In a major victory for sanity, the US Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit:
has upheld the laws of TN and KY which ban the sexual mutilation of kids in so-called trans procedures. Matt Walsh has been all over this and provides the background:
The case arose because of laws in TN & KY banning the use of puberty blockers & sterilizing cross-sex hormones on kids. The laws were passed after my reporting on Vanderbilt’s gender clinic, and how they see some gender “treatments” as big money makers.
That should give you some idea of the depths of depravity that Big Law, Big Med, and Big Pharma have descended. They’ve bought off much of our governing institions, but there are still some judges and state legislatures that will take a stand for human nature. It’s about money—never believe that it’s “about the kids.”
You can read the long—and very interesting—version of this win here:
Walsh makes the important point that the 6th Circuit quashed the ACLU’s arguments in detail—detail that will be precedent in the 6th Circuit and that will be read in other federal circuits, but also in state courts. It’s an important win.
What I’m going to do, below, is simply insert some of Walsh’s tweets, which contain excerpts from the opinion. You’ll see the 6th Circuit knocking down all the ACLU strawmen. Before I do that, I just want to make the fundamental point that is lost on so many Americans. All legitimate law is based on the reality and immutable fact of human nature. That means that law is ultimately based on philosophical insight into human nature as informed by human inquiry into the facts of human nature. An abstract list of “rights” has no legitimacy if it isn’t founded in this type of insight. The delusion that “rights” can legitimately govern and—this is the reality of Western liberal ideology, both of the Right and the Left—subjugate human nature absent a real and living connection to such insight is the great threat to humanity of our time. This delusion is how the spiritual crisis of the West got to the point we find ourselves at, where our societal institutions are openly at war with human nature. But much of the American and Western public have been intellectually disarmed by generations of “rights” propaganda based on moronic libertarian notions—we’re talking both Righ and Left. Non-judgmentalism is not an option. There is one reality that we must live with, and we need to make judgments.
So, here is Walsh. As you read this, think over how it might apply to the Covid Regime. The court references such time honored legal concepts as “reasonable basis” and also raises the issue of “experimental” treatments. Ring a bell? It should. mRNA gene therapy is very experimental, but our ruling class enriched Big Pharma by coercing the use of these injections without any reasonable basis for doing so. To the enduring shame of our judiciary, we still have had no major decisions on these fundamental issues. That day may come.
The ACLU challenged the KY and TN laws.
Matt Walsh
Sep 29
3/ Trans activists were apoplectic. The ACLU went to court. Initially, they convinced a judge to block it. I said at the time that the judge’s ruling was terrible & would be overturned. But admittedly, I had no idea how bad it would be for the trans cult.
4/ First, the ruling establishes that voters have the right to ban medical procedures they believe are immoral or dangerous. That’s true regardless of what the “experts” at Big Pharma say.
5/ Then the court explains that voters have very good reason to believe that so-called “gender-affirming care” – including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones – is dangerous. The court notes that many countries have started banning them.
6/ The court goes on to state that WPATH – the standard-setting organization for “trans healthcare” – counseled against using hormones and puberty blockers on minors from 1979 to 2000. Even now, WPATH admits there is “limited data” supporting their use.
7/ Indeed, we learned this month that previous UK data justifying the use of puberty blockers was wildly misleading. A new analysis of this data showed that a third of so-called trans youth suffered mental health problems after taking puberty blockers.
8/ In their attempt to win the case despite this evidence, the ACLU claimed that “transgender people” are a special category entitled to unique protections under the Constitution & argued that any law affecting only “trans” people is akin to a law affecting only black people.
9/ The point of this strategy is to subvert the will of the voters. But to make this argument, the ACLU had to make a series of arguments that backfired massively, and created precedent that will be devastating for trans activists for years to come.
10/ First, the ACLU claimed that the trans community is a “politically powerless” group that’s being unfairly treated. The court pointed out that when every major law firm, the feds, and medical organizations are on your side, you are not marginalized.
11/ The ACLU also attempted to argue that transgender status is “immutable,” like being born with a certain skin color. But the Sixth Circuit observed that the meaning of “transgender” status is constantly changing. Every day there’s a new gender.
12/ So there’s no special treatment for trans activists. Precedent set. But the Sixth Circuit wasn’t done. They also ripped apart the familiar argument that parents should be allowed to do whatever they want with their kids.
13/ As the Sixth Circuit pointed out, that’s completely illogical. You have to look specifically at what parents are doing to their children. Being a parent doesn’t give you the right to mutilate your child.
Ep. 28 Trans, Inc: genital mutilation is not just a fad. It’s a full-blown industry.
Tucker Carlson
(1:11) Transgenderism: not a fad
(2:49) Sex changes: a big money maker
(5:44) Puberty blockers
(15:22) Trans surgeries: the grisly details
(16:40) Injuries
(18:00) What happened to FGM?
(19:00) Muslims & Sex Changes
(20:15) Thanks, Obama
(23:19) Behold the neophallus
(27:23) Eunuchs
(29:30) The Trans Pritzker
(31:00) Trans Marxism
(36:30) Who’s profiting?
(38:10) ESG for trans
(39:47) Long-term effects
5:00 PM · Oct 4, 2023
Of all the things I object about this country as currently constituted is the maiming of children. Abortion's bad enough. Now the forces of evil want to allow youngsters to permanently alter their bodies. They can't smoke, per the Lefties, but they can take hormones or be surgically castrated because of peer pressure and wanting to fit in.
When I was in my teens, I wore my hair long, because that is what males were doing in the 60s and 70s. When I turned 18 and realized that my values are I think men should wear short hair, I got a crew cut.
I was fortunate. Long hair can be sheared off.
Give it five to ten years and see how our youth condemn us, we who should know better, for not protecting innocents from mutilation. Of course there's going to be regret. God have mercy on so many wicked men. Millstones, necks, the sea and all that.