Aug 6·edited Aug 6

"For orthodox Christians, in no way can the establishment of a modern State of Israel be confused with the fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham because Jesus is the true fulfillment of those promises. "

I made similar arguments against Christian Zionism in another Substack blog I frequented. While many of Catholic and Orthodox and Reformed persuasion were of like-mind, there were a few ardent evangelical dispensationsalists who accused me of being anti-Semitic and psychopathic. I eventually canceled my subscription to that blog because there were a few blog nannies who viewed it as their duty to review postings and make ad hominem attacks on those who don't believe that Israel must be supported by the US, no matter what, because in the OT the land of Israel was promised to the Jewish people forever, unconditionally.

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gee Mark. I just wrote a similar type of article on my Substack page. I guess there is a Spirit moving people in the same direction.

This really is weird.


My next post on Substack will consider the concept of the Romans are responsible for the death of Jesus.

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6

Hello Robert. The Jews and the Romans were responsible for the death of Jesus. And so was I! I'll check your substack to see what you write. Thanks.

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The Christian view is that all of mankind is responsible for the death of Jesus (as we are all sinners deserving of eternal condemnation) and all of mankind is meant to benefit from Christ's atoning death and resurrection, which has provided for the salvation of all who believe through the grace of God.

Romans 3:23:

"...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

Romans 5:12:

"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned...

Acts 4:11-12:

"Jesus is

“‘the stone you builders rejected,

which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

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Christian zionism is an oxymoron. How much less safe are Christians and missionaries in threatening countries now, after their rich-and-loud US brethren have endorsed genocide (because the Jews are ‘the apple of God’s eye’ (Zech 2:8), and ‘those who curse Israel will be cursed’ (Gen 12:2))?

Well, woe to those who call evil good, and good evil - Isaiah 5:20.

Again, thank you Mark. I’ve been waiting for someone to make cogent sense of this theological catastrophe.

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I wonder, since this group questioned aipac, was it targeted for tech excommunications?


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Instapundit has a summary:


Where I found out about the story, and the web page went through the technical excommunication they have gone through. Including lawfare from ny. And the targeting of their website by ddos type attacks. It’s very sophisticated what is being done to them. And they even got an interview with Tucker Carlson and it’s one of his top 10 popular videos.

The technical shunning happens to other sites. I had a fascinating talk with a person at a main stream conservative site (founder is a Jewish lawyer college prof and pro Israel and Trump) with how they have been deplatformed and can’t publicly talk much about it, or it may get worse for them. Same with the censorship issue. Dr Malone documented his go around with stripe that backed down over his substack site. Voxday has mentioned similar issues and his go around legal with Patreon (he won).

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It's a good guess.

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GOP Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN) tweeted "It’s not surprising @KamalaHarris picked Tim Walz to be her running mate — he embodies the same disastrous economic, open-borders, and soft-on-crime policies Harris has inflicted on our country the last four years."

Emmer went on to note that, "Walz is an empty suit who has worked to turn Minnesota into Harris’ home state of California, and solidifies this ticket's full embrace of a radical, America-last agenda."

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Chuck Callesto @ChuckCallesto

DID YOU KNOW:  Minnesota Gov. and Harris' choice for VP Tim Walz signed a bill allowing the state to TAKE CUSTODY OF YOUR CHILDREN if a parent refuses to let their child receive "gender affirming care."

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"Religious forces were also always at work in Zionism..." Surprise, surprise, surprise. When your religion is that you are a bloodline from the get-go. The beget-go.

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I’m definitely interested in learning more. Seems like there is a very vocal contingent of “Christians” who misguidedly support Zionism because their church leaders don’t know jack.

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"If these issues interest you..."

You may not be interested in these issues, but these issues are interested in you, or rather, in using your military and your line of credit for their own purpose.

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Absolutely true. People in the West don't like to talk or think about these things. The survival of the West depends on sorting all this out--Zionism as we now see it is only one part of it, and not the major part. It's just that Zionism is at the forefront now. Again, archives ...

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I'm not a catholic, but I hold a similar position. I was working on my own version of this from the Protestant view, but Trump's assasination interrupted my work as all kinds of theories were advanced from it was a staged event, and 2nd shooter theories, blah, blah blah, that I spent what available bandwidth I had investigating that. I was interested catholics would be prone to Zionism. It's far more prevalent in Protestantism due to Darby, Scofield and company.

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"I was interested catholics would be prone to Zionism. It's far more prevalent in Protestantism ..."

Actually, while it may be difficult for non-Catholics to see it, there is a strong Protestant influence in modern Catholic thinking. It derives from common philosophical influences, which I regularly trace back (most proximately) to late medieval Nominalism. More generally, the entire shared influence of the Augustinian tradition has metastasized in Modernism in the Catholic sense. That's all a vast topic.

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No kidding, but irresistibly fascinating IMO. I ran across an article years back; Franks, Romans, Feudalism and Doctrine; an interplay between theology and society in 3 parts by

John S Romanides [Patriarch Athenagoras Memorial Lectures 1981] I never liked Augustine, scholasticism, or the denouement, Descartes the Catholic, a monster, as I used to see it. And the Protestants are Bolsheviks I announced the other day in a fury. These are just flip attitudes I suppose, but I'd almost forgotten the above, a deleted history that had flipped me momentarily right side up. I need to re read it.

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