Is it OK to say obvious things out loud? Like, it’s obvious that the newest leftist craze, “transgenderism”, is really about abolishing women? Sure, there are sad girls who try to delay becoming women, but who actually believes a “trans man” is a man? When was the last time you were even asked by the MSM or other curators of PC speech to say that? It’s always the reverse—weird men pretending to be women, even to the rare point of self mutilation. But the effect of it is to abolish any meaning to womanhood—at least in public discourse.
Do you know the thing about slippery slopes? Once you get on one it’s very hard to go back. This all started with feminism, the movement to deny that women were different from men or, at least, that the differences are meaningful. The rest is history. So here we are, with stories like these just from today:
And we went to that at a SCOTUS nomination hearing, no less! Apparently Nobody had the balls, if you catch my drift, to ask the nominee—who is the mother of two children—if she knows where babies come from. Presumably she would have replied that she’s not a biologist, so, No.
Here’s another obvious statement:
Democrats' Obsession With Sex and Kids Gets Creepier by the Day
Just as obvious is the fact that all of this follows from America’s default embrace of Libertarianism as it’s default public morality—live and let live, only that breaks down because some people like power. It all flows from the notion purveyed by Nominalism that we can’t know the objective nature of things. That started in the late Middle Ages, but was fully embraced by Classical Liberalism in the Enlightenment and gradually morphed into today’s default: If we can’t know the objective nature of things, maybe there is no objective nature of anything. Even scientists, who tend to be clueless about philosophy, are starting to catch on, as witness the Covid Regime. This is how we got to this point. It was a slippery slope—but how do you turn around and scramble back up? People have gone through entire educational lifetimes being indoctrinated in the idea that there is no objective object—much less any right or wrong. It’s all subjective.
Here’s another article from today—one that suggests that Americans are increasing looking for a way to get off the slippery slope:
Democrats Aren’t Just Extreme Anymore. They’re Weird And Gross
The author—who identifies with traditionally female names—is writing about the upcoming 2022 midterms, and the problems facing Dems. One problem is prejudice from the “white working class”:
“This large group includes some people who are just plain prejudiced but a larger group that simply resents all the attention paid to race, gender, sexual preference or identity and the disrespect they think this entails for those with more traditional views and lifestyles.”
“More traditional views and lifestyles”? Uh, more traditional than … exactly what?
Sawhill was talking specifically about “white working class” Americans who have drifted from the Democrat Party, though she could just as easily have been talking about literally any group of voters. And she just as easily could have summarized it this way: “As Democrats become more weird and gross, they predictably become less popular.”
Sawhill seems to be suggesting that if Dems simply show a bit more respect for normal people then those normals will somehow be OK with abnormals. And there’s something in that, to the extent that a lot of basically normal people want to somehow pretend that they’re not on a slippery slope and can’t they just be left alone? No matter what Sawhill pretends to mean, we know the real answer. It’s: No, you can’t be left alone. We’ll find you. That’s the other thing about slippery slopes. You can’t just get off them—the only exit is to engage in the hard work of getting back to the top. That may involve unpleasant and difficult tasks, like rediscovering who the hell you really are and the meaning of existence.
Tucker Carlson, who—yes—does have some shortcomings, was recently suspended from Twitter for expressing solidarity with the Babylon Bee. In a typically brilliant monologue he gets to what you could call the tactical truth:
A Twitter spokesman told The Daily Wire that the tweet violated Twitter’s hateful conduct rule, and that Carlson would have to delete the tweet and spend twelve hours in read only mode before having full access to the account.
Tucker responded to Twitter’s decision on his FOX show Wednesday, saying “The point of the trans movement isn’t to convince anyone if biology isn’t real. They’re not even trying. That’s an impossible case to make … The point of this exercise is very different. The point is to make the rest of us repeat a lie … to say something we know perfectly well is not true.”
“[T]his isn’t about trans people,” Carlson said. “It’s about all of us, and the stakes are very high. And that’s why the censorship is so intense, have you noticed?”
He continued: “Their first move always is censorship, and the second move inevitably is punishment. We learned that again last night when we were suspended from Twitter.”
Twitter locked the account of The Babylon Bee on Sunday for calling Levine “Man of the Year” as a joke, reacting to USA Today’s naming Levine “Woman of the Year.” Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon also announced Wednesday that Babylon Bee founder Adam Ford had been locked out of his personal account.
