I received an inquiry regarding this term that I’ve recently begun using. What does this actually refer to? The short answer is that this term, the Anglo-Zionist Empire, refers to the aggregate result of input from various actors in the Anglosphere—dominated by America and the UK, but including colonial states of the US and UK, such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Israel. Component parts that go to make up the aggregate include the political establishments, the Deep State establishments—Intel and Foreign Policy—the Israel Lobby in the US and UK, Neocon imperial ideology, and so forth.
The ultimate origins of this empire are to be sought in the rise of secular liberal nation states in Western Europe. This became most evident in the wake of the Protestant Revolt, which led directly to the subjugation of religious influences to the secular ruling class.
The rise of the great Jewish banking families followed this process. The Jewish Virtual Library has a very informative article on this subject:
Our interest comes to the fore over half way through the article. The actual rise of the Rothschilds began in the 18th century, but as the article indicates, it was the political upheaval of the early 19th century that led to the spectacular emergence of the Rothschild financial empire. Historian Niall Ferguson, quoted at the link, describes this period:
Without wars, nineteenth-century states would have little need to issue bonds. As we have seen, however, wars tended to hit the price of existing bonds by increasing the risk that a debtor state would fail to meet its interest payments in the event of defeat and losses of territory. By the middle of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had evolved from traders into fund managers, carefully tending to their own vast portfolio of government bonds. Now having made their money, they stood to lose more than they gained from conflict. [...] The Rothschilds had decided the outcome of the Napoleonic Wars by putting their financial weight behind Britain.
This mutually beneficial relationship between the emerging British empire and the Rothschild financial empire continued throughout the 19th century. As you’ll see from the excerpt (below) from the Jewish Virtual Library expanded to include the entire Western world. When you get to the end of the excerpt you read:
With the growth of joint stock banks and of central banks in the middle of the 19th century the field of private banking became limited. Around the beginning of the 20th century, Jewish influence in finance and banking had reached its zenith; afterward it declined at an accelerating rate.
However, before that decline began, a number of important events took place. The first, of course, was the worldwide expansion of the British empire—this included the development of a British imperial ideology that included the goal of incorporating America into the imperial project. Next came, toward the end of the 19th century, the rise of Zionist ideology. This was a secular and nationalist ideology, in common with the rampant European forms of nationalism. However, it resonated with the peculiar Anglo-American ideology of Evangelical Protestantism. The Zionist movement probably would have remained a relatively fringe phenomenon, but for the third event: World War 1. The First World War provided impetus for the goal of an Anglo-American global project. It also provided the opportunity for the Rothschild family to essentially buy Palestine from the British government—part of the price of British victory. This, in turn, fired the Jewish imagination.
Now, as Jewish influence in finance and banking gradually declined from the days of private banking, support for a Zionist Israel only increased, but financial support came from a broader cross section of the Jewish population than previously. This, in turn, provided a particular impetus for the expansion of Jewish political influence to control the fractious politics of the US and UK. At the same time, the ruling elites of the Anglosphere worked to build a closer strategic relationship. The building of that “special relationship” has been a work in process throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, but is now unquestionable.
The combination of Jewish monetary influence in Anglosphere politics and the voting influence of Evangelical Protestants have formed the basis for the power of the Israel Lobby. That power has extended to the point that Israeli citizens now are allowed to occupy—unquestioned—the most influential positions in the US government. This confluence of Zionist ambitions with the geopolitical ambitions of the Anglo-American empire forms the basis for a very real Anglo-Zionist empire. This despite the total dependence of Israel for its existence on American military power. Why is this so? Because the pervasive control that the Israel Lobby exercises over US politics also provides the political muscle that the Deep State needs for its own agenda. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, that does an end run around normal democratic processes and representative government.
Why cannot the US tell Israel that if it wants an ethno-religious apartheid state in the Middle East, it should do it itself? The answer is simple enough. It costs far less money to buy American politicians and corrupt the entire US constitutional order than it does to arm a tribal militia—which is, after all, what the IOF is—with the full panoply of military hardware needed to dominate its neighbors. This leads to a further dynamic.
