Inflation is actually higher than what is being reported. See Sundance article from yesterday to understand how the Dept of Labor "cooked the books" for Zhou's benefit. That being said, I've decided to take matters into my own hand. I'm selling some major stock assets and moving these into safer places. In addition, I'm paying down most of my debt and will scratch and claw any savings over the next 2 to 3 years so that I can eventually relocate to a warmer climate AND then buy real estate / house when the housing market crashes over the next 2 to 3 years because no one will be able to afford their mortgage rate.

Wait till the end of the year. Kiss my arse Zhou. OBTW Where's Janet Yellen?

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SOTU delays to March 1st are to allow for any favorable news to begin to appear as late as possible. Everyone knows this. Feb. jobs report won't be available by then and the assumption that the Zhou/Sutra regime can take credit for Pandemic recovery at that point. What a crock.

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Zhou goes to Delaware every weekend to lay in his basement bed for 60 hours with multiple IV lines hooked up to allow him to go back to DC and scoot around.

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Tucker Carlson just interviewed Dr. Malone - Wow. The Dr. Malone interview was the one that got the cancel campaign against Joe Rogan into over drive.


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I saw a snippet--where he said he'd never vote for a Dem again. Slow learner, but it's good to have him saying things like that.

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The question is whether the ruling class even care what the citizens think. Your comment about the 'turtle' brings to mind a post I made to another site. They removed it as 'spam'. Feel free to do the same, but not only am I not selling anything, I am not even counseling violence or lawlessness. Quite the contrary, I would like the law to resuscitate itself. Maybe I should have labeled it literary criticism, with a disclaimer relative to any resemblance to persons living or dead, and taken out all current references.

"My compliments to all the participants who commented on this article in a wide-ranging discussion which touched on all our most serious problems at this moment. We had a Revolution and a Civil War in our history, but never has this country been so challenged and so threatened as it is now. We are in a struggle not defined by territories nor able to be settled by the conflict of armies. Orwell in '1984' gives us our best insight when he divides the country into 'big brother' acolytes and proles. In his book Big Brother has won, and the proles are barely mentioned. He gives us someone called O'Brien, who seems human and sympathetic to the ideas of our hero and heroine. He then turns out to be a sadistic torturer. What gives?

Having constructed a structured society all parts function interdependent on the other. Any deviation and the system falls apart. Preserving the system is primordial. O'Brien works for the system. In our day Washington has become a system. You go there, you become part of the system. You are amply rewarded, but that isn't the whole picture. You have to believe in the system, demonstrate your allegiance to the system and hold that any collapse of the system is a bigger catastrophe than allowing distasteful things to occur. We mistakenly assume that our representatives and public servants are working for our greater good, and they may be, but not when there is a risk to the system.

President Trump came from outside the system, but he was hardly naive. As a manager he knew that you had to get things done with the personnel at hand. As Rumsfeld put it you fight a war with the Army you have. Transformations take time. If my analysis based on Orwell is correct, he was to discover that all Washington, from the lowliest clerk to the Supreme Court, was part of the system and dedicated to its preservation. One crooked election could be tolerated, but the system must never be put in question.

The problem now is that the Washington system is becoming truly Orwellian. As Optimist comments below, the people will have to learn to cope with a government not at all responsive to their needs, and will effectively turn into proles. That will leave the ruling class in total control, to the extent they are dictating our laws. Someone like Trump, more likely Trump himself, would be able to expose them with all the evidence he has probably gathered, but it will not be pretty. Should the public not be in support he would most likely not even attempt to accomplish what he promised in his 'most important speech' of December 2, 2000, to restore integrity to the electoral process. Where we are headed is still up for grabs, but not for long.

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"The problem now is that the Washington system is becoming truly Orwellian." Change this to say "has been for some time" instead of "is". At least 3 decades IMO. Reinforced by the Deep state changes after 09/11. Trump exposed this to the country. Now it's up to us to do something about it.

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Whatever the plan is, I think Taibbi does a great job (nothing new there) in telling us what the plan should NOT be (taibbi.substack.com/p/justin-trudeaus-ceausescu-moment). Just a taste:

From there, in a process that snowballed for years, the neoliberal commentariat gradually widened the definition of 'deplorables' and 'unacceptables, to the point where you’re probably on the list right now if you’re not physically in the town of Davos snuggling with a NATO analyst as you read this. Their relentless propaganda campaigns have given most of the world an out-group identity by now, even a growing segment of the intellectual class, and like the Ceaușescus, their leaders still act like there’s a cellar somewhere in which all their detractors can be stuffed, instead of just treating them like legitimate political actors whose complaints need to be dealt with. They will need to reach that second conclusion eventually, but keep delaying, unable to get themselves to a place where they can see the 'unacceptables' as members of their same species.

Even here in America, a Homeland Security alert this week ostensibly describing our own population instead reads like the last dispatches of alien occupiers waiting to be eaten by the earth-apes:

"The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence."

Trudeau’s error was enormous. He gave the world graphic visual evidence of what happens when everyone in the current political scrum is forced to put their cards on the table. The “small fringe minority” turns out to be anyone who would answer a Trudeau phone call, and the giant pool of everyone else turns out to be the people with direct control over whether or not shelves are stocked, gas delivered, food harvested. Emboldened, another convoy is now organizing to descend on Washington. The hashtag #TruckersConvoy2022 already has millions of interactions and the main Facebook groups have gained 200,000 members in two weeks.

