Every day we read new accounts from the various fronts of what Steve Sailer calls World War T—the transhumanist war on human nature. Just yesterday we read that USAF cadets are being told to stop referring to “mom and dad”, at the same that the US military is facing a readiness and recruiting crisis. I suppose you can ultimately trace this back to Hume and Kant and the denial of cause and effect as simply mental constructs. It’s a sure sign of a disconnect from reality.
On the other hand it’s instructive to notice the way the propaganda war has changed. Initially the assault on human nature was based on the rhetoric of kindness and tolerance. Hey, love is love, right? It’s the kind of logic that appeals to simple minds, libertarians and such like. In other words, the American and modern LCD. That’s how homosexual “marriage” was sold—even though, as surveys now show, homosexuals aren’t actually availing themselves of this newly invented “right”.
We can view that approach as basically defensive in nature. But now we see a shift to the offense: open and aggressive pushing of, let’s see, “queer”, “transgressive”, “kink”, etc. You get the picture. Love is love? Please. It’s not about holding hands, as naive people think. Check out this Rod Dreher title:
Why Does The NEA Want Kids To Learn Butthole-Licking?
I apologize for being gross, but it’s necessary. You have to be shocked into recognizing the moral horror of what a part of the nation’s largest teacher’s union is doing. It is unspeakable, but we have to speak about it.
The most effective work that the irreplaceable Christopher Rufo does is simply to get documents from institutions, and post them in full to the web, so ordinary people can see what kind of corrupt, racist or otherwise depraved people run these institutions. His latest is from the LGBTQ+ caucus of the National Education Association (NEA), the country’s largest teachers union, representing three million teachers nationwide.
I think readers understand that I normally aovid this type of … stuff. I prefer to stay above it. But, c’mon guys, love is love? That’s not what’s going on here. What’s going on is that they want the kids, and they want them in the worst possible way.
I’ve run a few posts that talk about what’s going on at children’s hospitals. As with schools, anyone who thinks this is a phenomenon of Blue America is deluded. Nevertheless, here’s an example from Chicago that I’ve referred to several times—and as you’ll see, “academic queer theory” goes hand in hand with CRT and other anti-human and anti-white ideologies:
The primary training document, "Beyond Binary: Gender in Schools," follows the basic narrative of academic queer theory: white, Western society has created an oppressive gender binary, falsely dividing the world into the categories of man and woman, that has resulted in "transphobia," "cissexism," and "systemic discrimination" against racial and sexual minorities.
The presentation encourages teachers and school administrators to support "gender diversity" in their districts, automatically "affirm" students who announce sexual transitions, and "communicate a non-binary understanding of gender" to children in the classrooms. The objective, as one version of the presentation suggests, is to disrupt the "entrenched [gender] norms in western society" and facilitate the transition to a more "gender creative" world.
The hospital also encourages school districts to designate special "Gender Support Coordinators" to help facilitate children’s sexual and gender transitions, which, under the recommended "confidentiality" policy, can be kept secret from parents and families. "District staff shall not disclose a student’s transgender identity," the policy reads.
Who are the monsters behind this. Well, for starters, it’s people with Big Money and Big Influence in the political world and ine Big Media world. How else do you think we could have reached this point? For example—a major example:
The billionaire Duke trustee behind the remaking of gender
That billionaire Duke trustee happens to be the governor of IL, who also has presidential aspirations and supports the most radical candidates. Connections? His family, led by his sister Penny, engineered the rise of Obama. I wrote previously about how invested in Big Pharma the Pritzker family is—there’s big money to be made in trans-humanism. Especially if you get the kids at the earliest age possible.
The Pritzker family has made headlines in recent years for their political and philanthropic activity, as they leverage the billions of dollars inherited from the Hyatt Hotel fortune to advance progressive causes. One cause that seems to be especially important to the Pritzkers is influencing the rapid transition of society away from a binary understanding of human reproductive sex to an understanding based on self-perception of one’s place along a spectrum, or perhaps not on that spectrum at all.
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, has been serving on the Duke University Board of Trustees since 2017, a time period during which the campus and the health system have taken strides in this direction. Duke officials deny that Pritzker’s place on the board has influenced the expansion of surgical and hormonal gender transitions at Duke Health.
“There is absolutely no connection between J.B. Pritzker’s appointment to the Board of Trustees at Duke University and the gender care services provided at Duke Health,” Duke University officials told Carolina Journal. “The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees exercises oversight of the Duke University Health System. Trustee Pritzker is not a member of the Executive Committee.
These are the people behind Lurie Children’s Hospital. They’re invested in Big Pharma but they have also targeted multiple major medical centers. It’s the same strategy that we see with ESG in corporations—you get on the board because money talks and then you leverage that position to advance your agenda.
Better Government also says J.B. Pritzker gave $2.5 million to Duke University from one of his trust funds, but the true amount of his giving to Duke is unknown because there are many funds that the family has chosen not to make public. ...
In January of 2018, soon after J.B. Pritzker was named a trustee member in 2017, Duke announced they were creating the Adult Gender Medicine Clinic. They also rapidly expanded their Child and Adolescent Gender Care Clinic. ...
Because the strategy is get ‘em while they’re young.…
J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, is currently the 43rd governor of Illinois, and his family has been very active in Democrat politics. His sister, Penny, was co-chair of former President Barack Obama’s presidential campaign and later become his secretary for the Department of Commerce.
