So far the Trump campaign appears to be trying to finesse foreign policy issues by simply advancing his claims that everything was great when he was president and that the things that have happened under the Zhou regime (that are harmful to US interests) never would have happened if he had remained in the White House. As a matter of politics Trump is unable to level with the American people. If he did he would have to admit that the trajectory of Anglo-Zionist foreign policy since the end of the Cold War has been down a slippery slope with increasing momentum. Trump’s own administration, packed with Neocons, doubled down on the previous bad policies, making bad policy worse, and Zhou has followed Trump’s lead as the downward momentum has increased.
Conservatives are now aware of Obama’s coup in Ukraine, but few understand that Trump vastly increased the arming of the Ukro-Nazi forces, setting the stage for the current tragic war and forcing Russia’s hand. That bad policy was exacerbated by Trump’s unilateral withdrawal from the medium range missile treaty. We’re seeing the fruits of that now, as Zhou is planning to stage nuclear capable missiles in Germany while Putin promises an equally threatening response.
In the Middle East, Trump’s initiatives did nothing but embolden Netanyahu and the most extreme of the extreme Zionists in Israel. They staged provocations at Muslim sites and increased the seizures of Palestinian lands, forcing the current genocide. Trump insists these results of his policies—in Russia and in the Middle East—would never have happened had he remained in the White House. Impartial observers may be forgiven for being skeptical. Trump’s Neocon policies doubled down on past policies and increased the tensions that have led to war—the results were almost certainly inevitable, even if Zhou’s Neocon policies have upped Trump’s ante. The smoke and mirrors of the so-called Abraham Accords were replaced by the disastrous Zionist instigated assassination of a top Iranian official, setting the stage for much of what has happened since.
One of the biggest campaign issues is the flood of migrants across our southern border. Again, Trump blames this on the failure to complete his Wall, but this is only part of the story. Anyone who has been following this issue should know that a very high percentage of these migrants are Venezuelans. Here’s a very disturbing tweet today that quotes Trump’s National Security Adviser Bolton taking credit, in effect, for the flood of Venezuelans into the US as a result of the typical Neocon resort to sanctions.
Let me preface this by saying that I know little about Venezuela and its politics. My point here is not to take sides as between the Venezuelan factions. It’s simply to point out that the Anglo-Zionist Empire’s reflexive resort to force—economic sanctions and coups—in place of diplomacy has led to uniformly disastrous consequences for America.
Aaron Maté @aaronjmate 
Ahead of Venezuela's election, John Bolton admitted to the Washington Post that he knew that the Trump admin's crippling sanctions and coup attempt against Venezuela [2019] would destroy its economy and force millions to flee:
“There was no doubt the sanctions, along with the general economic deterioration before we imposed them, was driving a lot of people out of the country,” Bolton said. “ … That, to me, was a way to put pressure on the country.”
Did any Venezuelans vote for John Bolton, Donald Trump, or Joe Biden (who initially continued the Trump policy) to destroy their economy? Does Trump, who constantly rails against undocumented immigrants, ever take responsibility for knowingly creating millions of them?
Those are pertinent questions as we address the sincerity and credibility of bipartisan US establishment figures who will now question Venezuela's election and denounce Maduro as "autocratic."
To me, there's nothing more autocratic than trying to impoverish a foreign country and install a new government there.
12:02 AM · Jul 29, 2024
Another own goal for the Neocons.
Similarly, while Trump was correct in seeking to address the hollowing out of our manufacturing base and growing economic dependence on China—which only benefits our financial classes, while impoverishing the rest of America—entrusting China policy to Neocons was another bad idea. The [deleted] provocative false claims about “freedom of navigation” being somehow advanced by sailing carrier battle groups between the Chinese mainland and its province of Taiwan (where we have no legitimate naval business) only made a bad situation worse, and hastened the alliance of Russia and China that has now been cemented under the succesor Zhou Neocon regime.
Now it appears the Zhou regime will engage in its own reckless freedom of navigation provocation by sailing the Teddy’s battle group into the Persian Gulf—having failed to break the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea. Compare what we’re doing and our own slightly hysterical reaction to Russia’s sending a few ships to Cuba and Venezuela:
Visual confirmation via Sentinel 2 that CSG 9 is operating in the Persian Gulf ~140km NE of Manama Along with @TheRealCVN71 is her full complement of 3x Arleigh burke Class Destroyers
Even as a wider regional war looms in the Middle East, thanks to the Neocon machinations of the Anglo-Zionist Empire, Trump is doubling down on his claims that “it never woulda happened” if he had remained in the White House. Here is a 14 minutes video with Danny Davis. Disregard the title a bit, because it’s more wide ranging than the title would lead you to suppose. Among other things, Davis—an Israel fanboy, by the way—discusses the disastrous consequences of Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Agreement.
The American people should be demanding a full public debate on the disastrous foreign policies that the US has pursued for the past three decades or more. I’m afraid that will only happen after a military disaster wakes us up. I shudder to think of what awaits us between now and the elections. I have my own reasons for preferring Trump—reasons that I will defend—but Americans should be demanding a full accounting before, like bankruptcy, disaster strikes all at once. Disaster has already occurred slowly.
Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton:
‘January 6th wasn’t a coup, I should know, I’ve planned many coups…we tried in Venezuela’
Sanctions seem to be more bark, than bite.
I question how effective they have been against any country, including Venezuela and Cuba.
My guess on the Venezuela economic disaster is 90% internal issues and 10% sanctions.
Sanctions seem to actually help a government stay in power, since they can blame the U.S. for any economic issues.
Socialism which destroys economies by destroying the motivation to grow a business or even work hard, has more responsibility for the economic issues. Plus the corruption issue, where rule of law is less important than cronyism and family relations.
The pilgrims tried socialism and it was a disaster:
Another view on Venezuela:
Imho - crony capitalism, oligarchies, central planning, corruption, and no rule of law are economic disasters, and I’m very aware of the impact on the US economy, especially in California