They’re coming, but it seems like the only thing our thinking classes can think to do in response is mass-produce news stories denouncing everyone involved as neo-Nazi QAnon loons, basically a repeat of Trudeau’s “fringe” approach. Those stories may be comforting to the Georgetown set, but it’s not going to help when 70 miles of trucks or whatever show up at the edge of the capital. By the time these people realize that what they’re dealing with is bigger than a caricature, it’ll be too late. If the Ceaușescus were around, they’d explain: politicians don’t always have the luxury of waiting to face reality.

[End quote]

From Taibbi's lips to God's ears. Or maybe even better, how's that old line from the Ten Commandments movie go? Ah, yes - "So let it be written. So let it be done."

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I work have worked with and continue to work with team members outside Toronto. You can't believe how engrained in their culture it is to be subservient to the government. Complete lack of critical thinking skills, rational thinking or problem solving. It's all about succumbing to the govt's wishes and being a good Canadian for most. Glad to see this start to breakout.

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Well, shoot, here I go again (again via instapundit):

"As Michael Walsh wrote on Monday, also referencing Ceaușescu: 'For when the preference cascade begins, punks, tyrants and dictators need to watch their backs as the real workers of the world unite. I spent the years between 1985 and 1991 shuttling in and out of East Germany and the Soviet Union, was in Berlin as the Wall was being torn down, and departed from Moscow just before the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev in the summer of ’91. (The Soviet Union folded four months later.) I stood on Fisherman’s Bastion in Budapest with Hungarian friends in late 1989, looking east over the Danube, as they expressed their fears of an imminent invasion from Romanian troops. Hope was in the air — the Wall had just fallen — but uncertainty still ruled. Would the useless George H.W. Bush administration come to their aid? Or, once again, would the fascist-communist tanks roll? Instead, a miracle happened: the people, united, were not to be defeated.'


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Feb 11, 2022·edited Feb 11, 2022

And now this from Bari Weiss' substack (via instapundit):

"A lot of the truckers who had driven in from Vancouver and Winnipeg and Quebec City expressed this same uncertainty. It was getting really expensive to get by: rent, utilities, groceries, everything. Almost everyone who was poor or even middle-class was mired in debt. They told me that they expected this sort of wealth gap in America, but not in Canada.

"The divide that already existed between the haves and have-nots largely mapped onto the new chasm between those who supported the mandates and those who did not. And that was creating this huge, weird fracturing everywhere." bariweiss.substack.com/p/what-the-truckers-want

Too many regular, apolitical people are simply FEELING the pain, good and hard, and that's no muy bueno if you're of the set causing it.

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Again, Canadian citizens I know and work with are subservient to the govt's wishes. The socialist agenda, socialized medicine etc. will not stand for these "wealth gaps". Oops.

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Looks like maybe - just maybe - they've written off the midterms enough to see that the Reagan-Volcker option is the least bad one they have. Raise rates, get slaughtered in the recession-soaked midterms, then hope for a strong recovery and morning in America two tears hence.

I can't fault them if 1981 calls and they decide to answer. But I doubt they'll have the stones or the conviction to go all the way with it - tightening not just monetary policy but fiscal policy, as well. Which means they'll be no morning in America, anyway, even if they try.

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So Kamala is being sent in the knowledge that she will be horribly humiliated in front of the entire world - how can it not be? (Oh and by the way the U.S. will be humiliated too but which of the Dems care?). In the mean time they have decided to crash the stock market and had Joe be responsible for it (don't tell him, though).

Joe is hanging on by a thread week to week, day to day. Kamala may either quit to avoid humiliation or quit after she is humiliated. The polls are an utter disaster for the Dems. So, next in line is San Fran Nan, who said the U.S. has a "moral obligation" to deal with climate change while she flies back and forth from one coast to the other every week. Climate change is the next big thing in line for justifying government tyranny now that Covid has expired. Are we now seeing a "Great Reset" of the Democratic Party prior to the midterms? I will just say that cornered animals are the most dangerous.

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Kama Sutra isn't going anywhere. If she was it would be her choice for the S.C. position but Dem's can't lose the senate (while they lose it 9 months). No, Kama will play the "victim" card in the future. She has no other tools, knowledge, or experience to draw on.

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My view, too. Dems are stuck with her due to requirement for confirmation of new VP.

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There are odds of course but underlying them there are known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. For example:


Like Mike Tyson said, "Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth." I would just like to know the known unknown of who is pulling the strings as regards Joe and Kamala.

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If Kameltoe wasn't thoroughly acclimated to humiliation, she wouldn't be where she is. She's a professional, and she'll keep doing what they tell her until they're done with her. She has no choice.

I for one am looking forward to the impending implosion and political cannibalism and chaos. They'll do each other in. We only have to be ready with viable alternatives.

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Implosion yes, cannibalism yes, HRC to the rescue.

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"The mood of the country could be described as increasingly sullen, verging on outright anger..."

Er....sullen? How about cold fury? How about barely disguised rage?

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What I have written I have written.

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America's "back end" he meant.

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America's back--but I won't be.

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Removed (Banned)Feb 11, 2022
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Yes. Rand Paul and Ron Johnson have been doing the Lord's work, but the leadership has been foolishly either AWOL or gone over to the Dark Side.

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