It’s coming from a top official and it’s a bit surprising in its frankness. I picked this up on Luongo’s feed. You can see from this why globalists are having heart palpitations—or would be if they only had a heart.
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
This is quite something: Takashi Kawakami, the principal foreign policy advisor to the Japanese PM, says that if Trump wins the presidential election it will be an opportunity for Japan to "finally become independent".…
He said that given Trump's "America First" mantra, he will have little interest in U.S.-Japan or U.S.-South Korea relations and that as a result "Japan will have to conduct its own foreign policy [and] find a skillful way to manage the power balance with China, Russia and North Korea... This should be a golden opportunity for Japan. We can take back the initiative and become a truly independent country."
Kawakami also expressed frustration that 85% of Japan's skies are, in effect, "America's skies" (a large portion of the airspace has been reserved for the exclusive use of American forces since the end of World War II) and that "U.S. military bases account for a substantial acreage of land, too" - a status quo he called "abnormal."
I've myself argued the exact same point for Europe since the very first Trump administration: when Trump was threatening to exit NATO, Europe should immediately have taken him at his word and jumped on this amazing opportunity to take over NATO and thereby remove the stranglehold that the US has over the continent. By the same occasion, they might have been able to prevent the Ukraine war by throwing the Americans out and stop it being the "CIA theme park" described by journalist John Pilger (…).
Unfortunately it looks like Europeans are a bit (even a lot) slower to understand geopolitics than the rest of the world... Everyone else around the world sees them as clueless vassals being sacrificed on the altar of the American empire but they themselves are largely oblivious to it. Heck ask most EU politicians and they're immensely worried at the notion that they might one day be independent, it's something they largely want to prevent, which is terrifyingly depressing...
PM Ishiba adviser's 'revolution' comment on Jan. 6 attack stuns U.S.
Shipwreckedcrew @shipwreckedcrew
Final Prediction:
Trump 311
Harris 224
Trump wins NV, AZ, GA, NC, PA, WI, NH, MN
Harris wins MI
Popular vote:
Trump 48.9
Harris 48.2
GOP 55 -- Win WV, OH, MT, PA, WI, and VA.
Hung Cao with biggest upset based on his bio and huge boost from immigrant communities in NoVa.
Narrow losses in MI, NV and NM.
10:05 PM · Nov 4, 2024
Aaron Maté @aaronjmate
Elite media membership requires perpetuating — and never questioning — the Russiagate grift for a third consecutive presidential election:
The New Yorker @NewYorker
On Monday, U.S. intelligence agencies issued a public notification about Russia’s efforts to promote fake news of election fraud. The notice is one of several from recent days, indicating the severity of the threat U.S. spies see with foreign meddling.