Right. This is about We The People getting virtually no say in what our Rulers do with our country. Sadly, these says a lot about the American Experiment. The Founding Fathers thought that an informed and virtuous citizenry could lead to a revolution in government—a just government. That didn’t last long. In fact, the slavery compromise shot it down from the outset. Still, things have gotten worse, because a corrupt and distinctly unvirtuous—not to mention ignorant and incompetent—Ruling Class has seized the controls and taken the American Experiment global. That experiment now includes ethnic cleansing with extreme brutality—we’ve provided the weapons to carry it out, and we will pay for the costs beyond that. Check it all out:
Before you read this, Yes, I am aware of how much money the Adelson family has given to Republicans—including Trump. What the American people should be demanding to know is, How much money have each of our ‘lawmakers’ who will authorize this have had funnelled to them via people acting for Israel?
Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand
I don't think people have processed just how crazy this report published in Israel's Hayom newspaper (owned by the family of Sheldon Adelson, the casino mogul) is: https://israelhayom.com/2023/11/29/senior-us-lawmakers-review-plan-that-conditions-aid-on-arab-countries-receiving-gazans/…
It describes how “senior US lawmakers review [a] plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries. The proposal, which reportedly has support from senior officials in both parties, calls on the US to condition foreign aid to Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, and Turkey on those countries accepting a certain number of refugees”.
In other words this is the US actively planning the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians (with "support from senior officials in both parties"), by looking into tying aid to Arab countries to them receiving the refugees. Which obviously completely contradicts what the Biden administration is publicly saying on the matter, and violates just about every principle of international law.
As described in the report, "the plan even goes so far as to envision how many Gazan residents each of these countries will receive: one million in Egypt, half a million for Turkey, 250,000 for Iraq, and another 250,000 for Yemen".
Which totals to... the entirety of the Gazan population.
Senior US lawmakers review plan linking Gaza refugee resettlement to US aid to Arab countries:
A new initiative submitted to the US Congress calls for conditioning American aid to Arab countries on their willingness to receive refugees from Gaza, Israel Hayom has learned. Follow Israel Hayom...
Pictures help:
Who thinks this is actually feasible, or in US strategic interests? This is Neocon hubris, believing that they can crush and humiliate Arabs and Muslim with impunity and in America’s name, that they can gaslight Americans endlessly—and maybe even assassinate Trump (lookin’ at you Robert Kagan, husband of Victoria Nuland), since a President Trump could upset the applecart of this mad scheme.
Of course this will put America’s standing in the Muslim world totally in the dumper, at a time when the American Empire could really use some image help. Americans may pay not attention to these shenanigans, but plenty of other people around the world do. Does Israel care if its North American proxy loses standing in the Muslim world? No. Not as long as it can whistle for US money and weapons as needed. In fact, a US at odds with the Muslim world just may work to Israel’s benefit. And the Neocons are nothing if not willing to try goofy ass experiments. What are proxies for, if not to sacrifice them as needed?
There are all sorts of problems with this scheme, of course, but one of them is this: What if the value of those aid dollars plunges? What if that happens as a more or less direct result of blowback to Neocon imperialism? As usual, the Neocons are probably a few steps behind the smart people in the world in the global chess game. Consider this:
Kathleen Tyson @Kathleen_Tyson_
The presence in Putin’s entourage to Saudi of central Bank of the Russian Federation Governor Nabiullina indicates a monetary realignment in the offing.
Monetary-Security-Energy realignment in the offing . . .
Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) @TFL1728
Wow. Didn't know this. Kathleen is exactly right about this. This is about assisting the KSA in the event of an attack on oil if they de-peg the Riyal, to which everything is pointing.
5:54 PM · Dec 6, 2023
So there you are. World War 3 is very much about the global monetary system and the shift to multi-polarity. This shift is certain to continue, and the US could surely use some help in navigating this transition with as little economic and political disruption as possible. Do the Neocons care? Do people like these care (h/t commenter Elspeth Ham)? How comfortable are you having these folks wagging your dog when your dog is named America? Because these folks really are central to what’s going on:
A Red Heifer Is the Secret to Understanding the Israel-Hamas War
With all this craziness going on in Palestine and the rest of the Middle East, you’d probably expect that the Neocons would be trying to tamp down the craziness in, say, the vicinity of Russia. You’d be wrong about that, of course—but you knew that. They’re still scrambling to keep Ukrainians dying, because that will hopefully keep Russia occupied—all evidence to the contrary, like the continued rise of BRICS including in the Middle East, notwithstanding. And so we have the Neocon proxy prez coming out with nutty stuff like this to try to get more money for Ukraine:
Douglas Macgregor @DougAMacgregor
The White House has made direct threats against Russia.
