Mercouris suspects Boris Johnson’s hand in drafting this plan. No way Z came up with this on his own. It reeks of the likes of Vindman and other permanent A/Z/Globalists. It is absolutely sickening the lengths these hoodlums will go to keep power and punish Russia.

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As Judge Nap mentioned on his show with Jeffrey Sachs the other day, sitting next to a bloviating BoJo at his public appearance in Kiev last week was none other than... Mike Pompeo. If BoJo drafted the plan, it wouldn't be surprising if Mr. "We lie, we cheat, we steal" Pompeo had a hand in it.

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And to think that this guy had Trump’s ear!

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Yes, and what’s being stolen is nothing less than, as Mark puts it, our “constitutional order.” It’s not enough for Net to buy us off; now we’re (hopefully not—-) about to hand over to a conniving, devious manipulator the keys to the kingdom?

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Yeah, well, BoJo and the Brits are looking to regain control of the American colonies by the back door.

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How to say this?

Among the many objections I have to the BoJo, Pompeo mission is the fundamental fact that they simply lie.

It would be one thing if they could openly and transparently articulate a compelling rationale for war with Russia and a vision for the future which is in the undoubted interests of the people...who they (nominally) serve.

If the idea is actually to 'regain control of the American colonies', then just say so and explain why. Or tell us whatever the reasons are.

Let's have an open debate and hear the pros and cons of Anglo-Zionist Global Hegemony. Maybe there are not well understood security risks so acute that the only way to run the world is under the Western Rules Based Order. But I don't think so.

And so they lie.

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Listen patiently.

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Excellent! I highly recommend this video to all your readers.

We all certainly need to discuss and better understand what 21st Century American 'democracy' means. As this video suggests, our current system is in no way 'democratic', at least as the term is popularly understood.

As has so often been the case since the preposterous Trump descended his golden escalator, over and over he exposes (intentionally or otherwise) the otherwise obscured realities of the political system we live in.

Of course, one of these realities is that the 'democracy' Mrs Clinton and others smugly tell us that Trump is threatening is no such thing.

Another apparent reality is that the historic American two party system is in the process of going down and the new reality will be a system defined by an 'emperor' and 'oligarchy' in opposition. This is the reality presented by the idea of Donald Trump.

Good stuff.

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Guess Trump has a higher chance of winning than the official narrative, if all these measures are being taken to cripple his options if elected President the third time.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

"Our democracy" and "our Constitution" are available cafeteria style. As to Trump being Commander in Chief, he was never allowed to do that job. (Not that any Pres. necessarily is). Patrick Lawrence said in spring 2017, Trump publicly announced he was removing himself from oversight of the military, that they were doing a great job on their own. (Link posted below). Mr. Lawrence says that Trump noticed that the Pentagon ignored him so decided to make it look like his idea, ie, that military didn't need his approval. So he publicly gave "total authorization" to his military. It didn't get better. In Aug. 2017 congress removed Russia matters from him-virtually nullifying the 2016 election. Medvedev commented at the time (link below) that Trump had been humiliated, beaten by the Establishment, and there was now no hope of improved relations....

3 citations: 5/31/2017, "Trump’s ‘Total Authorization’ to Military Gives Some ‘Deep Concerns’," Roll Call, John T. Bennet, "President Donald Trump says he has given U.S. military commanders “total authorization” to make complex combat decisions, a move that alarms some senior Democratic members and national security experts....“What I do is I authorize my military,” Trump told a press pool on April 13 [2017] after senior U.S. commanders in Afghanistan decided to drop the largest conventional munition [bomb] since World War II. “We have the greatest military in the world and they’ve done a job as usual. We have given them total authorization and that’s what they’re doing and, frankly, that’s why they’ve been so successful lately.”"...https://rollcall.com/2017/05/31/trumps-total-authorization-to-military-gives-some-deep-concerns/...

Second citation: 8/31/2020, Patrick Lawrence: "In spring 2017, when the military contradicted his early efforts to deescalate in Syria, Trump entered his “my generals, my military” phase, saying he granted the Pentagon “total authorization” to act as it saw fit.

With after-the-fact capitulations such as this, Trump has made himself a pushover for the hawks and Deep Staters who surround him....Trump is surrounded by people vigorously, ideologically opposed to his [2016 Candidate Trump's expressed] foreign policy goals...Foreign policy took up several important planks in Trump’s [2016] platform, readers may recall. He campaigned promising to reduce the military’s presence abroad, end our wars of adventure, ease NATO into the history books, and make a constructive relationship with Russia out of the unnecessary hostilities Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, left behind. These positions won him votes....Unsurprisingly, we have seen virtually no progress toward [2016 candidate] Trump’s [stated] objectives since he took office in January 2017. The Pentagon and the national security apparatus have ignored, circumvented, or otherwise subverted his orders to withdraw troops from foreign theaters, notably Syria and now Germany.