J.B.’s cousin Jennifer Pritzker, a twice-married father of three born James Pritzker, is the only openly transgender billionaire, after announcing a transition in 2013. Jennifer had been a lifelong Republican and was a veteran once based out of Fort Bragg in North Carolina, but in 2020 backed away from that support, donating to Joe Biden as well as the Libertarian Party because of Republican positions on LGBTQ issues.
Tablet Magazine in June of 2022 published a detailed breakdown by Jennifer Bilek of how J.B., Jennifer, and many other billionaire members of the Pritzker family are influencing the rapid transition of society away from a binary understanding of gender towards a spectrum of synthetic sex identities.
Bilek lists the major hospitals and gender clinics across the nation leading the charge in this new area of medicine — Lurie Children’s Hospital, University of Minnesota Health, University of Arkansas Health, Boston Children’s Hospital, Ronald Reagan Medical Center, and many others — and how the Pritzkers are major donors at nearly every one. Very often, like with Duke University, a Pritzker also sits on the board.
After Bilek’s report, National Review, the Federalist, and other conservative outlets followed with articles on the Pritzker’s wide influence and unprecedented spending in the “gender-affirming” care movement.
One National Review story cited the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine’s new course on correcting “misinformation.” The class is specifically designed to counter arguments against “gender-affirming care,” even though European countries like Sweden and Finland, as well as Britain’s only youth gender clinic, have all moved away from these kinds of treatments.
The article said, “Illinois governor J. B. Pritzker’s devotion to the cause is so complete that he has signed into law a bill setting the standard that “’by the end of the second grade, students should be able to . . . discuss the range of ways people express their gender.’”
By the end of the second grade. Get ‘em while they’re young. And so Rod Dreher lays it out in simple terms that even libertarians can understand:
Sex With Children: The Gender Ideology End Game
This is it. This is the end game of these queer theorists and gender ideologues: the sexualization of children. It was always going to end up here. This is what all these drag queen story hours mean, and these “family-friendly drag shows”. It’s all about sexualizing children and grooming them to become prey for pedophiles — sorry, “Minor-Attracted Persons.”
Did they even go this far in Weimar Germany?
How much more of this are we prepared to tolerate?
I note that Hungary is hated by some Western European governments because it will not put up with this crap — because the Hungarians have understood from the beginning what is at the heart of this corruption. Balazs Orban writes:
Karl Popper, the intellectual mentor of George Soros and the father of the Open Society ideology, views reproductive rights as a weapon for “class struggle”. He who controls family policy and reproductive rights controls the future, which is why the left is so preoccupied with the issue of parenting and child-rearing.
The mention of Popper brings us to the final point, one that I’ve tried to stress. Ideas have consequences. That’s a sort of truism nowadays. But there’s more to it. As Etienne Gilson used to say, a pure philosophical position, one held in germ, seeks to work its way out to the full extent of its logical conclusions. You must either reject the first principle or, ultimately, accept all those conclusions no matter how distasteful. We’ve seen this over and over again in history and we’re seeing it today in our own lives and our own country. Yes, there are ill intentioned people out there—greedy, twisted. But there are also well intentioned people who have disarmed themselves intellectually—having accepted the first principle of relativism they are no longer able to resist the logical progression, arrest their descent on the slippery slide. It’s true:
The Sexual Revolution Eats Its Own
You can try to tell a revolution, “This far, but no further.” But man is not God.
When the first sexual revolutionaries fought for contraception they did not know they were inviting an epidemic of industrial slaughter. (At least, the well-intentioned ones did not.) The same drive for compassion and for ever-widening liberation compelled the scientific vanguard in the last century to reverse-engineer and mechanize creation—to disentangle procreation from sex just as the gay liberationists had disentangled sex from procreation. Did they plan (as has happened multiple times these last few years) for aging women to serve as incubators for their own children’s children?
You can try to tell a revolution, “This far, but no further.” But man is not God, and he does not have the power to set the boundaries of the ocean.
This is why compromise—the middle road—is not an option. Men like Sargeant and groups like Gays Against Groomers cannot simply defend the “true revolution” from the nasty radicals. They will be trampled. They have been trampled. There is revolution, and there is counterrevolution. There is a flood, and there is an ark.
So once we chose revolution—even the old revolution—it could only have turned out this way. When the first gay liberationists looked to cleave human conduct from human nature, they planted the seeds of transgender insanity. From the moment the first mad scientist made a human being in a lab, the headline “Woman is pregnant with own son’s child” was written on the wall. When the contours of reality were first rewritten by each of these different factions, it was already a given that the lines would be redrawn—one way or another—for unsuspecting children as much as for adults.
But did it have to be so brutal? This, too, is the nature of revolutions.
It has been ever thus. Arguing against reality is fruitless. You need to learn to live with it, to embrace it, to love it. That is the path to true human fulfillment.
Healthy societies don't pop into existence by accident and don't persist simply on auto-pilot. They must be nurtured and supported. Constant maintenance. This is what the modern mentality rebels against. Libertarianism, whether of the Left or Right, rejects this view of society ON PRINCIPLE.
The US easily leads the world in single parent households. Most of those kids are in government schools, giving perverts fertile ground for recruitment. What we learned from the pandemic is that most parents who send their kids to government schools assume it's up to the schools to deal with the kids. Revolutionaries know this.