Yes, destiny was no longer with Napoleon that day, as Marshal Grouchy failed to keep the Prussians from joining Wellington’s forces. Then there was the late start and the worsening weather…we can only hope that our own Grouch in the WH meets a similar end (not to compare a feeble-minded puppet to l’Empereur!!)

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And right behind the SCOTUS ruling, the mouth breather SPOX literally comes out and tells businesses to ignore the SCOTUS. It's just incredible how deluded these people really are.

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She is committing a crime against humanity. She has no excuse. Whatever she thinks her pretense of "for the public health" is doing for her or how she will have the defense of I'm just the spokesperson" I don't know, but the coercion she is taking part in to force people to take an obviously risky medical experiment that has killed thousands is a crime. Period.

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The thing about Arizona is, voters are mostly independent. But to vote in the primaries we have to declare a party. I sent her an email yesterday after the Atlanta speech. I'm sure I influenced her!

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Whoever thought it’d be 2 recalcitrant Dems who are - @ this writing — saving the Republic by the narrowest of margins.

Reminded of the Duke of Wellington’s quip sometime after the Battle of Waterloo where he honestly observed, “It was a close run thing.”

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I'm a big Napoleonics buff, and you don't hear many Duke of Wellington quotes when compared to Napoleon. But here's another: I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me.

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They included that in the 1970 production! Came after “gin is the spirit of their patriotism” IMS ;<)

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