While we wait to see how the Iranian response to Israel’s attack shakes out (as well as Hezbollah’s response), we may as well indulge in a bit of speculation.
My working assumption is that, one way or another, the US was in the loop on Israel’s decision to murder Hamas’ chief negotiator with Israel while he was in Teheran to attend the installation of Iran’s new reformist president. I know that Zhou claims to have been taken by surprise and to be angry, but, really. The entire world knows Zhou has never been in charge. Whoever makes the calls, that’s how these things are always framed. We’re mad at you, Israel, and next time you’ll be on your own! And then along comes the next time. Right. Bad cop, worse cop. Or something like that. It’s an all too familiar game.
But here’s my speculation—and, since there are all sorts of moving parts on the geopolitical scene today, you can take it for what it’s worth. My speculation is that this attack on Iran by the Anglo-Zionist Empire was, indeed, designed to cause a major regional war in the Middle East. This was the Anglo-Zionist attempt to open a new front on its war on Russia, given that the Ukraine front is imploding and resulting in a huge NATO defeat. Iran happens to be a lynchpin for Russia’s long term economic and trade strategy and for the future of BRICS—which is a dagger pressed up against the heart of the Anglo-Zionist Empire. Iran lies at the center of the most immeditately operational new international trade routes being set up, linking Asia with European Russia. And beyond. Once fully operational, the new trade arrangements will inexorably break Europe away from the Anglo-Zionist Empire and will also draw in Africa with its resources.
These are desperate times for the Anglo-Zionist Empire, and blowing up the Middle East is definitely a desperate measure. The economic, military, and geopolitical consequences are well nigh incalculable. If anything is certain in war, it’s that nothing ever goes exactly according to plan. That an infallible plan can be formulated and perfectly carried out is simply a Neocon fantasy.
So what’s the plan? The scale of the provocation against Iran was pretty much off the charts. Supposedly the US is attempting to persuade Iran to make its response “symbolic”, but that Iran isn’t returning the calls. The provocation was too extreme for Iran to engage in further such games. This is probably the meaning of the Jordanian foreign minister’s visit to Teheran—the first time in something like two decades that the US has allowed such a visit by its Jordanian puppet regime. It’s probably a cover for the US to claim that it attempted “diplomacy”. The scale and speed of the US military build up in the region gives the lie to that, however. If the ploy works, it would be a huge climb down for Iran, and an acknowledgement that Israel has its boot on Iran’s neck. Mission accomplished. But in the more likely event that that ploy doesn’t work, the Anglo-Zionists sound like they’re ready to attack Iran and absorb heavy losses in order to break apart the BRICS juggernaut and its growing influence throughout the Middle East.
What could go wrong, besides the usual things like closure of the straits of Hormuz and shutting down huge amount of the flow of energy to the rest of the world? Well, Russia and Iran have entered into what amounts to a military alliance. The Anglo-Zionists are ramping up for what looks like offensive action against Iran. But, as in Ukraine, Russia’s goal is probably the destruction of the offensive threat against Iran. That’s a defensive strategy which is based on the idea of outlasting the other side. Along those lines there are multiple reports of a massive airlift of Russian military resources to Iran. The reports are vague, except in one regard:
JUST IN Reportedly, Iran has deployed Russia's most powerful jamming communication system, Murmansk-BN, at strategically important locations
The Russians are said to be world class when it comes to electronic jamming, and this system is said to have the ability to reach out for 3-5000 kms. I would expect Russia to pull out most of the stops to blunt any attack on Iran. I would also expect the Russians to throw off much of their restraint in supporting regional forces such as the Houthis if a major attack is directed at Lebanon. I’m convinced that Russia sees these developments as a part of an existential threat directed at Russia.
I hope I’m wrong about this, but given the apparent deliberation with which the Anglo-Zionists attacked Iran, it’s difficult to believe that the attack was not intended to initiate a major war. It all seems very desperate, driven by fanaticism.
The other extremely worrying aspect is that all of this is being done without any input from the American public. One presumes that the Anglo-Zionists have calculated on the possibility of a strongly negative domestic reaction. One wonders what they might have in mind, beyond the obvious goal of keeping Trump out of the White House.
Reasonable assumptions, one and all. There are a lot of other indicators too that this time the Anglo-Zionists are going for broke: late night pizza orders for the Pentagon are off the charts, and the gay bars in DC are empty. Warren Buffet is also selling like crazy and the stock market is wobbling. The neocons know that to defeat Russia, China and the Brics and safeguard their hegemony, they have to control three regions of the world: Eurasia, SE Asia and the Middle East. They know they've lost in the first two so the only option is the ME.
Seems like a pretty safe conclusion at this point Mark. You’ve got stupid people making stupid decisions and couple that with their adherence to a reality that is based upon fantasy, as Doug Macgregor pointed out in a post earlier, the only outcome possible most certainly will be some kind of catastrophe. For my money, the real question is just how great a catastrophe and how far reaching and how long lived. As you have pointed out many times, there are a lot of moving parts to deal with on multiple fronts and once the wheels come off in one area it can easily cascade and start affecting other parts as well. Yep, what could possibly go wrong?