Here's an ABC report on military recruiting, primarily on the army and USMC's current struggle to meet manpower goals. It relies on active duty and former high ranking officers' views of the problem. Of course, neither addresses the elephants in the room that are most likely the cause of the downturn - as I've mentioned previously. Who would want to serve under this lackluster husk of a president? Who wants to serve in a military run by Soviet style Kommissars? Who wants to join a military that mandates a risky injection against a virus with a greater than 99% survival rate? Who would join a military to be brainwashed on CRT, BLM, White supremacy, etc.? Instead, it is easier for these officers to hew the safer political ground by blaming a reduced pool of eligible candidates which seems highly unlikely in a nation of more than 330 million souls.


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Erdogan… quite the negotiator. We’re moving to rely on tactical nukes. I’m convinced.

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Our AF could use the new F-16's and the update kits the Turks are getting, F-35 is overpriced junk.

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Air Force leaders discourage use of gender specific pronouns in award citations | Fox News

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I wonder what the regs. are regarding the verbal greeting that goes with the hand salute . . . good afternoon xir? What a bunch of idiots !!!

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Just a reminder that we were on top of the world a year and a half ago. Trump spent money to rebuild our military and with 250 soldiers,(not 30000 as in Korea just to keep the South independent, something we didn't do in Vietnam) we were in total control in Afghanistan. He also spent money to build up our productivity, making us net exporters of oil, so that we could maintain our debt and eventually pay it off. No national debate is necessary or even possible. There can be no getting along or power sharing. The Marxist/Globalist agenda is in full swing. The Reichstag fire June6 witch hunt continues, more absurd by the day. Trump instructed his followers to march peaceably to the Capitol and then go home, and we are to believe he had intention to personally lead an armed insurrection! The Capitol police in connivance with Pelosi invited them to enter the Capitol and then turned on them, killing at least two. No hearings. No investigations. Gore had his weeks of hanging chads, yet all Washington and various State Houses and even the Supreme Court refused to consider and adjudicate credible charges of election fraud. I would maybe listen to Barr if he had done his job and prosecuted fraud allegations rather than come up with an opinion that it wouldn't have changed things. As for the future, I believe we the people are in the majority, but the regime together with the media hold positions of power. They are fighting for their lives and will use all means to maintain power. Hopefully they will lose, but should they win they have lost the trust of the people. Fighting a major war or building up a wartime economy will be impossible.

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Sundance--or whoever writes under his tagline:

"There is a slow-motion buildup to a hot war with Russia happening. The NATO and western alliance motive for the war is clear {Go Deep}. The question is rapidly moving from “if” to “when.”


It's certainly well worth the read. OTOH, it sounds totally insane--those Arleigh Burke destroyers are sitting ducks for hypersonic missiles. OTOH, who ever said our delusional foreign policy elites were incapable of this level of insanity?

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Everything these people say and do convinces me even more that they truly have a death wish. I can’t think of a time in American history when we have been ruled by such a delusional, incompetent and arrogant bunch.

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You'd probably have to go all the way back to James Madison to find such clueless hubris in the foreign policy realm.

He was lucky that Britain lost the will to continue fighting.

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Today's military cannot continue as a functioning force without volunteers. But who in their right mind would volunteer for this mickey mouse club, especially if you're a conservative and don't want an experimental vaccine injected into you as soon as you report to the induction center followed by CRT and pronoun training? I posted here previously that there would be a downturn in military recruiting - and it was not going to be because there are not enough qualified volunteers. Now the standards are being lowered and those previously disqualifying/objectionable tattoos, criminal records, drug use, etc. are no longer quite so objectionable.

Could it become such a problem that selective service will once again be instituted? Standby to stand by as we said in the military. But as mentioned above, 2024 is a long way off and plenty of time to watch the military disintegrate even further as retirements spike and retention zeroes out.

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