Globalism is dead. Dustbin of history. Never to return. All driven by everyone in the world going Digital: new attitudes, sentiments and opinions. What replaces it? A variation on multi-polar. What are the effects? Less concern for “ideals” and more for the particulars of life in every place. Call it a return to civilizations. The really big effect, that no one talks about, but is obvious here, is the retrieval of spirituality/religion. No more secularism. Syria was a contrivance of the Modern world, which no one believes in anymore. Who is next?
Going Digital, which allows everyone to retrieve history and traditions, sets up a new psychological environment, varied in each place. New rules will be needed. In the short term, it puts the potential for conflict up front: the old globalist mindset versus the new Digital spiritualist mindset.
Important to see how the big civilizational places like China, India, Russia, Silicon Valley elites (worldwide) and the West writ large are all dealing with this. What opportunities/doors are opening? Which ones are closed?
It seems the West, Israel, and Turkey all saw toppling Assad as a panacea for their dreams about ME domination to begin coming true. It was all based on Assad being a proxy for Russia and Iran, who were/are seen as their true adversaries and the roadblocks to the West's desires. No one seems to have asked "What if Russia and Iran bail on Syria and we are left to deal with HTS?" And "How do we get HTS to either stand down or accede to our wishes?"
This lack of foresight and planning is entirely typical of the West, in particular the U.S. We are in an endless cycle of destructive, unjust, and futile wars that are caused by the desire for hegemony by Europe and the U.S. at the expense of the lives and/or livelihoods of millions of people. Anybody in our government who continues to support this madness should not only be ashamed, they should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and our own Constitution. I am going to remember Trump saying that we shouldn't be involved in Syria and pray that he keeps his word.
Excellent transcription! Thank you.
Crooke can be quite difficult at times. If you look at the machine generated transcripts and can sometimes look like gibberish.
Globalism is dead. Dustbin of history. Never to return. All driven by everyone in the world going Digital: new attitudes, sentiments and opinions. What replaces it? A variation on multi-polar. What are the effects? Less concern for “ideals” and more for the particulars of life in every place. Call it a return to civilizations. The really big effect, that no one talks about, but is obvious here, is the retrieval of spirituality/religion. No more secularism. Syria was a contrivance of the Modern world, which no one believes in anymore. Who is next?
Going Digital, which allows everyone to retrieve history and traditions, sets up a new psychological environment, varied in each place. New rules will be needed. In the short term, it puts the potential for conflict up front: the old globalist mindset versus the new Digital spiritualist mindset.
Important to see how the big civilizational places like China, India, Russia, Silicon Valley elites (worldwide) and the West writ large are all dealing with this. What opportunities/doors are opening? Which ones are closed?
It seems the West, Israel, and Turkey all saw toppling Assad as a panacea for their dreams about ME domination to begin coming true. It was all based on Assad being a proxy for Russia and Iran, who were/are seen as their true adversaries and the roadblocks to the West's desires. No one seems to have asked "What if Russia and Iran bail on Syria and we are left to deal with HTS?" And "How do we get HTS to either stand down or accede to our wishes?"
This lack of foresight and planning is entirely typical of the West, in particular the U.S. We are in an endless cycle of destructive, unjust, and futile wars that are caused by the desire for hegemony by Europe and the U.S. at the expense of the lives and/or livelihoods of millions of people. Anybody in our government who continues to support this madness should not only be ashamed, they should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and our own Constitution. I am going to remember Trump saying that we shouldn't be involved in Syria and pray that he keeps his word.
Assad should be very grateful that President Putin helped and allowed him to come to Moscow in asylum.
Thank you for the summary, very interesting and sobering