What is wrong with you people who criticize a blessing? Atheism is devastatingly dangerous because you hate everyone who isn’t you. Christians don’t hate you.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

Little did I know that when I fled Chicago 12 years ago and moved to the wealthiest and most conservative (related?) county in Tennessee, this is what I landed in. /s

"Williamson County is defined in large part by the Christian faith of the majority of its residents. But a dissenting voice is Franklin Community Church pastor Kevin Riggs, a vocal critic of right-wing ideologies — specifically evangelical dominionism, noting that he sees Williamson County as “the capital of Christian nationalism.”"


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My perspective:

Mother Jones is a nothingburger.

Clara Jeffery is a nothingburger.

David Corn is a nothingburger.

I ignore nothingburgers.

That flight attendant will again at the end of the next flight "God Bless" whomever she feels. Good for them.

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So I guess the goal is to ban Christianity completely.

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Or force it into a closet.

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The modern version of the catacombs.......

What I see happening has been the targeting of Whites and specifically Christians (of all ethnicity) as enemies of the state. I became alarmed when my former G.P. and her husband, both ardent left wing and secular Jews, tried to convince me that white nationalism/supremacism was on the rise and was committing acts of violence and crime across the country citing, what I knew to be bogus crime stats produced by the FBI as evidence. When I researched this issue I found that any crime by a person who identified as white was recorded as domestic crime by white nationalists/supremacists. It didn't matter the circumstances, right or wrong, it was recorded this way skewing the data significantly even though it was nothing of the sort. When David Horowitz from Frontpage magazine wrote a book ("Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America", he began warning Christians there was an emerging and coordinated effort to paint Christians as violent extremists and domestic terrorists did I realize he was on to something very sinister.

People should take heed of the articles you cited. This targeting of Whites and Christians is right out of the Alinsky playbook: Rule 13 “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions."

It's not the institution of Vatican or specific denominations they are targeting as they now have a fellow traveler in the Catholic church with Pope Francis and it's no secret that protestants of all denominations have basically gone woke and the Jesuits havelong been fellow travelers too.

I began reading about Christian Nationalism and it seemed contrived and a farcical claim, but these people means business. The signs are everywhere. These are the signs of the times!

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"Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America"

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We spend half the year in FL and half in the GA mountains (yes dodged the hurricane in both) “have a blessed day” is a very common goodbye in GA. I’m also hearing it more often in FL, despite the influx of New Yorkers fleeing tyranny. Bring on the creep!

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Totally fine to be a radical Islamist though! Seriously, will the western elites never stop looking for ways to divide us into competing tribes who should hate and distrust each other?

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Of course they won't. Dividing us into competing tribes is a feature, not a bug. You hating your neighbor is the goal, not a side-effect. Big Brother is all you have to defend against the family next door.

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Odd that Ukrainian pagan pseudo Christian nationalism is okay.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

Wow this topic is a boatload of racism, bigotry, white guilt, wokism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, revisionist history, and anti MAGA.

Be sure to read the two TIME articles that Mark previews..your head may pop off.

The second one, by Robert Jones of PRRI (for the life if me I could not find what those letters stand for), will surely send you to the bookstore to scoop up his book~White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity.

The first TIME article, where exec. director of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty Amanda Tyler attaches every modern-day slur to white Christians who don't hide their light of faith under a bushel, will have you gasping for more of her righteous elitism.

I am being sarcastic, because both are giant turn-offs who are purposely trying to foment division and hatred.

No we do not need this kind of screwed up thinking to worry about.

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Biggest “effect” of the entire world going Digital: massive rise in spirituality and religion! World wide phenomenon: see China, India, Russia, Africa, etc. The fantasy of secularism is obsolete…the Globalists (your Anglo-Zionists/neocons) are ignoring the memo. They are also ignoring the memo on the rest of the world embracing Digital (we still pretend about regulating) as the way to speed up their own ambitions.

