On being a virtuous people, you write, "The bottom line in that discussion is the willingness of individuals to sacrifice private interest for the common good."

Don't you think the jabbed person who hectors the unjabbed for being selfish (i.e., getting vaxxed protects the rest of society) believe they are sacrificing for the common good?

So many (religious? spiritual?) concepts like this have seemingly been co-opted, and pervereted, by the left to further their narrative. How do you overcome that?

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You overcome it by arguing the facts, as always. Arguing from abstract concepts to policy without considering facts is illegitimate because principles of conduct arise inductively from the observation of factual reality. Public policy is almost always a balancing act based on facts. This is why our constitution is based on rule of law, separation of powers, etc., which involve evaluating facts as they arise in our common experience. Legally, these injections are experiments. The data shows that they're dangerous experiments and that the associated Covid Regime control measures are contradicted by long established public health knowledge. We win on the facts because the claim that enforced experimentation on the entire population advances the common good is without a factual basis.

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Tom Lifson - American Thinker - has featured Archbishop Vigano’s Christmas Letter to the American People and given you a much-deserved hat tip!


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