Hard on the heels of news that three American servicemen were killed and many more wounded—there’s some confusion whether this was in Syria or Jordan—the usual suspects are calling for war with Iran. Nobody in the MSM or Congress (that I’m aware of) is asking the obvious question: What are our forces doing, in harms way, illegally present in Syria? Yes, we know that Syria broke the rules of the rule based order. Rule #1, do whatever Uncle Same tells you to do. So everyone is pretending that this happened in a vacuum, rather than as the latest incident in a long history of US meddling in the Middle East. But is it possible that our forces out there in the desert were simply a tripwire? If you think that the people who rule over us would never put Americans in obvious harms way in order to draw an attack to justify a war … C’mon. We all know better than that.
You have to remember that there is a strata of the American political elite that has listed for war with Iran for years, and so for them American servicemen being killed in Syria is happy news because they finally have the pretext they need.
Lindsey Graham @LindseyGrahamSC
Replying to @LindseyGrahamSC
Hit Iran now. Hit them hard.
The Neocons are counting on Americans to not ask the relevant questions and to reflexively approve of missile strikes against that bunch of “camel jockeys” in Iran—we never liked them, anyway. The wars on Russia and Palestine have shown that America is not the same country that it was back in 1990, so here’s hoping that more Americans will have wised up to how they’re being manipulated by the Neocons, the Israel Lobby, and the DC crowd whom they’ve bought off.
I’ve got news for anyone who thinks a war on Iran would be some sort of walkover. For starters, how is it that we can’t stop the missiles that someone used in the attack—we don’t even know whether they were Iranian designed missiles? Why were our forces out there without adequate defenses? Because Patriots are obviously not up to the job. Do we think that if we attack Iran, Iran won’t respond? They have plenty more missiles where those came from (if they came from Iran), and those missiles can elude Patriots, too. Those “camel jockeys” in Iran, by the way, just launched three satellites. They’ve been preparing for the war that the Neocons have been mongering for decades.
Rights and wrongs aside, we’re simply not ready for this kind of war—our failure to tame the Houthis in the Red Sea area should be a clue to that. Here’s Will Schryver:
The Stakes Are Rising ... The US has but two options: skedaddle from the region once and for all, or double-down on a hand it cannot win. https://cnn.com/2024/01/28/politics/us-troops-drone-attack-jordan/index.html…
Preparedness? We can’t get to Iran without the Navy.
Navy lowers bar to enlist again amid continued recruiting woes
The U.S. Navy will start to enlist applicants who have not graduated from high school or obtained a GED as the service continues to struggle with its recruiting goals.
The new plan will allow recruits who don't have an education credential to enlist as long as they score a 50 or above out of 99 on the qualification test, according to the report, marking the first time the Navy has allowed such recruits since the year 2000.
Those people may be good for washing planes and decks and so forth, but technical skills? Please. Plus, we’re low on munitions to begin with—what we haven’t thrown away in Ukraine is being shipped over to Israel as we speak. They’re using it to commit genocide.
Listen to Danny Davis’ impassioned plea—we can’t win this, we’re not ready, we need to get the hell out:
BTW, Davis says he’ll be talking to Doug Macgregor tomorrow. That should be well worth listening to. Yesterday Macgregor asked:
Douglas Macgregor @DougAMacgregor
The war against the people of Gaza and the Palestinians living on the West Bank is just beginning.
Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Israeli people that the war will last for several more months, potentially into 2025.
What happens next?
5:00 PM · Jan 27, 2024
Now we know the answer.
The most immanent event, within the next 2 weeks (+/- ) will be completion of the "genocide" of Gaza. Starvation and disease are wrapping up. Some 10+ trucks a day are getting through. Some 500 a day are needed. Yesterday. Like the siege of Leningrad, a friend reminded; out of 3 million, 800,000 survived. Perhaps that could be a ceasefire for the West Bank.
Still intensity will radiate, and losses of Americans like Israelis can elect a candidate just as Wesley Clark laid it out. There's only one left; Iran. It looks to be a landslide, an avalanche at the border of military age insurgents. Months ago it was China, but now with oil under Paris, it's strictly Hamas and Hezbollah. Shit, if I weren't so broke I'd head to TX with my Liberty belle for Woodstock. Iran stole my money.
Seems to me it will be hard for the Biden and neocon warmongers to square the circle after freeing up more money to Iran to sponsor more terror activities and now wanting to go after Iran for continuing to do what they've been doing all along: supporting terrorists. Then there is the Valerie Jarrett contingent of the Obama cabal (pallets of cash) whose mission is to appease Iran. Oh, and all the Muslims in Dearborn and around the country already po'd with Biden's support for Israel, no matter how tepid it has become.
And all of this happening in an election year with so many other fires burning: the border disaster, inflation, Bidenomics, sanctuary cities imploding, etc. Poor old Branden won't be able to keep up with all of this with his remaining 64K memory bank.