The Digital Paradigm is “retrieving the Medieval,” which was fully spiritual/religious worldwide.

Not taking this seriously risks real conflicts…the conflict with Russia/Ukraine is not “political” on the ground. It is viewed as very spiritual/religious, as do many Israelis.

Religious wars coming? Within the US?

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So there you have it, the trifecta of evil. White=evil, Christian =evil and Patriotism =evil. 3 strikes and I’m out already. I’m just wondering, iffin there’s a group that they have branded as White Christian Nationalists, what would be the opposite and what might they be called? After all, the good guys deserve a label

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How about Colorful Pagan Traitors as the opposite?

Don't let them make you feel bad about yourself, Charles. You are not evil.

There is nothing wrong with being white!

Have you ever heard of their nonsense talk: "identify as white"?

Nuts to that phrase!

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Glenn Greenwald and others have now noted that her own twitter feed is littered with wishes or exhortations blessing this or that. Apparently she's the theocratic dunce she's been waiting for.


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Q: "What is best in life?"

A: Being associated with an "alarming threat today" . . .

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Would a liberal prefer to run into a group of “Christian nationalists” or BLM activists? Which encounter is he more likely to survive unharmed?

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Ladies, gentlemen and non-binary persons... we will be landing shortly in San Francisco, InshaAllah. Thank you for flying with Alaska Air, and may the words of the Prophet (peace be upon him) guide you through whatever remains of your pathetic little lives.

I guess that would get me fired, right?

I wonder if these language cops realize that 'good bye' is actually a contraction of God be with you? These are the same idiots who get offended when someone wishes them a Merry Christmas. I wonder what their reaction would be to a Sikh wishing them a Merry Christmas? The Sikhs where I worked did exactly that. They also put on a great spread for everyone at Vaisakhi, which is their holy day. Rather nice of them to do that, I'd say. Out of their own pocket too, unlike the Christmas dinner that the company paid for.

I actually go out of my way to acknowledge other people's faith, which is why I follow the Indian practice of greeting someone with their own religious salutation, such as sat sri akaal for Sikhs, as-salam alaykum for Muslims, and namaste for Hindus.

Likewise, I don't get my back up when a Christian say God bless you, because it's an honest expression of their desire that you receive God's blessing. Similarly Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus also use the expression when addressing Christians.

I wonder, when these language cops go on holidays to Mexico do they get offended when someone says, adios? Guess where that one came from? Same thing in French, Italian and Portuguese and many other languages as well.

OK, I guess I've worn that theme down to the bone:)

Shabbat Shalom everyone!

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Mother Jones magazine bought the Covid con hook line and sinker and reveled in the authoritarian possibilities. So she has no business looking down her nose at anyone.

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Mother Jones is the left-wing magazine/website where Clara Jeffery is editor in chief and David Corn is Washington bureau chief. Of course, they specialize in looking down at those they don't like and making sure you know about it. Over Corn's career 'reporting' on national security affairs he is perhaps best known for falsely promoting Trump's associations with Russia and the Steele Dossier, but he has spent a lifetime wallowing in the seedy side of DC affairs.

In 2017, Editor in Chief Jeffery acknowledged that Mother Jones was investigating Corn for numerous complaints by women of "inappropriate workplace behavior", including touching female staffers and insensitive descriptions of sexual violence, rape jokes, unwelcome shoulder rubs and uninvited "touching of their legs, arms, backs, and waists".

After Corn promised to "do better and "make sure that it didn't happen again", the magazine dropped the matter. Jeffery and Corn remain at Mother Jones.

But you better not wish Clara Jeffery a 'blessed' night. Or, if you do, at least promise to do better in the future.


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Huh. Corn specializes in hoaxes and fantasies of rape and sexual violence. Maybe he was a consultant to the Israeli government for their "Hamas raped and burned" fantasy campaign. Seems to go with the, uh, territory. And he and Jeffery don't like Christians.

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Left coast racism.

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