Watch the video clip, if only to see the woman say, “I’m not a vet but I know what a dog is.”
But, really, we know that this madness goes deeper. It’s basically and ultimately about abolishing human nature itself—transhumanism—proceeding one sex/gender at a time: Ladies first!
The Trans Lobby Doesn’t Just Want To Erase Women’s Sports. It Wants To Erase Women
It’s official: Men are the best women.
This is not about the swimming. ...
... But the movement and its allies have … quickly pivoted from assuring us that such things would never happen to telling us that they are good and that we had better get used to them.
The left’s destruction of women’s athletics is only a small part of the campaign to subjugate women and girls by legally and culturally erasing their existence. The trans goal is a society and legal system in which the subjective claims of self-identification are what determine who is a woman.
And everyone knows it. ... But they are afraid to say so.
... A lot of Democrats are uncomfortable with transgender toddlers and amputating healthy body parts from adolescents, but they are rarely willing to speak up.
This liberal hesitance arises from more than just the intimidation wielded by the trans movement. Rather, discussing any limits on gender or sexuality opens an awkward can of worms for them. ...
For instance, if the differences between men and women are real and important, that might suggest that having two daddies is not interchangeable with having a mother and a father. If the differences between men and women matter, then an economic system that sees men and women as interchangeable units of labor is deeply flawed and anti-human. If the differences between men and women matter, then how they are united matters, which means that a sexual culture ordered toward the indulgence of desire may not be ordered toward human flourishing.
Thinking seriously about embodiment and the differences between men and women challenges the preconceptions of many on the modern left. It also reopens a multitude of questions that cultural liberalism thought it had settled on its terms. Thus, although many liberals are discomfited by the Lia Thomas saga, they are at a loss as to how to respond.
It also challenges the preconceptions of many on the libertarian right—who share common philosophical assumptions with the left.
The thing about slippery slopes is that they’re slippery, and it’s hard to stop after picking up speed. But unless the left is comfortable with abolishing women, they’re going to need to find some brakes, and some balls.
This was all basically baked into the American Way. It was always about getting far enough down the slippery slope, before even realizing you were on one. That’s how they work. Most people don’t embark on that slope knowing how slippery it is. They engage in denial. But it’s time to stop kidding ourselves—and to rediscover our selves.
Someone pointed out once that the fashion industry is dominated by gay men, and that one reason for the anorectic appearance of runway models is that the gay men who run the fashion industry want their models to look like what they find erotic, which is young boys.
At the end of the day, I suspect that there's a lot more convergence in the agenda of homosexuals and the modern Left than most people recognize. The push to normalize pedophilia is another facet of this. A girl who becomes a tranny becomes beautiful, or so some of these people think.
A rant by me
I’ve been feeling sorry for the other swimmers at the NCAA championships. But just realized —
In reality- I hate the people that all these elite woke self righteous universities are turning out. Smug self righteous leftists. Democrats and prigs.
All these girls who go to these colleges think anyone who isn’t a democrat is a white supremacist. Most of these girls are against Israel. Most voted for Biden
All these girls have sucked at the teat of
CRT and believe horrible things and are triggered by random words and thoughts and would pink pussy hat march in a second. They would doxx conservatives and still believe the Russian Hoax and Hillary is their idol.
In reality world they are getting what they voted for - what they deserve and what their beliefs and attitudes lead to.
And in reality I should not care that elite college student’s lives are not fair
So what? They are all democrats anyway. And when you are woke this is what you get.
In reality if I’m honest we should all be laughing and applauding that Lia Thomas is cleaning the clocks of all these woke bitches. And their parents who paid to get them into these crap schools
Serves them right for signing on to the “whole abortion is a sacrament” crap. And everything else that’s false and fake and a lie in this country that is epitomized by this moment.
Congrats Lia for beating them all. You are the epitome of this moment in this country. I’m now on your side because you represent everything in the USA The USA is crap for lauding you and crap for the child sex trafficking in the Ukraine and the open borders and drug mules that leads to and to the homeless addicts who get to trample on decent people’s rights. And crap for then kickbacks out of war and the Ukraine that is paid to politicians on both sides. For fake impeachments and Adam Schiff and nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Kamala - oh Kamala who cant speak any better than her boss. They are all crap. The country has turned to crap.
Lia Thomas is miss america as far as I’m concerned - if this crap country.