Because Israel is totally dependent on American global hegemony, that means that Israel’s supporters are strongly motivated to preserve that hegemony and to crush any challenge to that hegemony. Russia? Yes. China? Yes. Neither can be relied upon to preserve Israel as an apartheid state and regional hegemon. This is what Israel Lobby support for US forever wars and reckless proxy wars is ultimately about. It cements the relationship into a real Anglo-Zionist Empire. This also explains the drive to criminalize free speech in America—if that speech includes criticism of Israel and a questioning of whether unquestioning support for Israel is in America’s interests. You can imagine the chills caused by this excerpt from Ben Rhodes’ article (which we quoted in Ruling Class Finally Awakens to the Reality of America's Decline):
So, with that I’ll append an excerpt from the article at the Jewish Virtual Library (linked above). I’ll also recommend this page:
The JVL article is far too lengthy for full inclusion, so …
19th and 20th centuries
Jewish banking in the 19th century begins with the rise of the house of *Rothschild in Frankfurt, a city which became the new banking center of Europe as a result of the political upheaval caused by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. The founder of the house (which became the symbol of the 19th-century type of merchant banking), Meyer Amschel Rothschild started as a banker to the elector of Hesse-Kassel. His sons rose to prominence as the major European bankers Amschel Mayer in Frankfurt, Solomon Mayer in Vienna, Carl Mayer in Naples, James Mayer in Paris, and Nathan Mayer in London. After the death of Abraham Goldsmid and Francis Baring in 1810, Nathan Rothschild became the dominant figure in the London money market. The majority of the English financial dealings with the continent went through the Rothschilds' offices. After the Congress of Vienna (1815) the Rothschilds extended their business into most European states, specializing in the liquidation of inflated paper currencies and in the foundation of floating public debts. In 1818 they made loans to European governments, beginning with Prussia and following with issues to England, Austria, Naples, Russia, and other stales, partly in collaboration with Baring, Reid, Irving and Company. Between 1815 and 1828 the total capital of the Rothschilds rose from 3,332,000 to 118,400,000 francs.
In the latter years of the 20th century and the early years of the 21st, the banking industry consolidated, and some old-line "Jewish" firms were bought or incorporated into others as buyouts and mergers changed the landscape. As Jews assimilated into American life, many advanced in the workplace less along ethnic lines and more along lines of achievement. To be sure, there were many Jews in leadership positions in prominent financial institutions: Felix *Rohatyn at Lazard Frères, Bruce *Wasserstein at several large firms, Sanford *Weill at Citibank, and others, but their financial success was largely attributed to their business acumen rather than to their religious or ethnic background.
George Soros, a Hungarian immigrant, became one of the most successful investors and later spread his wealth to nonprofit organizations and to political causes. Michael Steinhardt and others made their mark in hedge funds or as independent venture capitalists, accumulating great wealth but also making large philanthropic contributions. Carl *Icahn and Irwin L. *Jacobs developed reputations as corporate raiders. Abby Joseph Cohen was the leading investment strategist for Goldman Sachs, and Henry Kaufman, a well-known economist, offered advice about the stock market that was followed by many. In addition, on Wall Street, such firms as Schwab & Co., headed by Charles *Schwab, achieved great success as a low-price stock-market firm.
Some investors – Ivan *Boesky , Michael *Milken , Marc *Rich – became infamous for their questionable financial activities, but whether their religion played a role is highly unlikely. They were perceived as corrupt financial figures, not corrupt Jewish financial figures.
In the last years of the 20th century, a number of Jews had important positions in the nation's economic community. Alan *Greenspan , a Republican, headed the Federal Reserve System for almost 20 years and became a powerful force in Washington. During the Clinton administration, Jewish economists, including Robert *Rubin , the Treasury secretary, and Lawrence *Sommers, his successor and later president of Harvard University, held Cabinet-level positions, and James D. *Wolfensohn headed the World Bank from 1995 to 2005. His successor, chosen by President George W. Bush, was Paul D. Wolfowitz, a veteran foreign policy and defense official in Republican administrations.
[Stewart Kampel (2nd ed.)]
Assessment of the Role of Jewish Bankers
As shown above, Jewish activity, in particular in the late Middle Ages and in the 18th and 19th centuries, often played an important, sometimes a central, constructive role in the economy and social life of various countries, sometimes even internationally. However, banking always remained a subsidiary Jewish economic activity. Frequently, when Jews appeared to command large assets, they gave this impression because they mostly owned mobile property. The wealthy Jews always formed a small group, particularly in comparison with the wealthy nobles or Christian merchants. It was really only in the 19th century that Jewish financiers achieved remarkable wealth, largely resulting from the activities of some European courts in consequence of the upheavals brought about by the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. With the growth of joint stock banks and of central banks in the middle of the 19th century the field of private banking became limited. Around the beginning of the 20th century, Jewish influence in finance and banking had reached its zenith; afterward it declined at an accelerating rate.
Aaron Maté @aaronjmate

In trying to unseat Jamaal Bowman, AIPAC has spent $14.5 million to impart the lesson that to be a democratically elected politician in the US, you can't criticize the mass murdering, apartheid and military occupation regime in Israel.
The Democratic Party establishment and their media allies have done their best to spread the message.
8:29 PM · Jun 25, 2024
Trump says he will threaten Zelensky and Putin into peace talks to end the war:
"We tell the Ukrainians, 'You've got to come to the table, and if you don't come to the table, support from the United States will dry up.
And you tell Putin, He's got to come to the table, and if you don't come to the table, then we'll give Ukrainians everything they need to k*ll you in the field."