Mark, check out Max Abrahm’s twitter feed to get the real scoop. Also link to article Max did 4+ years ago is remarkable.


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Max Abrahms


Iraq was mainly the fault of an ideologically motivated presidential administration.

Libya was mainly the fault of a naive international community.

Syria was the mainly the fault of deceitful think tanks.

Afghanistan was mainly the fault of corrupt military.

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Understood. Enough said.

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This was a thrust to improve Biden's poll numbers. This was like shooting fish in a barrel. Everyone knew the Al Q and ISIS spot in NW Syria was off limits to all except the U.S. Not a shocker by any stretch. Try something more difficult next time Zhou.

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With Trump gone, I am surprised we are still in Syria.

Since we left Afghanistan, why not Syria?

My understanding on Idlib, is basically it's all Sunni. The Sunni's including Isis and Al Queda that got evicted / ethnically cleansed by the Syrian Regime and allied forces. To the North you have the Turk backed area that was taken from the Kurds. And to the East the Kurds controlled areas.

I guess the Turks don't want it, or the US does not want them to take it over? Sounds like the US said leave it alone, which surprises me.

It's been a while since I paid any attention to Syria, I am surprised to see it in the news again.

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The way the US military withdrew from Afghanistan was a total screw up, only Zhou is capable of such ineptitude. On second thought W. was quite inept as well, we should have been gone after 20 weeks, maybe 20 months, instead of 20 years of wasted American blood and treasure. As for Syria I'll just say FUBAR!

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Removed (Banned)Feb 3, 2022
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Pompeo's appearance reminds me of someone who has cancer. The dog's tail is getting bigger and bigger.

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