Geez. What an arse.

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Arrogant prick and typical. And our government protects jerks like this from the hate crimes they commit daily.

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More evidence Israel is pushing for a Nakbar 2.0, sending Gaza’s population to the West.


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Obvious lack of leadership on the part of the US / EU traditional power brokers to negotiate peace agreements that cut across the Arab and Israeli sphere. Without this leadership this will continue. UN appears to be balking too.

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So Netanyahu is trying to do a Zelensky: drag the West into a wider war. This time, it might work.

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Biblical lands... I think Catholics would say the Chosen People lost their lands because they chose to disobey The God That Chose Them and gave them those lands to have only if they kept his laws. Like, even the difficult laws. Temple destroyed once in 586BC. Rejection of Christ in 33AD. Temple destroyed in AD70. I think the early (and late) Fathers of the Church did not recognize any right of return. Have Evangelicals fallen for a terrible misreading of Revelations? Who benefits?

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As for the Jewish descendants being the chosen people: Matthew 3:9. As for who the sons of Abraham really are:


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So possibly a terrible misreading of Genesis. 😬

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Hi Tamsin,

I don't think so. I think the Bible (Pentateuch, remainder of Old Testament, New Testament) is seamless if you look at its ultimate purpose as being to display and actuate God's plan of salvation to the world and using the nation of Israel to assist in that. Here is what I believe the proper interpretation of the nation of Israel being the "chosen people" is:


I took a quick look around to find something that expressed my beliefs in this regard, and this essay does. I don't know anything about the author or the website but I do think she "nails it." Hope this helps.

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Thanks - excellent - ‘ Israel is not chosen for salvation but for a purpose’.

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Will take a look, thanks!

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Nov 22, 2023
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Will check out your substack! Our study group is going through Revelations using the Ascension Press course, we are up to Chapter 12/13. One dragon, one sea beast, and an earth beast. I am waiting to read further commentary until I finish Cavins' exposition.

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My swag’s:

- Biden Administration is terrified of war with Iran / Herzbolla, because of Obama loyalists want a deal for the history book and spite Trump, and believe a war would be a 2024 bloodbath for Democrats.

- U.S. could hurt Iran and Herzbolla, but it would be at a huge blood and economic cost. Iran and Herzbolla are a lot tougher now, and the U.S.S. New Jersey is mothballed.

- Iran is indirectly escalating with the U.S. and Israel.

- U.S. Government has very little willingness to influence Israel. AIPAC is a monster none dare cross. And the anti Semitic card is still very strong, as evidenced by its use with Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson.

- Israel Government I’ve no idea what they are doing militarily.

1. Nakba 2.0? Create a greater Israel?

2. Or sending a message of over whelming retaliation to reestablish deterrence?

3. Or trying to exhaust the feelings for revenge?

4. Minimizing casualties, while giving appearance of hurting Hamas tremendously?

5. Or trying to sucker the U.S. into the conflict?

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IMO, any conflict with Iran will be fought in a proxy location. Lebanon, Armenia, Yemen etc...

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Thanks very much for your comments, Ray. In response:

> I don't think Iran is attempting to escalate at this point but they are taking advantage of the situation by striking on the margins. They may eventually want a war but not now. Their hold on power is too fragile plus when your enemy (enemies) is in the process of destroying itself (themselves), why interfere? They will wait and see what happens. I say that just from the opinions I have read and logic - no direct evidence.

> Again, from what Mark has presented and other readings, I think Netanyahu and his cabinet are looking for the "greater Israel" - making Gaza uninhabitable and pushing the effective border back into Lebanon to the Litani both point toward that objective (posited justifications aside).

> #2 and #3 both yes, in support of #1

> #4 definitely

> #5 I think so - we shall see how hard they push Hezbollah as that leverage point.

Thanks again for your very astute comments (as always).

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Thanks for the kind words.

Mark’s blog gives my brain a work out, which at my age my brain needs.

I agree with you on Iran.

I’ve no idea what the eventual solution will be.

Some guesses:

1. Nakbar 2.0 / Greater Israel I don’t think is possible, as much as some in Israel would like it.

2. U.S. is not going to attack Iran directly.

3. Herzbolla is not going to go to war with Israel.

4. Russia’s presence in Syria will keep the Assad family in power.

5. U.S. is not going to attack Russian forces in Syria.

6. Arab countries are not going to accept more Palestinian Refugees.

7. U.S. will treat Israel with kids gloves, due to power of Israeli Lobby.


Impact of release of 50 hostages by Hamas and ceasefire.

How effective idf has been in fighting Hamas.


Will Israel do a full hostage exchange and go back to status quo?

I’m not sure with shock and feeling of betrayal of the Hamas attack this is possible politically in Israel, with Hamas officially in charge of Gaza.

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There are lots of things that are unpredictable and overlap. In general I hope you are right on these points. I think a "greater Israel" may be possible but it will never be a state of affairs that enjoys peace. I agree about Syria and I think Russia's presence there will constrain Israel (hopefully) to push no farther north than Lebanon. I remain mindful of Isaiah 17 that prophesies the destruction of Damascus, however. I think #6 is pretty assured - that will be up to us and Europe. #7 is guaranteed.

