Be sure to email this to Hunter.

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Happy, happy, joy, joy.

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''I’m just saying that the pardon isn’t a total freebie—it comes with risks, if the government wants to push.''

And 'WE THE PEOPLE' (Of all nations, not just the USA) are very much hoping that the Trump administration will want to 'PUSH'

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I sure hope Pelousy gets a pardon then..! : D

Robbing Hoods the whole lot of them..

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Yes, very big.

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This is delicious. I will take your pardon and raise you civil forfeiture and the loss of your 5th Amendment protection against testifying - any day! As a number of people have noted through the years, the greatest shame for these people is the loss of social standing. And just wait and see how long it will be before the rats run off the "good ship U.S.S. Vindman" when the time comes (or even the U.S.S. Biden).

The best part, though, is that the truth will all come out. The victors get to write the history, no? And by God, in this case the victors are the moral ones.

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I hope a Biden Pardon Bullseye landed on Pelosi. Investigate her stellar stock-picking performance, and if not squeaky-clean, spend the money repairing the sewage system for Palisades or something.

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Does that mean Fauci loses the royalties on SARS-CoV-2 patents and other payoffs from Pfizer and Moderna?

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That's the really interesting question. There has to be an underlying crime--some sort of fraud in these circumstances I would guess. If so, then ...

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Jan 21Edited
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There are a bunch of lawyers who played a huge role in defrauding and gaslighting the country and harassing not only Trump, but regular Americans. They all run in the same tribe as Raskin and Schiff.

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What is the downside for a jailed J6er, convicted or otherwise, of accepting a pardon? I don't see any. The proceedings are rigged. If not convicted yet, they will be. If convicted, a pardon clears them. None benefited materially from their supposed crimes. Most were non-violent, so it's hard to imagine a civil case would be brought.

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Here’s the thing about Milley: He was on active duty when he betrayed his country. And those in the Armed Forces forfeit their Constitutional rights and subject themselves to the UCMJ. If Trump recalls Milley to active duty, which he can while he’s in the Inactive Ready Reserve (a term lasting for a decade following retirement, at least for the enlisted) for a court martial, does that nullify the previous president’s pardon?

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Stacy: I’m with you on this one, big time!! Miley and Vindman both should be Court Marshaled and sent to Leavenworth. It’s time these clowns realize that the UCMJ applies to them as well as us lowly E-4’s. Attempting to undermine the CIC and circumventing the chain of command are both, as the saying goes, “some serious shit” no matter what your rank.

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Very well said. I’m looking forward to seeing what shakes out of their hides. My beloved Dad was once an E-4! So were my Grandfather and brother. Thank you for your service, sir! I know you work for a living, but I just couldn’t help myself. 😊

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Thanks Stacy! I’ll let you call me sir this one time, but if you do it again you’re gonna have to drop and give me ten :-)

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Noooo, not the exercise!! 🤣🤣🤣 Anything but that!!

You’re one of the good ones… Mr. SMH! Thought I was gonna slip up, did you? 😁

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Revoke all of Milley's clearances. He won't be able to work for DOD contractors, consulting on classified programs. Without even a SECRET clearance, he may not be able to do much of anything that a DOD contractor would want him to do.


Recall him and make him the Minot AFB (ND) Gym Officer. He can hand out basketballs to dependents during the swing shift.

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For some of these people, measures like that could be a very real punishment--if they were counting on cashing in. Since accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt, revocation of clearances should be a no-brainer.

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Don’t they all count on that dough? They retire and then park their butts on the board of some defense contractor. Then the millions roll in but we tend to miss the fact that it’s often for services already rendered. I’m hoping that civil forfeiture will lighten his load considerably.

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Above my pay grade, but I've seen others ask exactly that question. I'd luv to see Trump give that a try.

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DeSantis has already convened a grand jury in FL over COVID. Let’s hope it bears fruit.

Also, Milley can still face a court martial.

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What do you say they should look at forfeiting those fat government pensions that Fauci and Milley have for starters?

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Trump has a short time to revoke Biden's pardons. Please help jail Biden crime family, J6 committee and especially, Fauci, by sharing this until it reaches Trump!

There's a court precedent that pardons can be revoked if they were not yet delivered by the Department of Justice or not received by the pardoned. Because of this formal glitch, maybe Trump could also revoke some pardons of Obama and Bill Clinton!


Good news!:


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