Nice to read, particularly today, after lamenting with my sister this morning how far we'd come from the Flag Day of our youth, when it was a tremendous grade-school honor to be picked as one of the flag presenters, band members or readers at the all-school veneration of the Flag. Good to know a little bit of that spirit is still kicking out there.

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A completely different time and world than what we have today. That's what happens when you are invaded by barbarians who do not share and never will the American experience. Diversity is our strength is just sloganeering and meaningless as the opposite seems to be true.

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Pretty long time ago (mid-to-late '70s), but I would say values, not backgrounds, were the common denominator. Of the 30-ish kids in my class, I can't think of one who was a 3rd (or higher) generation American--all, including myself, children or grandchildren of Irish, Italian, Polish or Cuban/PR immigrants. It's the degenerates' purposeful "long march" to undermine these values that has destroyed them, not the immigrants themselves who were largely attracted to this country by same.

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I would say principals more than values, but you make a fair point. There was a time when immigrants came here for the principals of our country which to many, on the outside looking in, desired. Freedom for many was the goal as was the American Dream. I believe the Immigration Act of 1965, the great betrayal of Ted Kennedy and his Democratic Party, changed much of that. I am second generation of an immigrant family. Funny how the degenerates speak incessantly about "Our values" while continuing to destroy our foundational principals and replace them not with "our" values, but theirs which is a reflection of their narcissism and has the depth of a lipid pool that is so shallow that tadpoles could not swim in it.

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Absolutely on the bastardization of language..."our democracy," as well. Classic Frankfurt School, and Hegelian before that.

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Massachusetts is a really confusing place. Lots of really smart people who can't seem to think logically. This past year they had a big surplus of tax money. There was a law passed by voters 30 yrs ago to return the excess to taxpayers. The lefties squirmed every which way but could not get out of having to refund millions of dollars. It nearly killed the Dems to lose that money that "was theirs!" Now they are trying to revoke that law. It is a one-party state.

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Massachusetts is one of the New England states built upon the rigidity and intolerance of their Puritan ancestors.

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This has mostly been my only realistic hope in this devolution into deviancy- that the children themselves would rebel against it all. When I was growing up, the adult shibboleths were routinely mocked by myself and my peers, even those that I eventually decided weren't so bad after all when I stopped being a young punk. Of course, we didn't have such a huge juicy target for mockery that the kids of today have with the DEI nonsense they are being spoon fed relentlessly. I expected pushback from the kids long before now.

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Agreed, but ...

decline of testosterone levels in men


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There may still be some hope!!!

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A stand against the pro-paedophile agenda. Keep it lit!

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Children have an innocence that we adults have long lost. That's why Jesus told us that we have to become like them to get to heaven. I had to go to a school yesterday that I taught in a decade ago. It too was festooned in all the pride crap. Teachers that were once respectable and whom I once respected were buying cookies with rainbow flags on them for their students. Pure grooming.

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Put enough faith and love into a child and that child can change the world.

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Must be watching Tucker.

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Congratulations to the parents of each one of these kids. These kids took a great risk. I can't imagine myself as a child having the courage to speak out like this. Conformity was everything.

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Jun 14, 2023
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I think the backlash has already begun. Reality is kicking in. Lots of my students hate this garbage.

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Jun 14, 2023
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We seem to be passing through Dante’s 9 circles of hell, the 7th circle full of those who committed violence against God and Nature. I hope we will emerge from this Inferno soon Rascal.

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Jun 14, 2023
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Yep. Important to remember that not all the younger generation are Woke dupes.

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