Relations with Russia have dramatically worsened.

NATO still pretends it has a function in the post–Soviet era."...8/31/2020, “Voting in a de facto military state,” Patrick Lawrence, Consortium News...https://consortiumnews.com/2020/08/31/patrick-lawrence-voting-in-a-de-facto-military-state/...

3rd citation, 8/6/2017, “Playing Politics with the World’s Future,” Alastair Crooke, Consortium News...

“The strategy of neutering President Trump in his dealings with Russia:"...“Finally…the U.S. Congress has produced a piece of legislation, [“The Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act,” also known as “The Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017″]. And it passed with quasi-unanimous, bi-partisan support. [98-2 in Senate, 419-3 in the House]....(And never mind the worrying impulse towards conflict with Russia this entails, or its collateral damage on others)….such as likelihood that the outside world will conclude that America’s ability to pursue or even to have a foreign policy is non-existent.…

Medvedev’s Assessment

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wrote in response:

“The signing of new sanctions against Russia into law by the U.S. president leads to several consequences.

First, any hope of improving our relations with the new U.S. administration is over....

The Trump administration demonstrated it is utterly powerless, and in the most humiliating manner,

transferred executive powers to Congress.…The American establishment completely outplayed Trump.”…The Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017 [part of “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.“] codifies into law past sanctions on Russia imposed by previous Administrations,

and prohibits the President from lifting any existing sanction against Russia

without the prior permission of Congress....The influential Lawfare site points out, however, that “the provision is drafted

quite broadly to cover actions that have any ameliorative effect

despite falling short of formally lifting sanctions. For example,

congressional review is required for a waiver, “a licensing action that

significantly alters United States’ foreign policy with regard to the Russian Federation,”

and any action which would allow Russia to regain access to properties in Maryland and New York”

In short, Congress gave itself a 30-day review period to vote down any changes Trump tries to make in terms of America’s foreign relations with Russia.

Offending Europe

These are the teeth, but the Act has other little flourishes: The legislation targets the Russian energy sector,

allowing the U.S. to sanction

companies involved in developing Russian oil pipelines.


It “would almost surely affect a controversial pipeline project between Russia and Germany known as Nord Stream 2 which is owned by Gazprom but includes financial stakes from European companies. The project aims to carry Russian natural gas under the Baltic Sea, bypassing countries like Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic States,” as the New York Times reports.”…[“EU is uneasy, and divided about US sanctions on Russia,” 7/25/2017]...https://consortiumnews.com/2017/08/06/playing-politics-with-the-worlds-future/

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Thanks for the documentation, Susan. Do us all a favor and edit your comment (accessible by clicking on the "..." at the lower right corner of the comment) so that the portion from "Medvedev's Assessment" to "developing Russian oil pipelines" runs continuously as in the article or is broken into the original paragraphs when that applies. I'd do it myself, but I'm not allowed to edit someone else's comment.

Also, the first link:


weirdly takes the reader to:


Please replace the incorrect URL with the correct URL.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Mark, following is corrected link to Roll Call article....https://rollcall.com/2017/05/31/trumps-total-authorization-to-military-gives-some-deep-concerns/....Thanks for noticing. Of course I checked it before posting it here since links often expire over time. I have zero interest in the "impeachment" topic so wouldn't knowingly read or post a article about it.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Mark, I just checked the Roll Call link and it again incorrectly went to yet another article, "Thanks, but No Thanks, Bryant Tells McConnell, Trump of Cochran’s Seat, Mississippi governor not interested in potentially replacing ailing senator," 2/2/2018...Two other ideas: one, paste from my blog and two, link to 4/15/2017 Fox News report on You Tube. First, text originally posted to my blog: "“What I do is I authorize my military,” Trump told a press pool on April 13 [2017] after senior U.S. commanders in Afghanistan decided to drop the largest conventional munition since World War II. “We have the greatest military in the world and they’ve done a job as usual. We have given them total authorization.“…5/31/17, “Trump’s [4/13/2017] ‘Total Authorization’ to Military Gives Some ‘Deep Concerns’,” Roll Call, John T. Bennett…You Tube link: Following is link to Fox News report on 4/15/2017, "President Trump gives US military 'total authorization'."...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BR_5h1SKh0

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Mark, I'd be happy to edit the text. You mentioned you could do it except you aren't "allowed" to edit others' comments. If I gave you "permission" to edit the comment could you do it? Thanks.