Kirby said the US military would likely intervene if Russia achieves victory in the conflict in Ukraine. “The US military will very likely have to get involved if Putin achieves a strategic victory in Ukraine.”
Earlier, Biden expressed confidence in Russian aggression towards NATO after his victory in the current conflict. “If Putin takes Ukraine, he will not stop... he will continue to move and attack a NATO ally.”
Well, we elect ‘em, right? Or some of ‘em, anyway. More or less par for the course for our Ruling Class:
S.L. Kanthan @Kanthan2030
You know why US keeps losing in wars?
Its military is full of dumb people and/or propagandists on the payroll of defense contractors.
Look at this guy Ben Hodges, who was the head of US Army in Europe.
He is in news all the time, saying the most ridiculous things. Like:
Russia will be out of ammunition and soldiers in 10 days! (March 2022)
Ukraine will get all the regions back from Russia by the end of 2022!
Russia is on the verge of collapse! (2022)
Now, his answer to Ukraine’s victory is blowing up the Crimean bridge.
And this guy served in the US military for 38 years, and got 30+ medals! He served in Iraq and was stationed in US military bases all over the world.
It’s a clown show in America. Idiots who talk confidently rise to the top.
8:00 AM · Dec 7, 2023
As if threatening Russia weren’t enough, give a listen to the nutty stuff Blinken and Austin say in this brilliant video by Daniel Davis. Davis totally deconstructs both of these goofs and their gaslighting. It’s 25 minutes and worth every one of those minutes. Let me just add, how nuts it is to have Austin speaking so insultingly of Russia’s president. It’s typical Neocon stuff, their MO. Austin repeatedly refers simply to “Putin”, in the way some would refer to “Hitler”. Putin is above that stuff to some extent, and he and his circle are probably having a good laugh about the clown show in DC. But this exhibition will not make the process of defeat any more enjoyable when the time comes and someone has to ask Putin for a deal. I lifted this excerpt from Andrei Martyanov’s blog:
... it is the fact, Colonel Davies, that Russia fights a combined West.
Otherwise, how can one explain the presence of hundreds of NATO tanks, APCs, Air Defense complexes, other weapon systems, war materiel and, not least, "advisers" on the side of VSU. Let's not muddy waters here, even WaPo is open about this now--the whole Goddamn thing was planned in Pentagon and by British military amateurs. Ukies have been merely awe-struck students who followed NATO "planning" and we can see the result of it now.
Andrei offers some advice, which will be ignored by the Neocons:
… it is over for bullying and self-proclaimed hegemon and many are hurt and bitterly angry because of that.
… I have a hint: how about reassessing own role in the world--that could be a good start.
Kübler-Ross stages of grief
Martyanov’s Thoughts are the U.S. is in the depression stage.
Biden’s comment in the video of the U.S. being the most powerful nation and can support both Israel and Ukraine I would label as Denial.
Kirby‘s statement I would assign to bargaining. The U.S. elites know Ukraine is lost, Russia is winning and there is nothing the West can do about it. The larder is empty. For the 2024 election the Democrats need Ukraine to be not defeated yet. The U.S. is bluffing Russia, since they know U.S. bodybags and / or a U.S. military disaster / defeat would doom the 2024 election. So I’m 99% sure they are not willing to officially use U.S. soldiers in Ukraine.
And the U.S. does not have the ability to project forces to Ukraine to stop the Russians. It could be a turkey shoot for the Russians. And I’m 99% sure, the U.S. realizes the Russians would attack foreign troops on Ukraine soil. They would treat it as an invasion.
The Biden Administration message is more about getting through the 2024 election and making the Russians slow down enough to avoid a disaster before November 2024.
No comments on Kalingrad, and what happens if NATO uses economic zones influence to blockade it, and the Russian response. I see a high chance of this happening.
Of course I could be wrong and the Biden Administration drank their own kool aid.