Everyone wants to know, so Tucker Carlson took the time to find out. I don’t like to just embed videos and say, Here, listen to this, or, Here, watch this. So here are two teaser transcripts of passages:
And, you know, it used to be just me voting against some of these resolutions, but recently where they tried to ban passages in the New Testament, I think we got like almost two dozen Republicans who said, ‘Wait, hold on. There is a question. No, there's a fundamental question.’
So the Biden administration has put a bunch of people in jail for violating something called FARA, the Foreign Agent Registration Act, 1936 ish. It's been on the books for, you know, 90 years. And it's never been enforced ever until recently, until really the Trump era and Biden era. So but the law requires people who lobby on behalf of foreign governments to register. Was that simple?
And this is the largest lobby in the United most effective lobby in United States on behalf of a foreign government. Are they registered with FARA? They are not, but they should be. Well, how can that how can that be? How can they put Paul Manafort in jail, which they did on a FARA violation and a bunch of other people in jail on FARA violations. But the largest and most effective and most feared foreign lobby working for a foreign government doesn't have to register under the law. That's insane.
Insane—or, part of a plan of some sort. We’d know if Massie answered some of the intriguing questions he raises.
Everybody but me has an AIPAC person. What's that mean? An AIPAC person? It's like your babysitter. You AIPAC babysitter who is always talking to you for AIPAC. They're probably a constituent in your district, but they are, you know, firmly embedded in AIPAC. And every member has something like this. Every. I don't know how it works on the Democrat side. But that's how it works on the Republican side. And when they and when they come to DC, you go have lunch with them and they've got your cell number and you have conversations with them. So I've had like four members of Congress say, I'll talk to my AIPAC person. And like that's clearly what we call them, my AIPAC guy. I'll talk to my AIPAC guy, see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.
Tucker: Why have I never heard this before? [Tucker being cute.]
It doesn't benefit anybody. Why would they want to tell their constituents that they've basically got a buddy system with somebody who's representing a foreign country? It doesn't benefit the congressman for people to know that. So they're not going to tell you that that’s it.
Tucker: Have you seen any other country do anything like this, like Russia? Russia obviously determines the outcome of our elections.
We keep hearing that. Does anyone have a Putin guy that they talk to? Not only do they not have a Putin guy. Look. They don't don't have a Britain guy. They don't have an Australian guy. They, you know, they don't have a Germany dude. Like [Israel is] the only country that does this.
Other countries do do stuff like this, but they’re agents have to register as foreign agents—so that they can’t bribe our reps. Israel is the only exception. So they can bribe our reps. Unless I’m misunderstanding something.
If this doesn't Black Pill a Normie nothing will.
Mark, have you considered that the fundamental reason that AIPAC/Israel is treated differently is that, following the plan laid out by the Brits, as you have previously notes, Israel purposefully became the Globalist outpost in the ME? Part of the TELEVISION environment to create a One World/One government attitude and sensibilities.
To put it bluntly, the Jews worked for the dominant power structure/culture. And as this changed over the decades, they changed with it.
The basic questions are: why the war and pushbacks in the US now? The Israelis are not stupid. Undoubtedly some have been looking at the “tealeaves” for years now and recognized that the World was changing, it has gone DIGITAL (new attitudes and sensibilities driven by the ubiquitous adoption worldwide of Digital tech). Israel has seen how these attitudes are not One World or advocating for western “democracy.” The rest of the world is moving to concern for itself, meaning Globalism is dead as a doornail.
So if you are preceptive and see this happening and you recognize that this threatens the basis for existing as a nation, planted in the wrong neighborhood…what do you do? Three options: pick up and leave; make a complete reversal and tell the world that Globalism is dead and you no longer are part of it; or you go to war to fight for the only way you have ever known and hope for the best or go down is ashes.
We know what decision was made. It’s the same decision made here in the US and other parts of the West.
The other question is: what comes next? The DIGITAL paradigm is here to stay, for our great grandchildren at least. If the opinions, attitudes and sensibilities of everyone everywhere (not all at the same speed however) are going in a new and fundamentally different direction (democracy is dead and the desire is for order, not more choices or chaos), what comes next?
This question can be applied to everything we have known in our lives: politics, economics, psychology, and on down the line. It’s all broken and cannot be fixed - witness Putin literally asking if we are paying attention or are we crazy in his interview with the press this week.
We will likely have a different President come January. If that person does not recognize that it is fundamentally broken and cannot be reversed, does it really matter?
MTG said to Steve Bannon that we are now “post constitutional.” She is right, but it has been this way for a long time.
What comes next? We live in interesting times…;)