That’s what Tom Luongo’s theory of the case amounts to. And, I hafta say, there’s a lot going for that theory. Now, Luongo—at the end of a 19 part twitter thread—says flatly, he’s trying to “spark discussion and work out ideas in real time.” Fair enough. Let’s try to get to the essentials of Luongo’s theory. There appears to be no doubt that Bragg is fronting for Davos/Soros because Trump remains an existential threat to the Davos New World Order—especially with Zhou polling at about the same level as whale sh*t. The real question is, Is Wall St. closing ranks behind Trump? The last time we heard from Jamie Dimon on political matters, he was saying: neither Trump nor Zhou. That sounded to me a lot like, Ron’s our guy. But DeSantis doesn’t appear to be gaining traction, and may not want it for personal reasons. Has Wall St. pivoted back to Trump, for lack of anyone else of either party that they can live with?
Here we go—and remember, this is a 19 part thread:
But what if the clock has really run out on Ron as a 2024 candidate? It is April. He's not a thing outside of Florida. His national polls suck.
So, if that's the case why would Ron even run?
What if Ron's disloyalty to Don was purposeful to clear the field for Don /9This leaves @georgesoros and @ManhattanDA no other option but to invent a Kafkaesque crime which even the Federal courts wouldn't touch.
And, btw, who owns the SDNY courts?
Who told Laetitia James to stand down?
Wall St.
This indictment puts Bragg out on an island. /10
To me, this is a strong argument. Laetitia James was hot to indict Trump, so what happened? Did she all of a sudden listen to the voice of reason, the call of a higher duty to justice and the rule of law? Not likely. More like, powerful people—meaning, people with bags and bags of money—told her: Try that and we’ll make sure you regret it.
[Bragg] now has zero friends and if the @wef games things to convict Trump of what should be a misdemeanor it only makes him stronger.
If you wanted to turn Trump into the ultimate martyr for Free Speech, please Alvin put out that Gag Order. /11Trump's biggest fault is his big mouth. It makes people in the middle squishy on voting for him whenever he opens his mouth. Shutting him up is actually a good thing.
What are NY and the Fed trying to accomplish?
Survive into the next decade. Recapitalize and reindustrialize the US w/ Wall St. providing the lending.
Who represents that thinking more than any other potential Presidential candidate? Donald Trump. /14
This, too, seems like a strong argument to me. Jamie Dimon traveled to Davos to flip the globalists off and to tell them to take their climate change agenda and shove it. Maybe Trump fits into that program.
The indictment by @ManhattanDA may be the biggest political mistake in history. If he just toyed with it, there's no poop on his shoes. But, he stepped in it and now they can go after him.
Read the whole article. /15The NY Dept. of Investigation is going after not only Bragg but other powerful Democratic shitbags.
But, that can't happen until after certain things happen, like the indictment itself. Now they have a casus belli.
And I'll bet dollars to dogshit that the NY DOI is owned and operated by Wall St.'s consigliere's. /17
Now, are there other calculations in play here? Possibly yes, and Conrad Black offers some ideas in an interesting article that traces the whole history of modern impeachment politics:
The Trump impeachments were completely unfounded in law and in fact and were never intended as anything other than maintenance of the holy Democratic myth that they have an unlimited right to persecute Donald Trump.
When candidate Biden was asked about his family’s enrichment from foreign governments, he unctuously said that he would not allow attention to be distracted from the investigation of Mr. Trump. America’s highly professional and impartial press fell silent like Zecharia struck dumb in the temple.
There seems not to be a single commentator who imagines that the present case, the reenactment of the invasion of Normandy at the former president’s home, Mar-a-Lago, the investigation of the presidential election in Georgia, or the Kangaroo Court-January 6 congressional hearings, has anything to do with the law. They are politics.
On the January 6 congressional committee, the Republicans were represented by Trump-impeachers and that party’s chosen representatives were rejected by Speaker Pelosi. Mrs. Pelosi said it, on the latest episode: ”No one is above the law,” and the former president “has a right to prove his innocence.”
This is where American justice and politics have now intersected. She means: “No one can escape our ability to prosecute them and once prosecuted they are guilty unless they can prove their innocence” (which would not be permitted).
The attorney general of New York and the district attorney for Manhattan in the present impending allegation campaigned promising to ”get” Trump. This is the politico-juridical intersection: we name the person we intend to destroy and then we find the crime and abuse the system to accuse him of it and to extort and suborn evidence and conduct a media trial on the basis of criminally leaked misinformation. Where necessary, witnesses are recruited after threats of prosecution and assurances of immunity from perjury.