Your unknowns are indeed unknowns. It appears there will be nothing left of Gaza to be in charge of. I think MacGregor and Crooke are both right that a two state solution is in the graveyard, now. So will the Israelis take responsibility for the well-being of the Gazans after the ceasefire? That will be your answer as to the "greater Israel" question.

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Palestinians burned bridges with their support of Saddam Hussein. The ones working in the gulf states got replaced by safer Pakistani's, Philippino’s, and Indians. And the tribal angle. Palestinians are seen as a different, untrustworthy, backstabbing tribe.

Jordan remembers Black September, where the Palestinians tried to gain control.

Palestinians are treated as second class residents and discriminated against in many Arab Countries.

And why should the Arab Countries help Israel?

Egypt has been fighting a nasty insurgency against the Muslim Brotherhood (parent of Hamas).

Resettlement in the U.S., Australia, and/or Europe? - possible with the actual immigration that’s happening (government words are anti immigration, but actions are yes for example U.K., Italy, and U.S.).

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Very enlightening about Iran. I hope Crooke is right and that the Biden admin knows it would be madness to go to war with them. It gives me the nasty thought that if the strait of Hormuz WAS closed that the U.S. and Europe would use that as a pretext for war. That would not surprise me in the least, especially when the U.A.E. is moving into BRICS (https://asiatimes.com/2023/09/uaes-brics-move-shows-global-role-of-middle-powers/) along with the Saudis.

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Turks won’t enter the fray, they’ve been promised a big carrot, probably Kardzhali and the Greek perimeter Islands. After all, in Armenia the collective west has shown they couldn’t care less about Christians.

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Judge Nap is right about the politics of the US Congress, he didn't say why that is the case. We all know why, the US Congress is bought and paid for by foreign agents, dual nationals, persons with divided loyalty. Joined at the wallet with Israel, that is the situation today in good ol' USA .

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This article provides lots of context for the transcript:


Scoop: Senior Biden adviser in Israel for talks on preventing war with Lebanon

The senior adviser is Amos Hochstein, who is also an Israeli citizen. He'll also be talking with Israel--not with the Gaza government--about exploitation of Gaza's offshore gas fields that Israel has prevented Gaza from exploiting for over ten years.

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So they send a guy who has no diplomatic background but only a background in the energy industry. Yeah, that makes sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. And then Blinken is going to Israel anyway next week. Nothing the Biden admin has done so far as regards Israel and Gaza makes sense or has had any sort of effect other than disaster. Absolutely nothing. Not surprising, when even they do not know what they want. What are their strategic objectives? To please Israel? To go to war with Iran? To avoid escalation? Who knows with this bunch?

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It’s not Biden, he is incapable mentally of doing anything but shuffle about spouting inanities and groping little children while spewing hatred at his own citizens he was elected to lead. He is being run by the Zionists in his cabinet and in our many departments. They are anti-Christian and could care less about what happens to this country they care about protecting their wealth and that means protecting Israel who along with Ukraine are the money laundering operation of the U.S. dollar printing press.

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Agree 100%

Even stranger, Amos Hochstein was on a Ukrainian board!


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It’s really not strange when you begin to put the puzzle together. See above.

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I’m still a bit naive, sigh…

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No, you are not, Ray, you are from an era when we trusted our government and believed they were doing what was right and decent. I think we refer to that as patriotism and love for your country. Many of us could say we've been naive, but in reality we've been lied to, repeatedly. I remember watching in disbelief the twin towers coming down and then mesmerized by the post 9/11 reporting. I cheered when we started the GWOT, and defended that POS Bush. We've been fed disinformation and propaganda for years and now the scales covering our eyes have fallen away and we see the mess we are in and who the real bad guys are..

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Right. Super connected--in Neocon circles. They run the regime.

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And a dual-citizen. Who was it who said that you can't serve two masters?

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Samuel Huntington was right to view dual citizenship as an emerging problem. The Zionists are proving him right. The Mexican government saw the power of the Israel lobby and how much influence they were able to buy and they stepped up their presence on K street. It has helped them tremendously when looking at the surge in immigration and the growth in dollars flowing to Mexico from their “diaspora” in the USA. The path to wealth for the ordinary runs through D.C.

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Maybe, but I remain hopeful that the DC Gravy Train is running out of gas. SOTH Johnson seems committed to not passing massive pork barrel combined funding bills or CRs, much to Sen McConnell's irritation.

Changes to int'l money transfer standards (ISO-20022) went into effect (Nov 19) that will likely make it impossible for Ukraine to remain the universal money laundromat. Can't remember where, but saw an article recently that Ukraine had made the complete conversion.

Israel didn't get $14 billion from the recent stand alone bill. Maybe DOD can find some of that missing $3 trillion or the executive office can scrounge up some discretionary funding, but I don't get the impression Israel has the capital it takes to complete any plans on its own.

So at least we can breathe a little easier until Congress reconvenes - Happy Thanksgiving!

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Nov 22, 2023
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Regional power dynamics will dictate the limits.

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