One of the major changes wrought by the Covid Regime lockdowns was that parents finally became aware of what was going on in the government run schools their kids were attending. Thanks to Zoom, what had been previously been confined to the actual physical schools was now being beamed into the homes. It was a revelation for many, probably most, parents. A great awakening ensued—to be distinguished from a great awokening.
What parents soon came to realize was that the indoctrination and abuse their children were being subjected to was not a result of excesses committed by individual perverts in the ranks of the teaching profession—it was deliberate and programmatic, systemic. Not only that, but these abuses were not confined to Blue areas. To the contrary, this turned out to be a nation wide problem that was emphatically present in the deepest of Red areas.
For a simple example of the programmatic and systemic nature of the problem that parents became aware of, Jonathan Turley has an article today:
NSTA Guide Advises Against the Use of “Parent,” “Male,” Female,” “Mother” and “Father”
NSTA is the acronym for the National Science Teachers Association.
the largest association of science teachers in the world has issued a guide for “anti-oppression” terminology for science teachers. In the guide, titled “Gender-Inclusive Biology: A framework in action,” the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) has called for “gender-inclusive biology,” which includes the abandonment of terms like “parent,” “men,” “women,” “mother,” and “father.”
Under the guide, mothers are now referred to as “persons with ovaries” in reference to reproduction cycles while fathers are now “persons with testes.” Additionally, the association declares the move of various states toward “Sex verification in sports” as an example of oppression.
Law prof Turley approaches this from a First Amendment perspective, in passing illustrating just how widespread this problem is—I looked up the Wisconsin jurisdictions that are linked, and they are quite Red:
The use of such a guide by a state school would raise serious First Amendment issues. We have already seen successful litigation challenging mandatory pronoun usage, including the recent litigation involving a teacher in Loudoun County, Virginia. Yet we have also seen new cases, including the charging of three high school students for not using preferred pronouns.
Under the new guidelines, teachers are encouraged to drop terms like “male” in favor of “XY individuals.”
Most parents aren’t law profs, so they see the issue in simpler terms, like: What part of science is “gender-inclusive biology”, given that gender inclusivity is a patently ideological designation?
The result? Brandon Morse suggests there’s good news:
If you’re wondering if parents are having an effect on the nation’s public schools, here’s your answer. It would appear that radical leftist school board members around the nation are being consistently taken to task by parents, either being voted out and taken over or being brought to court for their ludicrous attempts at silencing parents.
The VA election showed just how powerful this issue can be in a conservative direction—even in what Progs thought was a safely Blue state. The reaction was predictable—sic the feds on the parents. Despite lying denials from Merrick Garland, disgraceful former federal judge and current top legal official in the Zhou regime (well, some would argue that he’s a figurehead for Lisa Monaco), it turns out that the FBI and US Attorney offices around the country really were trying to intimidate and silence normal parents:
Then there is Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland’s infamous school board memo. The memo directed the FBI to involve itself in local school board meetings under the auspices of anti-terrorism statutes due to supposed threats and violence directed against board members.
However, concerns that the FBI and DOJ were actually targeting the speech of parents were heightened, when, on October 14, 2021, another memo, released by the U.S. attorney in Montana, directed law enforcement to “contact the FBI” if a parent calls a member of a school board simply “with intent to annoy.” He claimed that “may serve as a basis for a prosecution” under federal law.
Garland and the Biden Department of Justice and FBI were forced to disavow the latter memo, since it appeared to directly target simple and non-threatening speech. During testimony, Garland assured Congress the memo would not be used to target parents for policy disagreements. Yet information recently obtained from FBI whistleblowers indicates the FBI had targeted and labeled dozens of investigations into parents with a threat tag, based on their associations and speech, including statements opposing mask and vaccine mandates.
A phone call with “intent to annoy” is a federal crime? I’ll bet law prof Turley could find a First Amendment problem—and maybe other constitutional problems—in that concept.
In fact, however, Brandon Morse has learned that initial proposals emanating from the prog National School Board Association for intimidating parents were even more disturbing:
Morse quotes Fox News:
In contrast to the final version, the draft of the NSBA letter said, “We ask that the Army National Guard and its Military Police be deployed to certain school districts and related events where students and school personnel have been subjected to acts and threats of violence.”
The successful pushback against DoJ by the grassroots uprising of parents has led to even more sinister developments on the part of the Deep State domestic control agencies—if you can imagine that:
No Matter What Happens To Biden’s ‘Disinformation’ Board, The Feds Are Spying On Americans
The first part of the article chronicles the meteoric rise and fall of Nina Jankowicz as Big Sister at “Homeland Security’s” new Disinformation Board. The point is, however, that the Zhou regime is far from giving up on their effort to intimidate normal people. The latest development?

Chertoff, of course, is a certified Deep State denizen:
Michael Chertoff (born November 28, 1953) is an American attorney who was the second United States Secretary of Homeland Security to serve under President George W. Bush. Chertoff also served for one additional day under President Barack Obama. He was the co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act. Chertoff previously served as a United States Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, as a federal prosecutor, and as Assistant U.S. Attorney General. He succeeded Tom Ridge as U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security on February 15, 2005.
Since leaving government service, Chertoff has worked as senior of counsel at the Washington, D.C. law firm of Covington & Burling. He also co-founded the Chertoff Group, a risk-management and security consulting company. He is also the Chair and a member of the board of trustees in the international freedom watchdog Freedom House.
This appears to be a type of political judo move by the Zhou regime. The obvious scheme is to use Chertoff’s ties to the RINO establishment to get him confirmed. What should be obvious is that no reputable person who gives a fig for freedom of speech, association, and religion in America would ever be associated with such an Orwellian project as the Disinformation Board.
The bottom line is that the Left is going to go to the mat in their effort to suppress normality in America. The good news is that people are waking up and taking direct action. Republicans seem to understand that their credibility with voters is at stake, as well as the dynamics of push and pushback that are involved:
Senate Republicans Vow to Shut Down ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Bill
Republicans in the United States Senate appear united in opposition to a recently-passed bill that allegedly aims to combat “domestic terrorism” in the United States, which was passed in the aftermath of the Buffalo massacre.
“It’s like the disinformation board on steroids,” said Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.). “Another way to look at is the Patriot Act for American citizens.”
“I’m completely opposed to this idea that we would be giving the federal government and federal law enforcement power and authority to surveil Americans, to engage in any kind of monitoring of speech that is directed toward censorship,” Hawley continued. “I think it’s extremely frightening and I can’t believe they haven’t learned their lesson from the disinformation board debacle.”
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to bring the domestic terrorism bill for a floor vote sometime this week. …
Willis Eschenbach
May 20
Michael Chertoff falsely claimed, based on exactly zero evidence, that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.
To reward him, "President" Biden named him advisor to the new Disinformation Governance Board.
Makes sense. Who knows more about disinformation?