like you and so many others at this fabulous site you run, I'm just a hopeless patriot of this nation and its centuries-old experiment in self-government, and so the (undeniably true) fact that the US ruling class has participated in the windfall all along doesn't much change anything for me. One of China's core goals has been to buy off our leadership (and ruling class in general) and they've succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. I still see those same bought-off politicians, from the White House to Congress and right on down through state and local governments, not acting to take China on but to kowtow and give them all they could possibly hope to ever get from us.

If "puppet" isn't precisely 'le mot juste,' so be it. But if I'm wrong and we are in fact acting to take on China, then China can only be thinking, "with enemies like this, who needs friends?"

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I'm gonna prepare a post before heading out for Good Friday, and I urge you to listen to the embeds.

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I promise I will. Thanks! And have a great weekend.

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It makes them employees of China

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Re China and Macron’s pilgrimage to Bejing, this article from the Global Times lays it on thick, saying in the headline that his trip “embodies strategic autonomy!”


Well, that’s more of a compliment meant for De Gaulle (whom the Chinese praise in the article as projecting French strength, independence and sovereignty - incredible - Gone are the days…the Chinese well know that France, like the rest of Europe - with few exceptions - is more afraid of breaking with its Washington handlers than losing a little face w China. In China’s words, “we all know who’s naïve.” Damning with faint praise? All well over Macron’s head.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023

Here is a Chinese response to "our" aggression:


Maybe this one? (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/12/18/china-smic-entity-list-ban/)

Why is the U.S. government so arrogant as to think that other countries have no agency and cannot respond in kind to its actions (such as freezing and stealing Russian assets)? Have the Neocons so brainwashed the people in power or are they just naturally that stupid? Whatever notions they have had along imperialistic lines should have been disabused by now (at least, if we did not have a bunch of ideological morons running things).

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Removed (Banned)Apr 6, 2023
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We’ve had a trade imbalance for years for durable goods. Treasury bonds more of an elastic offering to counter this imbalance.

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Removed (Banned)Apr 6, 2023
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Hey Pete: When I didn’t get my daily MIH mail I just came on over to the site, didn’t think too much about it, until I saw your note about the junk folder. Mine was there as well, and since I know for a fact that nobody on this site believes in coincidences, WTH is going on?

Mark in regards to the rhetorical questions at the end of this post, that would be everyone in the Zhou administration:-)

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Removed (Banned)Apr 6, 2023
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Lack of critical thinking skills.

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