No American should be under the slightest illusion that this is the point at which their criminal justice and political systems have arrived; and no American should imagine that there is an informed foreigner in any of the scores of better functioning democracies than the United States, who is not appalled by this spectacle.
The Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendment guarantees of a grand jury as assurance against capricious prosecution, due process, no seizure of property without just compensation, prompt justice, an impartial jury, and reasonable bail, are all a fraud, and they have been for many years.
The pending case, as has been frequently noted, is a stale-dated alleged misdemeanor that has been grossed up to a crime because of the allegation that it was committed to facilitate a felony. It is a rickety case patched together on the testimony of a disbarred and convicted perjurer presenting extorted evidence on the basis of a corrupt plea bargain.
The likelihood is that it will be declared ineligible for trial and thrown out like the dead mouse that it is. If any of these spurious legal assaults, the present one or the nonsense about the Georgia election, the classified documents, or January 6 ever get to a jury, since they have no real legal basis, the fact that approximately half the people are Trump supporters should assure that there will not be a unanimous jury to provide a conviction.
It appears that the Democrats are acting upon the monstrous arrogance of their belief that they can defeat Mr. Trump and by this spurious assault they have effectively conferred the Republican nomination upon him. Their calculation leaves out several important facts.
There is some evidence that the comparatively small number of voters who neither admire nor abhor Mr. Trump are unimpressed by this form of skulduggery. The Democrats seem to forget that they only defeated Mr. Trump in 2020 by recourse to millions of mailed in and harvested ballots that they will not have next year, and because they were able to hide their candidate in a basement for the campaign, outspent the Republican nominee two to one, and enjoyed not only 95 per cent support from national political press but a full-scale assault on all fronts from social media.
It will not be possible to replicate any of these advantages on the same scale next year, and they also seem not to notice that they have in the last two years inflicted upon the country the most incompetent administration since before the Civil War. They did better than expected with their fear campaign about MAGA in the midterm elections, but the Republicans still won the House and the deadweight of Joe Biden was not on the ballot.
And just because:
1. DeSantis is backed by lots of establishment GOP money.
2. GOP establishment hates Trump, as well as fears him.
3. DeSantis support for J6, Trump, and Maga has been weak.
4. Trump has been attacking DeSantis
5. DeSantis in some polls was ahead of Trump, but is now far behind him.
6. DeSantis clarified (changed) his position to the usual Putin is a dictator, Ukraine establishment position.
7. Trump has been indicted, which has made him a martyr to his supporters, and sympathetic on being targeted by the left.
8. Very low trust by voters of our media, government, voting, and other establishments.
9. Trump is very effective in controlling the media cycle. The only thing that worked against him was full censorship. The censorship has been exposed, and reduced since he announced his candidacy.
10. The US is headed for more economic pain, and is in an economic war.
11. The Western financial system has lost trust and credibility with non Western countries.
12. Countries are fleeing the use of dollars for international trade.
13. Russia is still advancing and bleeding the West in Ukraine.
14. Sanctions against Russia have actually backfired.
15. The establishment gop is turning a blind eye to voter fraud, and is more focused on defeating Maga candidates.
16. Lots of anger over Covid and the Vax, but the side effects are still being suppressed. Trump is still supporting the Vax.
17. DeSantis is very effective on the anti Dei / culture war stuff.
18. DeSantis just signed constitutional carry.
Guesses / Swags:
1. DeSantis is cautious and will wait and see what happens with Trump.
2. DeSantis outside of Florida is not connecting with blue collar, working class voters.
3. DeSantis will continue to build his Candidacy credentials. Trip to Israel, etc.
4. DeSantis will continue his anti Dei / culture war stuff.
What DeSantis should do, but won’t:
1. Go full scorched earth on the Trump indictments.
2. Speak out on the Jan 6 political prisoners.
3. Be more like JD Vance on Ukraine.
4. Speak up on voter fraud.
5. Patch up his relationship with Trump and become a supporter as Cruz did.
“the fact that approximately half the people are Trump supporters should assure that there will not be a unanimous jury to provide a conviction.”
That quote seems a tad delusional. If it does get to a trial and they don’t get it outta Manhattan, the jury will convict.
Look at the J6 prisoners. They get to a trial and they’re toast.