NATO is more united than ever—except when it isn’t. Same goes for the EU. Despite promises from Zhou to try to get natural gas to Europe to replace Russian gas, the EU came to its senses and put down the gun it was holding to its head:
EU Steps Back From Impractical Russia Oil Embargo: Kemp
By John Kemp, Senior Market Analyst at Reuters
EU leaders have stepped back from imposing an immediate embargo on Russian crude and petroleum product imports as the impracticality of the policy has become clear. Imposing an immediate embargo on Russia’s fossil fuels “from one day to the next would mean plunging our country and the whole of Europe into a recession,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz told German lawmakers this week.
Plunging the whole of Europe into a recession does sound sorta impractical, even though Zhou assured the Euros that it would be the “moral thing to do.” When would an embargo on Russia oil and gas NOT be impractical, given that Middle East producers have assured the Euros that they can’t make up the Russian shortfall? And now that Green has been revealed to be equally impractical? ‘Never’ sounds like a plausible estimate.
The larger implication of this, or so I’m speculating, is that this clear divide between energy rich America and energy poor (without Russia) Europe also signals that the Euros are waking up to the impracticality of the entire Globalist agenda, now that Russia, China, India, and most of the rest of the world have indicated that they’re not going along. Without a united front of Europe and America it appears to me that Globalism fails—which drastic consequences all the way around. Yes, Europe is in a bind:

On a not unrelated note, we hear a lot about Russian oligarchs, but not a lot about our own oligarchs—ours tend to be subsumed under titles like Big Tech and Big Pharma, etc. However, the reality is not different. Some will want to quarrel with the definition of the word “capitalism”, but, hey, this isn’t gender studies we’re discussing here. Hopefully the Covid Regime has taught us all to look at our political economy with a more critical eye:

The result is that the US is looking more and more isolated, despite Euro virtue signaling re Ukraine. Way to go, Deep State!
Russia, of course, was supposed to cave on the Ukraine issue. Instead, Putin carried through on the red line warnings that Russia has issued, actually, going back to the days of Boris Yeltsin. Woops!
That Russian climbdown that didn’t happen was supposed to lead to the US’s grand Indo-Pacific strategy that would end up coercing China into perpetual subservience to the Globalist Order of Davos, joining Russia in a perpetual Globalist doghouse. But China and India have both backed Russia and have not backed down in the face of US threats. The Saudis, too, are resisting. And now:

Again, this looks like more disunity when the US-Globalist conglomerate desperately needs unity against Russia. ASEAN is not insignificant in the world economy, and particularly when it comes to energy and supply chains. It includes:
Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
So, with all these geopolitical and geostrategic rumblings going on—which a reality based Intel Community and Deep State, not to mention a reality based AG might reasonably have been expected to prepare for, if not precisely foresee—this is how the US is being presented overseas:

Could this be another sign of more trouble ahead? The UK Daily Mail, which has been wildly propagandistic, is acknowledging that the Russians may be telling the truth about those US Biolabs in Ukraine:
EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
The Russian government held a press conference Thursday claiming that Hunter Biden helped finance a US military 'bioweapons' research program in Ukraine
However the allegations were branded a brazen propaganda ploy to justify president Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine and sow discord in the US
But emails and correspondence obtained by from Hunter's abandoned laptop show the claims may well be true
The emails show Hunter helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases
He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a 'science project' involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine
The president's son and his colleagues invested $500,000 in Metabiota through their firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners
They raised several million dollars of funding for the company from investment giants including Goldman Sachs
Wasn’t the original story that they US was simply helping to shut down bioweapon research, and that’s why we funded the labs? That doesn’t sound like the kind of program that would have attracted this kind of high profile investment—and so recently. KD comments on this, too.
Stephen McIntyre has a nice thread today that describes this all as the result of a monumental screwup, one that could be called something like, The Road Not Taken. It’s the stuff of historical debate, but he makes persuasive points [I’ve edited for punctuation and capitalization].
WARNING: McIntyre appears to propose a wild revisionist claim—not Holocaust Denial, but an apparent denial that Nazi Germany was the primary perpetrator of the Jewish Holocaust. I include this in its entirety despite McIntyre’s jaw-droppingly irresponsible attack on “Eastern Europeans” generally and his failure to even once mention any Nazi role in the Holocaust.
100% agree. There seems to have been a fork in the road in 1991 in which we in the West took the wrong fork. Russian democracy movement was flush with victory over communism. [Jack] Matlock reminds us that it was victory of Russian democrats - not US arms manufacturers and corporations. But instead of welcoming Russia, NATO more or less re-invented itself as a sort of mean girls' sorority whose entire subsequent purpose was the exclusion of Russia, demonizing and marginalizing it to make it into the enemy they desired.
In the process, NATO expanded to include all the east European countries which had been the primary perpetrators of the Holocaust, thus further transforming its focus from liberal western European nations to amplifying eastern European grudges and ideologies.
When candidate Trump sensibly floated the idea of good relations with Russia, the uniparty Beltway warmongering class turned on him and undercut his administration so thoroughly that any rapprochement was made impossible for a generation, with Trump himself now leading the hounds.
Right now, we don't seem to have any good history of the past 30 years, showing how the fork in the road taken in 1991 has led to the rise of increasingly insolent US regime change wars that, in the end, have done so much to damage the culture, character and economy of US itself.
I've long been an admirer of how the great US statesmen at end of WW2 chose to re-build enemy states of Germany and Japan, rather than perpetuate cycle of revenge through traditional extortion and punishment.
In contrast, rather than using end of Cold War as an opportunity to similarly end cycle of revenge in Russia and E Europe, venal Clinton administration officials implemented policies that both destroyed Russian economy while enriching corrupt oligarchs and Western carpetbaggers.
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What’s next?
BREAKING: Russia has announced the arrest warrant of George Soros. George is allegedly the main promoter of the Ukraine war and also the sponsor of the riot that ousted Yanukovych in 2014. China has equally declared him a Financial Terrorist.
I remain flabbergasted at Stephen McIntyre's head-up-his-ass stupid statement.