There are some conflicting interpretations of what’s going on, in the wake of Zhou’s disastrous European trip—which is continuing into farce back in DC:
Who’s impressed with this performance? Certainly not world leaders—not the hapless EU crowd and, least of all, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Reality is pressing in around the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their vassal states: the EU and the US. Weird to think of the US as a vassal nation, but the notion that We The People are still calling the shots here is something that will have to be proven in concrete action and results before it can be accepted.
Karl Denninger sets out the state of play fairly succinctly with regard to Europe:
BERLIN -- The Group of Seven major economies have agreed to reject Moscow’s demand to pay for Russian natural gas exports in rubles, the German energy minister said Monday.
Robert Habeck told reporters that “all G-7 ministers agreed completely that this (would be) a one-sided and clear breach of the existing contracts.” He said officials from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada met Friday to coordinate their position and that European Union representatives also were present.
So what?
It was also a breach of "contract" to seize property and money of both Russia and private citizens who happen to be Russian, the latter in particular being done without evidence presented that a crime has been committed for which such a forfeit is reasonably tied to the alleged crime.
I get it that nation states often think of contracts and private property rights as "quaint", say much less a basic right to life. After all war, by its nature, vitiates all such claimed pleasantries.
The very nature of war also means that once you take sides expecting anyone on the other side to do anything for you is rather foolish. This is the price that is exacted when you extend the concept of "trade blunting the will to use bullets" into not just voluntary associations but essential goods and services where you have no reasonable substitutes available.
CTH repeats this morning their suspicions that, in a simplified version, something is going on behind the scenes. CTH’s contention is twofold:
The WEF’s main concern is Climate Change and their Green Energy agenda; and
The Woke West—because they’re not stupid—will scramble to mollify Russia so they can continue to enslave the subject populations of the West to the WEF agenda—including Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and all the totalitarian controls that implies.
Here’s the original, so you can compare:
However, if the globalist team only just now realized their sanctions have created a cleaving of the world energy trade system using dollars to pay for oil/gas purchases, and by extension this weakens their objective to force everyone to accept climate change objectives, they would be fools.
Something weird is going on here. I’m not certain what it is, but I am confident something really odd is again happening in the background.
It is always important to remember the ultimate goal of the ‘climate change’ promotors is not an energy system that changes the global climate. The goal of the ‘climate change’ group is to create a carbon trading system; a new financial mechanism (a global tax program) to control human activity on a world-wide basis. This system also needs a digital identity in order to work.
As a consequence, when we look at the fracturing of the global energy marketplace, it is worth viewing the divided group through the prism of the globalist carbon trading scheme.
My hunch is the demand for Russia to accept payment in euros and dollars is directly connected to the G7 worrying about losing climate change leverage with the non-sanction countries around the issue of energy. For the globalists, it’s not just the loss of the petro-dollar at stake, it’s losing the accompanying leverage they have to enforce their climate change mission.
So, a number of points.
First, I believe, as I tried to set out yesterday, that this train has left the station and it’s not coming back. Here’s how I framed this idea this morning in a reply comment to Ray So-cal:
You can see this, somewhat nuanced, in the latest CTH post. He makes the fair point that, hey, how could the globalists be really this stupid not to realize the effect of the sanctions? But ... the FACT is that they did the sanctions and Russia is now countersanctioning. Robert Malone makes the point that the globalist cabal is not composed of really smart people and that does appear to be the explanation. The main thing, however, is that Russia's actions now--not just military, but economic/monetary--are the culmination of a two decade lead-up. A new system has been decided upon and Russia is not going to return to the Neocon plantation.
Malone makes that point in a rambling Rumble. He says that he has read Klaus Schwab’s book and it’s simply not the work of a smart guy. He also makes a point that CTH alludes to—if you need to be convinced that these guys aren’t really very smart just pay attention to Justin Castreau. For as long as you can bear it. Or, for that matter, Zhou Baidan. Or any of a number of EU leaders. Listen to them and you’ll realize that they really are stupid enough to have thought that they could bully Putin indefinitely. They are fools, and their dreams and visions that the rest of the world population will own nothing but be happy are the dreams and visions of fools.
However, Man does not live on carbon taxes alone, and that is the underlying strength of Putin’s position—buttressed by, essentially, the entire non-Woke West world. The rest of the world is unimpressed with the Woke West’s moral bankruptcy and have called the bluff on the fools who are running things. It’s not simply about energy. It’s also about food, and most other raw materials. It’s about a neo-colonial regime in which the West pillages the rest of the world using its inflated King Dollar currency. Nothing Zhou or Soros or Schwab or anyone else can persuade these horses to reenter the barn at this point, now that they’ve had a taste of freedom. Only brute force can do that—which is exactly what the American Empire, like all empires, has rested on.
