I have read things indicating that the so-called Stockholm syndrome is necessarily true. Early on they were pictures of Hamas taking hostages, and the hostages were not treated badly. So in affect, Israel has treated their hostages and prisoners like they think Hamas has been treating the Israeli hostages and prisoners. Yet the preliminary proof seems to be that homeowners treated their hostages and prisoners with more humanity then Israel did. In some respects, it looks like Israel is copying what Nazi Germany did to those in the concentration camps as far as food, medical care, etc..

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Interesting concept and applied to this situation makes sense, Stephen however, past is pro log for the Israeli's. The reports of maltreat prior to 10/7/23 have been numerous. Random killings of Palestinians and their treatment as less than human is a trait of the supremacy we are observing coming from the IDF and the settler zealots and seems to be the general Israeli attitude toward the "other."

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What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? The students protesting genocide are referred to as anti-Israeli protestors. Protesters vs MSM and the AIPAC lobby. Got popcorn?

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Kaza_8675309 @redwater_2

Jun 9

Yes- that's why they become so enraged when they're told that no rape occurred. They want the rapes and suffering to have happened. It's what makes them feel alive and gives them an identity.

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Or it continues to perpetuate the myth they are the world's eternal victim through no fault of their own and all criticism is antisemitism based on hate and jealousy.

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I don't think it is so much feeling alive and having an identity as it is having a justification for their hatred of the "other" and violent actions toward them. It is political sectarianism, where two distinct groups of people have beliefs that they have been lead to believe are irreconcilable politically and are repugnant morally to each other. Let's be honest. Neither the Israelis nor the Palestinian political organizations has fostered a communal path forward these past 75+ years but rather has demonized each other and has acted out accordingly. So what other possible outcome is there but this, unless their attitudes and actions change? What is sad to see is how firmly the Israeli population now seems to support the genocide.

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It does seem to me that a constant diet of atrocity porn serves to justify the demonization of the other that allows for an end justifies the means substitute for morality. We constantly see weird sexual fantasies being advanced that say so much about the fantasists.

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