I hope those weapons we're sending meet John Kerry's climate approved standards. Let's get them some exercise and see what those weapons can do. Most interested in the blue powdery ones.

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Apr 23, 2022
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It's a pandemic almost! Tucker featured it.

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Apr 22, 2022Edited
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Basically. I would add that it simply didn't have to be this way. For a long term view leading up to this point cf. Luongo's latest:


You could say that the EU is the rope in a tug of war between the US and Russia, and energy is the muscle each side brought to the game. As Luongo says, time was always on Russia's side. The US and the EU tried to deny that reality, but denial never makes reality go away. Who can blame Russia for their actions, when failure to act in their own interest would simply make them serfs of the West? And look at the world that the West wants to inaugurate:

"erecting a total surveillance state under the guise of a radical response to Climate Change."

If Russia can thwart what the globalist elite in the US/EU intend for us, then I'm all for it.

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My feelings exactly, Mark. It is ironic (perhaps) that Europe bought the rope with which it is now being hanged (Green energy). Given the political success of the Greens in Germany and the shutting down of Nuclear energy there, the fault cannot be ascribed just to the politicians. We are fortunate to have more energy options in the U.S., although the Dems and Progs have been doing their best to foreclose on them. Maybe seeing what happens to Europe will make people here wake up.

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Of course, the US has been running its protection racket, NATO, as well. But I think Luongo is right that, in the long run, it comes down to energy. Russia can provide it to Europe much more cheaply. US LNG is too expensive.

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It's not as if we can count on any part of our political establishment to get out front in standing up for the basic goods of human nature.

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Apr 22, 2022
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George, all you have to do is consider the source. Bet the retirement fund on this proposition: anything and everything coming out of the mouths of these scumbags is a lie or 99.995 lie w a garnish of truth juice squeezed on top. Corollary: when all the lying liars are all singing the same damn lie, guess what? It's a lie.

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My bet is a mine damaged the ship, and then poor damage control sunk it.

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That might explain some of the otherwise puzzling facts--lack of damage consistent with missiles. The question then would be, could the mine have caused an internal explosion of munitions?

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Apr 22, 2022
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Boris is still fighting for his job due to Partygate.

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Apr 22, 2022
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Right on. The trillions of dollars won't impact inflation because none of it will actually make it into the economy at large. It all goes to line the pockets of the ultra-millionaires and billionaires that form the top layer of the Dem party.

And, what happened to the billions for "shovel ready projects" under Obama? The debt increased by something like $9T during that timeframe. There was $800B for infrastructure projects and only $24B was spent. Look at how much additional wealth, though, was accumulated during that time by the rich. Now they want more money to spend for, oh, you guessed it, infrastructure.

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It's an amazing correlation that the more detached you are from reality, the more likely you are to be team blue.

Super rich? Team blue

Gov't employee, can't be fired, impervious to business cycles? Team blue

Academia, with no accountabiility whatsoever? Team blue

On the dole, not providing for yourself, don't care how it's provided? Team blue.

If your typical day severs cause from effect, you're team blue.

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Apr 22, 2022
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Fewer and fewer countries have birth rates that allow for even sustaining their populations--this is especially true for Western nations, and S. Korea and Japan as well. While we might reach 11B people over the next 40-50 years, mostly due to increasing longevity rates even in the poorest countries, population numbers will begin to dramatically decrease by the year 2100. China is anticipated to lose half or more of its population numbers, India 25% or more. The current nations with the greatest increasing population trends still tend to be many of the African nations--five of the top 10 populations will reside in those African nations.

The next plandemic might hurry things along though, so these numbers may be way to high. :)

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RFK jrs book, The Real Fauci, has some chilling info indicating that Gates and his cronies have long targeted mothers in Africa for surreptitious sterilization. Heck, they even experimented on low income black children in NY or MA i believe.

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Gates has been very open about depopulation, a position of his parents before him.

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Apr 22, 2022
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IMO also.

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