Very good description of what I hope is Trump's positioning. Whatever else one might say about him, Trump IS a master negotiator. Such positioning vis-a-vis the Republicans, the anti-war voters, and Israel is very delicate and yet necessary. Ultimately Trump's power and his success will come from adhering to moral rectitude and the best interests of the U.S. I think and hope he knows this and will hold the course he seems to have taken.

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RemovedJul 26
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I can understand and empathize with your response emotionally. However, the current circumstances are different than they were with Hitler. There is no universal, uniform, legal response to such monstrous behavior. Aside from that there has been no consensus that the punitive response to Germany was on balance constructive in retrospect, so how can that be applied without further consideration to Israel, now?

What I think can be said is that "two wrongs do not make a right." God says: "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." (Romans 12:19)

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Removed (Banned)Jul 27
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Nazi free zone.

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Good thing the House is out of pocket for a month.

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God I hope you’re right Mark. Trump is a chameleon for sure, if he ends up on the side of peace it will truly cement his legacy. If he doesn’t it will be the end of much that we hold dear.

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Genocidal war criminal? Shameless liar?

You seem to be blinded by a lot of trendy pressure.


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So, in your world the truth is blinded by trendy pressure? How droll your world must be.

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Ben Carson talked for six minutes with Tucker Carlson in a video that dropped today about why the black community loves Trump. I haven't listened to it, but the whole thing sounds good. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/25/tucker-carlson-interviews-dr-ben-carson/

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Isn't this where leadership comes into play and a 'leader' may have an advantage?

It seems that Trump, as the undisputed leader of the (New) Republican Party, has the freedom and flexibility to chart a nuanced policy. A nuanced policy where he can 'support Israel', court Jewish voter support and promote peace in the Middle East without supporting 'genocide' or 'war crimes'. Perhaps far greater freedom than he had the first time around when the strength of his position was far more precarious and uncertain. With perhaps a higher degree of resulting success. The GOP Congress may have applauded Netanyahu, but at the end of the day, its unquestionably Trump's party.

Whereas, Ms Harris, who is indisputably *not* the leader of the Dem Party (because she is obviously subservient to a nameless, faceless blob of competing and discordant interests) has no control over the nuance in her or her 'party's' policy proposals. She will have to cautiously adhere to the strict blob party line, whatever that is, or risk being 'bidenized' by the blob which she serves.

I hope I'm right.

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Is it Trump's party? Or is it Israel's party?

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Yeah, that's the $64 (trillion) question. I think what Mark wrote nearby earlier today and what I'm trying to say is that maybe Trump will find himself with a sufficiently commanding electoral victory and enough control over his party to effect a nuanced peace deal in the Middle East where nobody's happy but everybody agrees.

Or maybe not.

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I certainly hope you are right. Right now Trump is the only one who might be in position to do so and who appears to be willing to even try. It is going to be a narrow path to make it happen, though, especially given the desires of the current government in Israel. It calls for prayer.

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Imagine, a leader leading!

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Exactly what they don’t like anymore. To paraphrase Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., both parties are essentially run by the donor class who expects <insert candidate name here> to kowtow to whatever it is they’re pushing/flavor of the month. Precisely why when someone comes along that can’t be controlled - like Trump - the level of apoplectic shock/terror is off the charts.

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Prediction: Trump is not going to go down the rabbit hole with Israel…thus why they are trying to pre-empt him. Israeli leadership has to play this card all the way to the end, they picked a path they cannot get off of. It will leave them with few choices if they want to exist as a state.

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Yeah, the most extreme of the extreme are talking up Trump as the guy who will empower Israel's war on the Middle East. For example, Ben Gvir was making that claim just yesterday.

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That is understandable given what they think they know about his family and jewish connections…also makes sense that those MUST say that publicly, television, hoping it will stick…Trump also knows that he will be in the power position on this, though he won’t make it look like he is against Israel…if he is about the deal, then Israel won’t be able to wait him out…short of another kinetic assassination…

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Trump is smarter than that.

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Genrikh Yagoda

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