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It's the Substack software that doesn't allow me to edit the comments of others.

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Trump is the only one to pledge to stop the war.

All is in minor compared to war with Russia!

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Sorry, this bid for a secretariat is all very hilarious given the contents of the letter Cassander linked from "National Security Leaders 4 America", e.g. "Further, Mr. Trump denigrates our great country and does not believe in the American ideal that our leaders should reflect the will of the people." Signed, Hillary Rodham Clinton et al.

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And these people do? That’s rich! What an utterly contemptible group of individuals. Oh, and apparently they don’t realize that we are a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy, but then I guess tyrants don’t really care about the little stuff.

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Wait, I thought Klaus Schwab was going to be the evil dictator with the aid of his WEF outfit. You mean to tell me that attempt has already failed? I need an updated scorecard.

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Good post Mark. Much insanity going around throughout the US/West. But not so in other parts of the world. The paradigm has changed, the West is just leaving the memo in the inbox while everyone else makes their own plans and moves on in the DIGITAL paradigm - meaning they know that globalism is dead, not to be resurrected, and they are harnessing Digital tech to move their civilizations/countries forward, while embracing the retrieval of their pre-modern spiritual/religions. So the “Anglo-Zionists” (those fighting for the old modern fantasies of British/US one world order) are not going to win. In fact, they have already lost, and they know it in their bones, thus why all the public screaming about mandating the old ways/narratives. The humans are not listening, and have consciously rejected modernity, so there is no going back. We won’t go along with it. Humpty has fallen off the wall…;) Constitutional “order” is barely in the way at this point (“parchment barrier”)…so there will be lots of talk about a new constitution, and it will happen.

America is not France (where everyone is a philosopher) so come the Trump victory, the real fun/war? How about a version of Ressourcement, across the globe and civilizations and religions?

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I dont know what's more depressing: this fascist proposal, its embrace by at least some of the neocons running US foreign policy, or WaPo's insipid propaganda.

Calling Navalny Putin's "most formidable challenger" is ludicrous. He polled at about 1% and was on the CIA payroll. The biggest opposition party in Russia is the Communist Party.

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Communist Party is by far "most formidable challenger." Yeltsin bombed Parliament in 1993 to get Commies out of the building...2021 Russia Pres. Election Results: Putin's party: 28 million, Commies: 10 million...Lib Dem: 4.2 million...etc....Navalny's problem is he didn't heed Kissinger's warning:..."To be America's enemy is dangerous, to be America's friend is fatal."

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Stop Talking About 'Red Lines' & Let Ukraine Unleash Missiles On Russia, Denmark Urges NATO

What is it about tiny European countries becoming among the most outspoken hawks on Russia? The outsized rhetoric and threats against Moscow from small states like Latvia, Lithuania, or Estonia verges on little man syndrome. And now Denmark has joined them.

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on Monday called on the Western allies to immediately greenlight Kiev's use of donated missiles for long-range strikes against Russia.

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She is an idiot.

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But useful--along with all the other globalist stooges in power in Europe. Speaks to utter corruption of the West as it now exists.

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There should be consequences for a government's actions. The greater the immediate correlation between the actions and their consequences the better. That is what a Republic and even a Democracy is based on. As it is, the Danes do not believe there are consequences, just as the Poles, and the Brits, and the Baltic states, and Europe as a whole do not believe in consequences. They no longer depend on the support of their populations because they could depend on Daddy Warbucks (the U.S.) and the façade of the EU for too long. Some of them are only just now waking up to the reality that Daddy doesn't have the money or materials or the public support to back them up any more. Same for the E.U. How tough for them and how tough for the "rules based order!" Now that they know, how far will they go to bankrupt their own peoples and themselves financially and morally? I guess we can ask Zelensky for the answer to that question.

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I saw that today and thought, “ So Denmark has a death wish too”! It could have been because of how it was translated, but her attitude and remarks came across as pretty flippant and more than just a little cavalier. Doesn’t she realize that little countries like Denmark would be toast if these “red lines” for which she has no apparent regard are crossed? Utterly insane.

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I was in Denmark 6 years ago and their politics are absolutely insane. And not just about Russia. Someone was touting the wind farm off shore and how Denmark would be free of fossil fuels in the year 2025(30? I don’t remember exactly). I laughed inside and told my wife these people are nuts. There is no way to support the population through winter this far north on wind and solar.

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