For an explanation of the Neo-colonial system and much else, see Tom Luongo’s latest:
At the end, Luongo expresses his real concern, which amounts to: The West is in the grip of madmen:
Putin let the world down easy with this announcement. He could have walked right in and said 8000 rubles to the gram or $2575/oz and that would have broken the markets Friday going into the weekend, by selling his oil and gas at a steep discount.
He waited until after OpEx last Friday and the Fed’s interest rate hike plan was announced.
Timing matters guys.
But, by doing this he has very subtly also supported the Fed and it’s plan to withdraw dollars from Europe, because this will keep the price of gold in check for a little while and keeping the ECB from offsetting spiking Eurobond yields with higher gold reserves on its balance sheet.
Putin on the left arm, Powell on the right and Lagarde is about to get pulled apart at the seams if Davos doesn’t play ball and give up.
This is a regular theme of Luongo’s—that Powell’s Fed wants to get our monetary house in order. KD is also on board with that—he believes that in the end Powell will have no choice. I don’t claim to know, but I am willing to bet that the process will prove unpleasant. Unpleasant enough to possibly bring about the demise of our imperial regime.
The problem there is the unquenchable arrogance of these European elites who simply do not believe they could be bested by the “colonies” in the US and the “dirty slavs” in Russia. I’ve told you for years now that it is their inherent racism that drives their actions.
So Luongo and other like minded commentators are on board with Malone—the people running the Woke West are simply not nearly smart enough to pull their scam off in the face of the hard reality with which Russia, China, and the rest are confronting “us” with.
So, do not be surprised if they empower the neocons in the UK and US to escalate from here. The signs are piling up that the Pentagon and the White House are at odds over the planned escalations. The State and Treasury Depts. are nests of vipers having usurped Congress to wage war without declaring it.
I can only hope that serious and adult people within the Pentagon will finally end this nonsense before we wind up in a war no one wants except a bunch of inbred Eurotrash well past their ‘use-by’ date.
Exactly. This is the way empires are run—not republics. When was the last time there was a real debate about war? I dimly remember, but it was a long time ago. I don’t remember that having anything to do with Russia or China, but we don’t hardly pretend to be a republic any more. However, people who understand these things, like Doug Macgregor and Scott Ritter, understand that conventional warfare—which would inevitably and very quickly morph into total war—isn’t something the US is prepared for. Macgregor says he’s confident the military leadership understands this. One man’s opinion, and YMMV. Certainly I have no faith in the political class.
I always say that spooks start civil wars but militaries end them. Let’s hope that we never get to the point of needing any other military than the Russians’ to end this war.
In the meantime, the message is clear, #GotGoldorRubles?
I’ll end with a video from The Duran. It’s not that long, 25 minutes or a bit less. It doesn’t move real quickly, but it does cover a lot of ground. It begins by debunking the idea that Zhou went to Europe with any other intention than to say exactly the stupid things he ended up saying. It moves on to how alarmed the Euros are at the realization that they have allowed themselves to be guided by mad and/or stupid men, who have got them into a fix that they have no realistic hopes of getting out of. But it then goes on to comment on the strategic ground we’ve been looking at—the shift from Zhou’s disasters to broader issues occurs around the 13:00 minute mark. Do yourself a favor—get past the annoying presentation and listen:
![Twitter avatar for @Navsteva](
He concludes by saying that the Euros have finally grasped that their on board a “runaway train.” Even if the Euros somehow contrive to get off that train, he doesn’t believe the Russians would be impressed or believe anything the Euros may say. On the positive side of the ledger, we finally have clarity regarding our rulers.
To give a sense for how bad all this has gotten, Michael Walsh—amid much totally deserved invective directed at Zhou—is actually calling for Zhou to be Twenty-Fifthed. He admits that Kama Sutra is a “stumbling block” but thinks things have gone past the point of no return:
For 50 years this creepy blowhard has been dining out off his dead wife and daughter, and more recently, a dead son, parlaying sympathy votes into a lifetime sinecure. Now, by accident/design/hook/crook he's Potus. And God help us, by calling for regime change in Moscow, he's just given the Russians a causus [sic] belli, should they choose to accept it. They would be perfectly within their rights to do so under the laws of war.
All in all, it's just another hair-raising moment in the funhouse ride from hell that has been the Biden "presidency" so far. Robinette Junior came to D.C. in the 1970s and he's brought the '70 back along with him to the White House: flaccid leadership, an energy crisis, rampant inflation, and consummate failure abroad. ...
This simply cannot continue if the nation is to survive.
That’s the mild part.
Never forget who gifted us with this hot mess—although We The People share some of the blame. This train wreck has been a long time in coming, and it’s systemic.
Biden has jettisoned all but the flimsiest pretenses of seeking a diplomatic solution to end the horrors of the war in Ukraine. Instead, his administration keeps ratcheting up the self-righteous rhetoric while moving the world closer to ultimate catastrophe.