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Well, the UK Daily Mail... what an absurd, tendentious "article" larded with begging the question:

1. "...directives issued by the Biden administration that extended protections for LGBTQ people in schools and workplaces, like allowing transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice." Oh the humanity! I insist upon being able to deviate from centuries of societal norms no matter how it affects the great majority. CRY SANCTUARY!

2. "The ruling could prevent students from participating in sports based on their gender identity." Ibid #1

3. "The education policy carried the possibility of federal sanctions against schools and colleges that FAIL TO PROTECT gay and transgender students." Do the schools allow gays and transgender students to be beaten? Or do they disallow a tiny minority from destroying the rights of a large majority (girls and women)? Ibid #2

One has to admire the steadiness of hand that DM author demonstrates in assuming moral and ethical rectitude--and even normalcy--of the tiny slice of insane dystopian freaks that the Biden administration is glorifying. What's next?

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