We need the exact opposite of military dictatorship Bolton prescribes. US elites are the world's only danger. The don't mind that US itself doesn't exist since it has no southern border. US "wars" are first and foremost to dispirit and impoverish US taxpayers so they don't start imagining they live in a free country and get 'uppity.' We're not for example allowed to vote on a binding measure that would cut military spending by two thirds. Since Bolton's still around and not detained in a facility for the criminally insane, many people must agree w. him that US taxpayers are subhuman trash. You mentioned Truman at the top and my heart sank. War criminal Truman (who dropped not one, but two atom bombs on Japanese civilians in Aug. 1945) is the reason for most of our problems today. He called Ike and offered him the presidency, desperate to insure that next US president would continue to treat US taxpayers as global slaves, forced to protect every country in the world except their own. NY Times must've approved since Ike was the last "Republican" presidential candidate they endorsed. "Whatever the sympathy we may have for the people of the United States, their country is still the main predator of humanity. We can in no circumstance claim to share their “values.“” July 2019, Manlio Dinucci

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The Increasing Number of Trial Balloons for Polish Intervention in Ukraine

Posted on April 16, 2023 by Conor Gallagher


Hat tip Moon of Alabama

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I just don't buy it.

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You will see more and more insane trial balloons being floated as the panic increases, As Ukrainian / Western defeat / setbacks look more and more likely.

The ones for Polish intervention, and John Bolton’s Op Ed are great examples.

What happens if the Ukrainian Military collapses soon, say within two months? Will the amount of Western “mercenaries” / volunteers increase to fortify the front? Would it be enough?

And what if Russia takes all of Western Ukraine, the Russian speaking areas. Will the Russians stop, or also take the central? And what of the East? What will be the Wests response?

Interesting times.

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The Polish military is simply too small and not advanced enough to take on Russia.

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I think it was Harry Truman who once characterized someone by saying, “ you have to remember that there’s a lot less there than meets the eye” and it seems the same is true of the current crop of neocon spokesmen. Not only are we not in any danger of driving a wedge between Russia and China, but we have we have single-handedly facilitated and virtually insured that their relationship will only grow stronger with each passing day! How can anyone with a single functioning brain cell not realize that US prestige on the world stage is in the tank and that we are perceived as duplicitous, self serving and totally untrustworthy? We are not going to “unite” anyone, unless it’s our enemies resolve to see us humiliated even more. And how do you not understand the intimate connection between military resolve and economic strength is simply beyond comprehension.

As others have noted, these people live in a fantasy world and somehow are of the opinion that if they say it or think it that it’s true and real. How do you even have a rational conversation with people who are completely irrational? Is it any wonder that no one returns our calls or wants to negotiate diplomatic resolutions to problems? Hey Bolton, we are the laughing stock of the world and no one is afraid of Joe Biden, although there is considerable risk in laughing themselves to death because of his relentless and senile theatrics

on the world stage.

We truly are at an historic crossroads regarding the future of the country and I for one am not getting a warm, fuzzy feeling about where we’re heading.

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Who is paying Bolton to write things that do not seem to be within the bounds of reality? Unlimited numbers of Ukrainians will be sacrificed while Bolton and the rest of the neocons finish what Napoleon and Adolf started. Wait…wrong style of facial hair for that. Who will they sacrifice next? Us, it seems, while weakening our economy and therefore our ability to generate military power. Was it MacArthur who told JFK to stay out of Vietnam in order to avoid land war in Asia? Did he also tell him that our strategic depth is our economy/manufacturing and agriculture? MBA’s shipped our strategic depth to China and the greens are working to compromise its agricultural aspect. Hopefully people will wake up before their children are drafted to replace the Ukrainian cannon fodder. Perhaps the soil in Ukraine is so rich because so much blood has been spilled there over the centuries. Bolton will spill ours id given the chance.

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It's not who's paying Bolton, but rather, who's willing to espouse the NeoCon's talking points and not worried about any blow back. Very few with the radical thinking necessary to put the talking points forward. He's the perfect person to do this and wears his teflon proudly.

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My thought also, what’s his money angle?

Some neocon think tank? Or a run for President that raises x dollars? Speaking tour? New book?

Boy I have become cynical…

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NSC 68, Hamilton 68, what's up with 68. Anyways, did you see the Jon Stewart video from a few days ago? https://www.salon.com/2023/04/11/thats-fking-corruption-jon-stewart-corners-top-pentagon-official-in-epic-confrontation/

Also, remember Eisenhower's farewell address... "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

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Does increased DoD spending include more E3 Cyber Technician airmen? Then I'm game.

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America is owned by a cabal that thrives on death and destruction. Someday, they will reap that which they have sown, and hopefully, so will their mouthpieces in government.

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Well done critique, Mark. I think everyone who comments here already knew Bolton is nuts. Now he has certified that he is certifiable. He should have been put out to pasture when the USSR fell. How can someone become so totally out of touch with geopolitical and economic reality (like 70 years out of touch?) And foreign relations is supposed to be his area of expertise!

If Bolton's views and intellectual stasis are representative of the Neocons in the Biden admin we are REALLY in trouble. It appears that Trump getting back in office might be the best hope of preventing WWIII. Yet, how did it come to be that Trump actually hired this guy? It had to be because he was influenced by someone who was at least sympathetic to Neocon views. It certainly wasn't because of the moustache. Scary. At least Trump learned about his mistake quickly.

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Maybe Bolton could come up with a strategy for our cities? Or maybe he's part of that problem--would explain a lot.

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I was in Breckenridge CO 2 years ago at this time. Every one of the restaurant workers there was stoned and interaction with them was like talking to a wall. Drooling too. Quite pathetic.

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Don't know what planet Bolton is living on...it sure ain't this one.

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Apr 16, 2023
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Oh yeah, so much in there was complete fantasy.

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