“Useless Class”, seems like we should devise a means of identifying such individuals. What about a yellow “U” that they could pin on their clothing? And if they’re useless, they shouldn’t be able to own property and generally not be able to participate in normal society. Sounds like a plan and I’m sure it would work because it’s been done before, can’t remember when or where. Oh, wait Schwab would know though because his father used to work for the guy who masterminded it’s implementation and use.

Anybody said Fourth Reich yet?

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"And guess what, re Putin? It speaks volumes to say that Putin may be our best hope."

I'm glad you said it, Mark. Ive been thinking it. It makes me wonder if the 2nd American Revolution will depend for its success on Russia like the first one did on France.

When you realize how much BS and propaganda has been shoveled at us about Russia and Putin for over 30 years, it's past time to reexamine who's our friend and who's our enemy.

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I believe that I first heard 50 years ago that 98% of congressional incumbents are re-elected each term. I'm not sure what the % is nowadays, but I assume that it is still very high. While as an institution congress is nearly universally vilified, voters keep sending the same corrupt criminals to D.C. to 'represent' them.

Every last one of the problems this country faces can be traced to the man and woman in the mirror. Frankly, given the existential nature of many of our problems, I find it downright stunning that--if my friends and family are a reasonably representative sample--Americans are still largely disengaged politically (except to complain to each other bitterly). Do you honestly think that in this work from home world people cannot carve out five minutes to call their representatives and let s/he know that they will vote to kick them out of office if they do not fight tooth and claw 1) against open borders / illegal immigration 2) for all election integrity measures 3) against profligate spending / monetizing the debt 4) against the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine 5) against unconstitutional fascist measures in the name of public health 6) against decriminalizing criminality 7) against the proliferation of racist- and gender-based ideology throughout both public and private institutions--but especially government schools. I could go on--just as you could.

So, what would be required to galvanize corrective action? Complete societal collapse? Have we just become so inured to devolution that nothing shocks us anymore? Are we waiting for someone else to take action? Obama repeated one very true thing in his campaigning in 2008: "We are the ones we have been waiting for." Many of us laughed at what seemed like typical fatuous liberal BS, but the radical left took that to heart. 14 years later the left is still on the move and the right is only beginning to stir. They are right up in our face and we are still blinking and rubbing our eyes after a late afternoon nap.

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I share some of your frustration, Lawrence. But here's the problem. We have NO representatives in Congress. If you live in a red or purple state you *might* still have real representation in local and state government, but at the federal level? Absolutely not.

Like you i wonder what it will take for Americans to revolt. I'm sure the Regime in dc wonders the same. Likely it will take the kind of hardship and oppression where people have little or nothing left to lose by rising up and demanding an end to the federal government. I suspect it will be a bloody affair, like 1930s Spain. But anything less than a complete Constitutional overhaul isn't going to work. Heck, the Constitution is nearly dead at this point, so i hope we have some Madisons and Franklins who can come up w a good replacement.

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I guess we're just dinosaurs either stuck in tar pits or otherwise watching the little hairy four-legged creatures scurrying around beneath our feet, out-competing us from an evolutionary standpoint. They are clever little buggers and they are eating our lunch.

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Just a small aside: On a recent airing of Montana Ag Live one of the guests mentioned that Montana State U. had done (or perhaps was doing) a survey of wheat acreage in the state and surmised that enough fertilizer from past applications remained in the soil to not require addition this year to maintain yield. The caveat of course is the weather must cooperate to the extent that the residual remains at the soil horizon where it's available to plants and is not leached out of reach. It would not be a long term solution of course but you take your lifelines where you can find them. All the more reason to ensure the 2022 election is as honest as possible.

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They tried to establish tyranny through socialism, with the promise of ending poverty, but the fundamental problem was that socialism actually increased poverty, and so people rejected it in the 80s. Now they are trying again, but instead of saying that they will end poverty, they are actually promising mass poverty in the service of some "higher" goal. Since the goal is nebulous and in an indefinite future, there is no way to tell if it is achieved. But the poverty certainly will be.

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except the goal isn’t nebulous (it’s total control!) and the indefinite future is…now! Terrifying

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I should have said "ostensible goal". 😀

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Wouldn't "the useless class"be a fair description of the Davos crowd? Sure, they have power and money, but shipwrecked on a desert island they wouldn't have a chance. When the economic winds turn bad, the 'deplorables ' will craft a solution and survive. We always have. It's the regimes that rise and fall, always with the arrogant illusion that they are in total control.

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What is the Overton window on election cheating, and are 2000 mules, Trump, and other actions are moving it?

Trumps continued focus on fraud, such as his recent comments on Pa comparing it to France, help. 2000 mules is huge.

I hope there are more prosecutions.

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Global food shortage? Not for the "important" people:


This topic reminded me of an essay last year by the late great Angelo Codevilla: https://amgreatness.com/2021/05/03/oligarchy-and-remedies/

The point of my reference being that the WEF is but an oligarchy writ large - in global terms. It is no more, no less. As Codevilla states:

"The exercise of coercive powers by and for self-selected elites who claim to know better and who validate one another is the very negation of the constitutional republic within which Americans have lived since 1776. It is oligarchy."

Read the essay for his other observations and recommendations. How many people will it take to screw up the elites' plans? The first step is recognizing the true nature of the enemy.

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I have been in two fights in my life. After the first one as a 17 year old, my dad said, "I don't want you fighting, and I know you didn't start it. But you need to know it will most likely happen again. If you can't walk away, then you you have to know when its time to stop talking and start fighting."

As we watch these treacherous pukes in Davos and Washington openly, brazenly declaring what is coming, seems like we've heard enough: the time for talking is about to end.

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I have a dream ... that if and when this so-called social credit thingy happens that there will be me and millions of other people hacking the daylights out of it, exploiting its weaknesses and in general, throwing as much sand in its gears as possible.

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The Useless Class = Untermensch. And this coming from an Israeli Jew no less.

I'm thoroughly blackpilled. There is little hope for society at large, it's each to himself.

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This is like watching TV re-runs. They gather each year, arriving in their private jets flaunting their wealth while exhibiting their hypocrisy for all to see. And each year, the dire outcomes that they've predicted will befall mankind and the globe fail to materialize. They're at the point now, while in political power, where they need to coerce an outcome. I think they underestimate what the American people will tolerate.

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Lee Smith


Nazi relays Nazi ideas in Nazi accent. Funny.


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We the People are pissed.

Do Not Comply.

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May 25, 2022
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Someplace I was reading the us has less mass shootings than other countries.

And mass shootings seem to happen more frequently in gun free zones.

And the race angle seems ignored per Larry Elder:


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May 25, 2022
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He could largely accomplish this goal without resorting to nuclear weapons, which might - might - stave off a nuclear WWIII. But it would likely at the least lead to a major conflict, perhaps even a non-nuclear WWIII ... if there could be such a thing.

Note that I am not advocating for anyone killing anyone else, and I wish Ukrainians and Russians were not killing each other. But there is a global elite who wants and foments war and conflict for their own gain.

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I am certain there are many, many who have that same sentiment.

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